How To Forget Your Loved One After Breaking Up: Tips On How To Get Out Of A Dead End

How To Forget Your Loved One After Breaking Up: Tips On How To Get Out Of A Dead End
How To Forget Your Loved One After Breaking Up: Tips On How To Get Out Of A Dead End

How to forget a loved one - my way out of a dead end

I could advise many people on how to love and how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love. The psychology of my own actions turned out to be a mystery when I personally fell into a dead end. I could not give myself an intelligible answer, how to be in a cold, lonely world without him, how to forget and let go.

Exhausted. I only wished that your name no longer echoed with a tremor in my whole body, that it didn’t sweep the sensation of your hands, it didn’t hold me in a gentle voice in the receiver, it didn’t drag me back into the abyss. I wanted to understand how to forget a loved one, to tear him out of the heart. They say time heals. I found a way more efficient than time.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan showed me how to forget the person you love, but cannot be with him.

I will share simple steps to salvation with those who are looking for a way to quickly forget the person you love. So that there are no more unfortunate women's diaries and tears into the pillow.

How to forget your loved one in three easy steps

I will run from you, from myself. I can. The main thing is that you do not catch up. When you hug, I cannot resist. So, we have to run far, but I can't imagine how to forget love, how to get out of the habit of the dearest person.

When you rush about and first look for how to forget it, and after an hour - how to return it, it is unlikely that anything will come of it. With systemic vector psychology, I was able to separate my real desires from what became an obsession, but no longer filled with joy.

Finally it became clear what kind of relationship I dream of and what I can do to achieve it. Finally, I was able to answer myself the question of how to forget a guy with a specific plan of action:

Step 1. Cope with painful memories.

Step 2. Learn to love for real.

Step 3. Realize the limitless opportunity to be happy.

And one more piece of advice - maybe not everyone will be useful, but only the owners of the sound vector, but without it I would not have learned to exist anew after parting. Make your abstract intelligence work. Otherwise, in the next relationship, you will impose on a man what your own head should do. More on this in the article: Sound transfer.

Why exactly these actions are instructions for the girl on how to forget her ex? Answers, clear and understandable, came to me at the training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan and pulled me out of the grip of unhappy love.

How to Forget Your Loved One After a Breakup - Ready to Reboot

Do you really want me to let you go?

I held on to the old love, like claws, myself. I thought I knew how things worked in a relationship. I could advise many people on how to love and how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love. The psychology of my own actions turned out to be a mystery when I personally fell into a dead end. I could not give myself an intelligible answer, how to be in a cold, lonely world without him, how to forget and let go.

How to forget a loved one photo
How to forget a loved one photo

After all, you are the only one to whom I confessed my love! How to leave the man you love? When you can't keep yourself in a fist, how do you forget the person you love? Psychology is needed here, or maybe something else that would give me a recipe for how to forget the guy I like.

Features of the psyche that do not let you forget

If you fell in love, then forever. The owner of the anal vector is for consistency. Her psyche is comfortable in familiar conditions with long-familiar people in predictable circumstances. So, with all my being, I wanted eternal love, so that I didn't have to get used to a person again. I was even ashamed to imagine that someday I would be able to confess to someone else in a feeling that had already been given to the very first.

I still love him, strive like a small pin to a large magnet. How to forget when remembering you is the only thing that makes you happy now?

A girl with an anal vector is more comfortable in the past than in the present. What was, for her - a special charm. And from the future unknown it becomes bad. Therefore, psychologically inflexible hostages of the first experience find it so difficult to get out of past relationships. But there is a reliable way to reconfigure yourself.

How to stop loving a man? I was able not to suffer and let go of the former young man, using my memory not to my own harm, but to the benefit of others. System-vector psychology allowed me to realize that I can do much more than just replay moments from the past in my head and sink deeper and deeper into the mire of memories.

It is not worth fighting with the natural qualities of the anal vector.

Great memory, the value of the past, attention to detail are not given to us so that we get stuck in the past. It is worth using them for their intended purpose - for the benefit of society:

  • study, become a professional in their field,
  • transfer important knowledge to others.
How to forget a loved one in three easy steps picture
How to forget a loved one in three easy steps picture

I plunged into interesting work, the properties of memory started working in the right direction, and I finally freed myself from the painful memories that ruined my life. I remember what connected us with him, but this is no longer overshadowed by resentments, but filled with light gratitude for pleasant moments. With this support, you can move on on the path to happiness.

Emotional addiction - how to break the habit of the person you love

Here it is, the stormy sea that I have been waiting for! But love turned into a devastating tsunami. Hold on! But why? There is nothing. Only blue eyes beckon to nowhere. And I don’t know how you can ever forget the man you love?

The whole essence of life for me was in my beloved. How could I continue to live if he is not with me? All owners of the visual vector only want to splash in the sea of love. But for some, for some reason it dries up or storms so that you can hardly keep afloat. Without it - like a fish on the shore. And why do you think love causes so much suffering?

Maybe it hurts because you strive for love, but something completely different is born?

System-vector psychology instills the skill to distinguish between concepts:

Emotional addiction Love
How am I without you? How can I forget the man I cannot exist without? I want to make you happy.
I want you to be near, to love, appreciate, adore, carry on my hands. It is so good when it turns out to please you.
Call me! How do you? Do you want to talk?

Do you feel the difference? Emotional addiction occurs when I want to love myself and cannot get enough. And true love does not demand, but gives feelings to another. If the chosen one does not need them, it means that something did not match in the settings of feelings. You can solve this problem by realizing the peculiarities of your internal structure and learning to give feelings where there is a need for them. Only then will the exchange of feelings be a pleasure.

How can you forget your loved one? Psychologist's systemic advice: emotional addiction is treated with true love.

I deeply realized that the place of love is not only in couples. But even in a store where a lonely grandmother cannot make out the expiration date of milk, in a hospital where a child does not see sunlight, in a parental home in need of child care, there is everywhere a place for a sensitive, responsive visual soul, willing to give love.

So many people need human warmth! The owners of the visual vector have it in abundance. It is when you empathize, you work with your soul - you become happy. Inside yourself, surrounded by other people and as a couple. The skill is acquired to give love and enjoy the realization of their natural properties.

How to forget your loved one and love life itself

System-vector psychology made it possible to realize that we have more than one potential half and the possibilities to be happy are endless. Then what prevents you from being happy?

Relationships do not add up over and over again, because:

Our own fortune provokes failures on the personal front

I didn't know myself. And the feeling of longing, dissatisfaction with life and oneself was projected onto the relationship, turning them into a misfortune for both. I kept hoping that happiness would fall from the sky, instead of knowingly building it myself.

When a woman knows herself and understands her partner, she becomes able to build relationships without blame, without anger. She does not whine, does not arrange tantrums, does not take offense, but enjoys life and attracts a man who is able to realize himself and make her beloved happy.

We do not know how to build close relationships, even if initially they suit each other

It became so easy when once and for all it was possible to deal with the question of how to forget a beloved man. Psychologist's advice at the training System-vector psychology also showed how to build new, warm, close relationships. The secret is in the emotional connection that invisibly holds two hearts together. It was as if I got into a sea of feelings, where I couldn't feel the bottom, I found what I was looking for - I understood what truly happy experiences in couples are.
