A. S. Pushkin. Childhood and Lyceum. Part 2
Until the age of seven, Pushkin “did not foreshadow anything special” (P. V. Annenkov), an obese, sedentary sonic child in every way resisted movement, which led to despair of the skin mother, who forcibly forced him to walk and run.
Part 1. Heart in the future
Childhood: Arab, but not hazel grouse!
When nothing boded yet, or how to hear the world from grandmother's basket for needlework. The first manifestations of the outstanding nature of A. S. Pushkin. Educators are at a standstill. What happens if you fence off the leader?
Until the age of seven, Pushkin “did not foreshadow anything special” (P. V. Annenkov), an obese, sedentary sonic child in every way resisted movement, which led to despair of the skin mother, who forcibly forced him to walk and run. The boy preferred the company of his grandmother MA Hannibal to any vanity, climbed into her basket and listened to stories from ancient life. It was Maria Alekseevna who became the Poet's first mentor in Russian.
The time of the urethral manifestation of the psychic will take place at the end of the seventh year of A. S.'s life, but for now the sound has completely owned the little creature. For five years Sasha Pushkin listened attentively to N. M. Karamzin, for some reason realizing that Nikolai Mikhailovich "is not like the others." The poet's father S. L. Pushkin recalled how his son listened attentively to Karamzin's conversations, not taking his eyes off him, or rather, his ears. "He was sixth year old."

The absent-minded boy often lost his handkerchiefs. The mother had her own method on this matter. She sewed a scarf in the form of an aiguillette on her son's jacket and gave out the derogatory: "I pity you as my permanent adjutant." A. S. stopped losing his scarves, but he soon learned to respond to humiliation - both his own and those of others. In the seventh year of a child's life, the urethral vector of his psychic unconscious began to manifest itself not only by playfulness and disobedience (which was immediately followed by the punishment of the prankster by his mother - he was fenced off with chairs like a skin), but also by “mercy to the fallen”.
In Zakharovo, where the poet's childhood passed, there lived a crazy relative, a young girl. To scare the patient, a fire hose was pulled into her room. “Brother! They take me for a fire! - the frightened girl rushed to the seven-year-old Pushkin. A. S. immediately assured the unfortunate woman that they did not take her for a fire, but for a flower that needed to be watered. The girl calmed down.
Already in his early years, Pushkin amazed at his ability to instantly respond to any humiliating remark, regardless of the age and position of the author. It is a well-known fact when the writer II Dmitriev, somewhat pockmarked, having seen Pushkin, could not resist the stupid remark: "What an Arab!" - "Arabchik, but not hazel grouse!" - immediately parried A. S. The boy had no other weapon, except for a word, for immediate destruction of the enemy.
Staying, as befits an urethral-sound person, in two opposite states, A. S. from childhood puzzled his relatives and teachers. “Either you cannot stir him up, you don’t drive him away from playing with the children, then suddenly it will unfold so much that you cannot calm him down; he rushes from one extreme to another, he has no middle,”the grandmother complains. Addicted to reading early, Pushkin studied carelessly. He preferred Plutarch's biographies, the Iliad and the Odyssey to German grammar and logic, which did not prevent him from mastering the magnificent French syllable from an early age. The carrier of the urethral vector teaches only what is interesting to him, and knows it perfectly.
“We all saw that Pushkin was ahead of us, read a lot that we had never heard of, but his dignity was that he did not think to show himself and to be self-important, as is often the case at twelve,” Pushchin recalled about his lyceum years The poet. The urethral leader does not need to "show himself" - or, in terms of the SVP, rank - the flock is ranked below him. Unconsciously feeling his psychic essence, the carrier of the urethral vector of the leader of the pack responds with anger to any attempts to demote. It may look like "a fit of rage for the fact that another, incapable of anything better, ran over him or dropped all the pins with one blow." (I. I. Pushchin).
Lyceum: "Friends, our union is wonderful!"
Brilliant successes and complete failures. The first experiences of knowing the world inside and the world outside. Leprosy and notoriety. Resentment and admiration for a genius. First publication, first love, first threats from the authorities.

"With a little diligence, he shows very good successes, and this should be attributed only to his excellent talents" (from the "Bulletin of thets, diligence and success of the Lyceum pupils")
A. S. Pushkin did not show good success in all subjects. He fenced well, shone in history and French literature. Subjects that were not interesting to him, for example, logic and mathematics, he simply ignored. Nevertheless, the professors were condescending to his failures in their subjects. Pushkin's immediacy, his famous smile, exposing both rows of impeccable teeth, and of course the growing talent of a poet - all this was a reliable barrier from teacher fanaticism.
Once the teacher of mathematics Kartsov, having lost patience, asked Pushkin, shifting at the blackboard, what is X after all. "Zero!" - AS answered with a disarming smile. - “Sit down, Pushkin, in your place and write poetry better. Everything ends in zero in your class! " Kartsov could not take offense at the brilliant negligent. Even in those subjects that were given to him with ease, Pushkin was never zealous, did not teach or rewrite anything, he answered everything impromptu, without preparation.
It is clear that among some diligent excellent students Pushkin evoked feelings of resentment and injustice. These youthful grievances are evident in the memoirs of some of A. S.'s classmates. So M. A. Korf, without five minutes a silver medalist of the Lyceum, especially notes that among the Lyceum comrades, except for those who wrote poetry themselves, Pushkin was not popular. It's a lie.
Those who knew Pushkin closely testify to the opposite: "No one had as many friends as Pushkin, and being very close to him, I know that he fully appreciated this happiness" (N. M. Smirnov). It's a shame Corfu that in the Lyceum, as it seemed to him, they turned a blind eye to Pushkin's “epicurean life”, although justice in Corfu still triumphed by releasing Pushkin as a college secretary. Korf would have known how insignificant all these ranks, ranks and titles were for Pushkin!
Resentment and envy of others pursued Pushkin all his life. The urethral vector of the psychic with its four-dimensional thirst for life always manifests itself as something extraordinary. The urethral leader has the most - women, friends, enemies. In addition, from the outside it seems that everything is given to this "upstart" by itself, without hard work and no one knows for what merits. This state of affairs greatly offends anal miners and angers skincareers.
"Every courage was to his liking" (I. P. Liprandi)
The urethral leader does not see the skin table of ranks, does not strive to be the best, since from within the psychic he already feels himself the first and angrily reacts to those who do not understand who is in front of them. Hence the seemingly unreasonable anger of Pushkin, his excessive, from the point of view of those around him, reaction to all nonsense. “I clearly saw,” wrote the anal-visual handsome and Pushkin’s best friend Ivan Pushchin through himself, “that he attributed some kind of importance to any nonsense, and that worried him.” What was just a delicacy for the dear, caring Pushchin was a matter of life for Pushkin.

The urethral leader cannot bear ridicule, insult, even a simple restriction in space is perceived by him as an attempt to lower his rank and causes an impulse "for the flags". Sometimes such an impulse is just a smile, communicating at the level of the psychic unconscious about calmness in a mortal battle and readiness to go to the end. Friends of the urethral (members of his flock) perceive this smile as unforgettable, charming, beautiful. Enemies see a brazen grin, which they are afraid of, and sometimes they kill out of fear.
Unfortunately, Pushkin's smile did not reach us in his portraits, but there are enough written memoirs about it. The gypsy Tanya, Pushkin's friend, recalls the Poet, who is going to marry: "He seemed to be boring, but everything will still suddenly bared its white teeth, and how he suddenly starts laughing!" AF Veltman, a witness to one of Pushkin's duels, writes: “Pushkin was not afraid of the bullet in the same way as the sting of criticism. While they were aiming at him, he looked at the barrel with a smile, as if plotting an evil epigram on the archer or a miss."
The urethral leader does not separate himself and the members of his pack and boldly rushes to protect his own. The sense of justice is extremely strong in the urethra and is directed not towards oneself but towards the pack. There is no hindrance to the urethral leader in upholding justice. Such behavior is assessed by others as cocky.
Impudence is the hallmark of A. S. Pushkin. The Lyceum Governor Piletsky recalled that when he wanted to take away from Delvig "an essay that was abusive to Mr. Inspector, Pushkin cried out with obscene irascibility:" How dare you take our papers, so you will read our letters too? " His anger was noticeable. " The work remained with Delvig. Attempts by educators to force Pushkin's friends to talk against him never met with success. Pushkin was often accused of obscenity by many. In fact, it was only the utmost frankness, bringing out one's psychic outside, the inability to pretend of any kind, including the so-called pious behavior, which is obligatory in the world. Pretends to be weak or cunning. Pushkin was neither one nor the other.
The food was good, but that did not stop us from sometimes throwing pies to Zolotarev in the sideburns (I. I. Pushchin)
In the Lyceum, although “there was a lot of freedom” (SP Shevyrev), order and discipline were not empty words. A. S. Pushkin did not like to obey order and "never looked for anything in his superiors", for which he was often punished up to the punishment cell. But even leaving the punishment cell, the Poet assured with a smile that it was fun for him there, as he wrote poetry! In the punishment cell of the Lyceum, the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" was started.
For an attempt to "drink a gogel-mogul" with rum, Pushkin and his comrades got into the black book, where he was listed until the end of the Lyceum. There were no other names there, since Pushkin and Pushchin took full responsibility for the unauthorized banquet.

The future genius of Russian literature did his most daring antics out of love. Pushkin began to fall in love at the age of eleven. His first passion was Countess N. V. Kochubei, who came to the Lyceum. Ardent and naive lines are dedicated to her:
Everything was over!
Time of love has passed by.
The passion of torment!
In the gloom of oblivion
You have hidden …
The time of love for the Poet will end only with life, because before hiding, the Countess experienced the heat of the embrace of a young talent, for which A. S. almost went as a soldier to Finland. The matter reached both empresses, who begged forgiveness to Pushkin from the tsar.
The four-dimensional urethral libido, dictating to the body a passionate desire to give itself, pushed the young man Pushkin to objects that were not always suitable. At the age of eighteen he fell madly in love with the wife of N. M. Karamzin, whom he had known and respected since childhood. He fell in love so much that he wrote a love note to Ekaterina Andreyevna, which she showed her husband. Pushkin was summoned to explain. Thank God, Nikolai Mikhailovich and his wife had the tact to reduce the matter to a joke, and the pride of the young man did not suffer, on the contrary, after this incident, Pushkin became even closer to the family of his teacher.
It happened to Alexander Sergeevich to get into situations that were completely desperate. Somehow he "stuck with imprudent speeches and thoughtless touches" to one middle-aged, but so noble person that the rumor about the incident reached the royal ears. The Emperor ordered Pushkin to be flogged. Engelhardt (director of the Lyceum) did not fulfill the order, but this episode became the main reason for the accelerated graduation of the first-year lyceum students. In vain. The urethral poet was only fulfilling his natural assignment - to give ejaculate due to shortages. Who else but the old maid book. Volkonskaya to experience such a shortage, and who else would dare to desire an elderly lady-in-waiting of Her Imperial Majesty, if not a young urethral!
Pushkin's "Epicurean life" in the Lyceum, which haunted MA Korf, was overwhelming. In his free hours from classes, the Poet enjoyed the company of the officers of the Life-Hussar Regiment in Tsarskoye. With these gentlemen, Pushkin, in the words of Korf, "feasted wide open," made sacrifices to Bacchus and Venus, dragged himself after pretty actresses. Do not think, after Korf, that these hussars were entirely breeders and revelers. Among them were very worthy people who had gone through the war of 1812, fearless and brilliantly educated: P. P. Kaverin, P. Ya. Chaadaev, N. N. Raevsky, M. G. Khomutov. A wonderful "flock" for Alexander Pushkin, who dreamed of serving in a cavalry regiment and, it is true, would be an excellent officer.
Catch the minutes of youth And despise the rabble of the jealous murmur.
She does not know that one can live in harmony
With poems, with cards, with Plato and with a glass, That playful pranks under a light veil
And an exalted mind and heart can be hidden.
(To Kaverin)

However, the wise Liprandi spoke beautifully about Pushkin's possible military career: “Pushkin was created for the military field, and on him, of course, he would have been a wonderful person; but, on the other hand, the words of Empress Catherine II, that she "in the lowest rank would have fallen in the very first battle on the field of glory," hardly do not suit him. The urethra with sound leaves no chances to survive in battle, either to enemies or to yourself.
The lyceum period in the poet's life is not only a riot of the urethra, but also a powerful development in sound: communication with N. M. Karamzin, friendship with I. I. Pushchin, rapprochement with P. Ya. Chaadaev. A member of the Union of Welfare, one of the most remarkable thinkers of his time, Chaadaev "sent Pushkin to thought." Communication with this person helped A. S. to realize his high destiny, and their friendship later saved the Poet from exile in Solovki.
“My cold soul can love you alone,” wrote Pushkin to Chaadaev, referring to their sound like-mindedness. “Cold soul” is not the sound component of the psychic unconscious, in which, like water and oil, the ice of sound and the flame of the urethra do not mix? In recent years, Pushkin and Chaadaev parted, but the Poet's lines, full of deep gratitude, were addressed to a friend:
In the moment of death over the hidden abyss, You supported me with an awake hand;
You have replaced hope and peace for a friend.
The first poem by fifteen-year-old lyceum student Alexander Pushkin "To a friend to the poet" was published in the journal "Vestnik Evropy" in April 1814. portrait with the inscription "To the student from the defeated teacher." Many poems belonged to the lyceum period, which were later recognized by the author as invalid. They will see the light only after his death.
Other parts:
Part 1. "The heart lives in the future"
Part 3. Petersburg: "Unrighteous Power Everywhere …"
Part 4. Southern link: "All pretty women have husbands here"
Part 5. Mikhailovskoe: "We have a gray sky, and the moon is like a turnip …"
Part 6. Providence and conduct: how the hare saved the poet for Russia
Part 7. Between Moscow and St. Petersburg: "Will I soon be thirty?"
Part 8. Natalie: “My fate is decided. I am getting married.
Part 9. Kamer-junker: "I will not be a slave and a buffoon with the king of heaven"
Part 10. The last year: "There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will"
Part 11. Duel: "But the whisper, the laughter of fools …"