The Triumph Of Contemporary Culture - The Saga Of The Sisters Of Mercy

The Triumph Of Contemporary Culture - The Saga Of The Sisters Of Mercy
The Triumph Of Contemporary Culture - The Saga Of The Sisters Of Mercy

The Triumph of Contemporary Culture - the saga of the sisters of mercy

Definitely, these are special women! The front line is their field of activity. Such people are always next to men - not for their own protection, but to help overcome an obstacle, lend a shoulder, console, support, hope, inspire …

… until my strength becomes, I will use all my cares and works

to serve my sick brothers …

Oath of the sisters of mercy

Exaltation of the Cross community, 1854

The love and suffering of the whole world are captured in the eyes of such women. Their speeches are mesmerizing, their touch brings back to life. These are those who are called sorceresses - for their inexhaustible passion in service and selflessness in love.

The history of Russian sisters of mercy is inextricably linked with the name of Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina (1811-1894), one of the active members of the first Russian community of mercy - Holy Cross. Having received a brilliant education, corresponding to her title of nobility, she nevertheless did not consider it necessary to shine in salons and at balls, but decided to devote her life to work in military hospitals.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina went through the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Russian-Turkish War (1877-1878). She carried the wounded from the battlefield, helped the doctors to perform amputations, and nursed the unfortunate cripples. She worked without salary, considering the recovery of every patient as a true reward. When peacetime came, she created a hospital for the peasants on her estate, where she herself treated them and where she was buried by them.


The life of Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina can be called a feat in the name of mercy to the suffering. Many representatives of the nobility followed her example. What made women change expensive attire for monastic robes and take part in hostilities instead of the capital's prime ministers?

Definitely, these are special women! They see their purpose not in raising children and maintaining a family hearth. The front line is their field of activity. Such people are always next to men - not for their protection, but to help overcome an obstacle, lend their shoulders, comfort, support, hope, inspire … A surprisingly strong character is hidden in their beautiful female body. They are hardy, strong in spirit, never quit in difficult times. At the same time, they are unusually sensual, and therefore are able to empathize with other people's pain.

Such women have cutaneous and visual vectors. Skin-visual women - this is how they are characterized at Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology".

Since the days of the primitive savannah, such a woman has always accompanied men on hunting and warfare. Full of compassion and love, she relieved the stress of a hard day, and during the day she was on guard, examining everything around with her unusually keen eyes.

The visual vector, inherited from the primitive female, makes a person feel fear for himself, and in conjunction with the skin vector it can give rise to victimhood - a secret desire to be a victim. However, a developed skin-visual woman sublimates the desire to fear for herself in sacrifice - a voluntary return. This is how her subconscious is programmed. Thanks to this, the skin-visual individual performed the specific role assigned to it by nature: fear for oneself instantly turned into anxiety for another. This is the essence of compassion, empathy, empathy - to give your emotions for the good of others.


The family of Ekaterina Bakunina has always been in the center of the capital's life thanks to her father, the governor of the Petersburg province, and her mother, who was a second cousin to the commander Kutuzov. Prominent public and state figures often gathered in their house. The most varied topics for conversation were raised. Katya knew everything about the war of 1812, her mind painted pictures of great battles, where she herself took the most active part … In addition to military topics, the works of Pushkin, Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Krylov were invariably discussed. Moreover, there was even a certain sympathy for the Decembrists in the conversations!

Once there was a conversation about the role of women in the matter of medical assistance. Young Katya learned that in no country were women allowed to care for the wounded! This fact impressed the girl so much that she decided to definitely devote her life to work in military hospitals. She was sure that only a woman, thanks to patience and mercy, is capable of nursing the wounded!

Ekaterina Bakunina's worldview was formed under the beneficial influence of the family. The girl grew up surrounded by decent, honest, and most importantly, loving people. It is known that Catherine's mother accompanied her husband (Katya's father) on the Persian campaign in 1796. Moreover, in 1812 she was a witness to the memorable events of the Patriotic War.

According to the recollections of Ekaterina Mikhailovna herself, youth “passed the way in that old time the life of girls of our rank passed, that is, on trips, music lessons, drawing, home performances, balls, at which, I must confess, I danced with pleasure and, maybe perhaps she would well deserve the name "muslin lady" from today's girls who attend lectures and anatomical theaters. No, she did not want to become a "muslin lady"! Living in selfish pleasures was not her character.

Social influence is inseparable from personality development. Each person is a part of a single social organism that exists in the interaction of people with each other. Failure of one part negatively affects others. Insulation leads to destruction. A person can realize himself only among people.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina saw her destiny in serving others. This is the life scenario of every developed skin-visual woman: to give love in the name of salvation. Love displaces fear, originally laid down by nature to fulfill the species role - to be frightened in order to warn the flock of danger and thus survive on its own. An undeveloped skin-visual woman is not capable of selfless love. It requires sympathy, compassion, understanding, care from others. Such a woman constantly experiences fear, because this is the only way to give vent to emotions.


In 1854, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, widow of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and the founder of military field surgery, Pirogov, created the Holy Cross Community of Sisters of Mercy in St. Petersburg, intended to work in the army. After training, the sisters were sent to the war, which began in the Crimea in the fall of 1853. By the time it began, Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina was already 40 years old, but she did not hesitate for a second, joined the community and was among the first to go to Sevastopol, where the fighting was going on.

She was assigned to be on duty at the dressing station. More than 10 amputations were performed daily! Pirogov, being the chief surgeon of besieged Sevastopol, characterizing Bakunina, noted that "she showed a presence of mind, hardly compatible with a woman's nature." Ekaterina Bakunina patiently and meekly served. She helped each patient as if her life depended on his life. Experiences displaced fear. There was no disgust, irritation, hostility. She equally cared about everyone around her.

So she worthily fulfilled the mission entrusted to her by nature itself. Fear has been supplanted by empathy and compassion. Hence the tremendous willpower and selfless service to the suffering. Fighting zealously for every life, the woman seemed to be defying death itself!

When in 1856, after the end of the Crimean War, Ekaterina Mikhailovna was appointed head of the Exaltation of the Cross community, after a year of work she decided to refuse. Peaceful chores weren't fun! “Only in the hospital, at the bedside of the sick, seeing the sisters sacredly performing their duties, and hearing the grateful words of the sufferers, do I rest in my soul,” Ekaterina Mikhailovna admitted.


When the Russian-Turkish war began in 1877, Bakunina decided to go to the front again. At first, she headed one of the detachments of the Red Cross sisters, but soon she was already in charge of all front-line hospitals - from Tiflis to Alexandropol.

At the end of hostilities, Bakunina returned to her estate. With her experience in medical work, and most importantly, striving to help the suffering, Ekaterina Mikhailovna opened a hospital for the Kazitsyn peasants with her own money, where she regularly invited doctors. During an outpatient appointment, the courtyard of her estate was filled with people, for the number of those suffering sometimes exceeded a hundred. Later, Bakunina set up a hospital in the hospital, and also opened a pharmacy.

The news of the merciful work of Ekaterina Mikhailovna reached the Empress Maria Alexandrovna. As a result, the Kazitsyn hospital was assigned an annual allowance of 200 rubles, a full-time paramedic was sent and regular visits of doctors were organized. For Ekaterina Mikhailovna herself, the Zemstvo Assembly proposed to take over the management of all Zemstvo hospitals. And she gratefully agreed.

With the death of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, cash benefits for the Kazitsyn hospital were halved, and Bakunina's personal funds were lacking. The zemstvo, which had no funds, refused her proposal to accept a hospital for state funding. I had to close the hospital. But Bakunina could not help but help the people to whom she devoted her life. She continued to receive patients at home.


Living for the sake of others, Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina did not arrange her personal life. She was left alone, but she never felt lonely! Fully developed vectors, skin and visual, imbued her with such strong and noble qualities that she exuded love, like a myrrh-streaming shrine. She could not live otherwise, which was testified by Pirogov: “We should never let go of the ideal from our thoughts and hearts; he should be our constant guide; but to demand that it be fulfilled to the extent of our ardent desires, and if it is not fulfilled, then to lament and sadness is unworthy of such a character as yours."

A skin-visual woman can experience happiness in marriage only with an urethral man - a born leader. Unconquered, not bearing, she sets him forward to the future. This is how society develops. If she remains without a leader, then she transfers all her inexhaustible energy to those around her, feeling both the need for bestowal and satisfaction from self-realization. Marriage would limit the ability to give, because it is important for her to love everyone and compassion for everyone. She is given to the world, but not to a single person.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina, as a developed skin-visual woman, has always affirmed the importance and inviolability of life. It was this goal that prompted her to become one of the founders of hospital business in Russia, the founder of medical care in the Tver province, a harbinger of women's medical education. Her life is an excellent example of personal feat and the highest level of development of a skin-visual woman.
