Bad life experiences are an insurmountable barrier to happiness
Experience turns out not to be wealth, but a heavy burden. Total distrust, dull melancholy, bitter resentment are firmly settled in the heart …
How to get rid of the harmful influence of bad experience? And how to start a new, happy life?
Experience is the best mentor. Is it so? Like life experience (mostly negative), a wagon and a small cart, however … The memory of the experienced quarrels, betrayals, partings does not make life more joyful.
It would seem: do not step on the familiar rake, and everything will be fine. But it turns out exactly the opposite! Experience turns out not to be wealth, but a heavy burden. Total distrust, dull melancholy, bitter resentment are firmly settled in the heart …
How to get rid of the harmful effects of bad experiences? And how to start a new, happy life?
“I know them all!”, Or How bad experience prevents you from getting good
Guided by bad life experiences, a person locks himself in a dark closet. Remembering the suffering he has experienced, he tries to protect himself - he trusts less, acts less, alienates himself from people.
So, for example, a person with a visual vector is able to live in love, but instead closes and lives life in fear. This is largely the result of past disappointments. Fell in love and burned is a bad experience that does not allow the visual person to be sincere and open in the future. What if they again ridicule, push away, do not understand, do not respond to feelings? To close your heart with a lock means to deprive yourself of the chance to experience real deep feelings, to love and be loved.

A person with an anal vector, like no other, relies on experience in making decisions. The innate phenomenal memory and the desire to generalize play a cruel joke with him. Once in an unpleasant situation, a person with an anal vector will not only remember the bad experience all his life, but also generalize it according to some, sometimes strange sign: for example, a student deceived his neighbor, so he will call all students bastards.
A person with a sound vector from early childhood can be affected by bad experiences. The sound engineer has an innate sensitivity to sounds and meanings. Hearing screams, swearing, insults in his father's house, he perceives the world outside as a source of pain and begins to close, move away from it. If you do not get out of the influence of bad experiences from childhood, then the end point of introversion can be the inability to feel other people, create relationships, adapt in society and, ultimately, the inability to enjoy life.
The only experience you need
Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" is a way to see events with different eyes - not only through your own understanding, but also through the perception of other participants. And this means the ability to forgive and let go, stop focusing on past experiences and start a completely new life.
Understanding yourself and others changes the perception of reality. It's very easy! Literally at first glance, a person with knowledge of system-vector psychology can give the most accurate description of this or that person, describe his characteristics, desires, his way of thinking, type of intelligence and even the type of sexuality.
What are his thoughts? What desires? How will he behave in a specific situation? How and what to talk to him about? Is it worth building a long-term relationship with him? Or is it better to be on your guard so as not to get into trouble? A person who has undergone Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" can answer these and many other questions literally at the first meeting or even virtual contact.
By accumulating experience in recognizing the vector set of others, a person ceases to make mistakes, and therefore - to accumulate bad experience. Uncertainty, constraint, shyness dissipate like smoke. False expectations will sink into oblivion. Scandals and misunderstandings will gradually subside.
The training participants left more than 21,300 comments, almost in each of them - about the acquired skill to live among other people:
Whatever the rake teaches, but the heart believes in miracles
No matter how many traumatic memories gather dust on the shelves of memory, a person seeks to break out of the grip of past mistakes. The reason, as usual, is hidden in the nature of man, in his unconscious desire for pleasure. You can declare your principles, defend your fears, anxiously protect offenses … Or you can try to start living in a different reality, where people are a source of joy, not suffering.