Memory Development In Children. New Methods

Memory Development In Children. New Methods
Memory Development In Children. New Methods

Memory development in children. New methods

So, let's see what methods of developing children's memory are offered by modern psychology …

Literally every parent is convinced that the development of memory in children is an integral part of preschool education, which, as a rule, takes place either at home or in a child care institution. Therefore, one of the main tasks that caring mothers and fathers pay special attention to is the development of memory in preschool children.

Today there is a lot of literature on this topic; but, as practice shows, not all methods of developing memory in children are equally applicable to the same children: some remember what they read well, others must hear for memorization, well, and for the third - repeat, do not repeat, - flew into one ear, flew into another. In this case, parents cautiously ask themselves the question: "What to do if the child has a bad memory?"

So, let's see what methods of developing children's memory are offered by modern psychology.

Modern methods of memory development in a child

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, people, depending on what set of properties of the psyche (called vectors) they possess, can count on the same properties of memory. So how to develop memory in children with different vectors?

For example, people with visual vectors have a photographic memory, i.e. can easily memorize diagrams and pictures in a textbook or synopsis, as if photographing them. In addition, the audience is very good at remembering emotionally colored events, bright moments, tk. one of the properties of the visual vector is a more developed sensibility than in people who have no visual vector. Therefore, the main methods of developing memory in children with a visual vector will be instilling a love of reading, developing sensuality through literature, theater, and the ability to empathize with heroes. In children's games to develop memory, you should also use different shades of colors and bright pictures.

People with a sound vector focus on sounds. Sound specialists may not see you at close range, but they will remember your voice with accuracy to melodic and timbre. With the correct development of sound children, they are able to memorize musical works by ear, becoming composers, pronunciation of foreign words, i.e. learn a foreign language by ear, and not through reading and cramming the rules. Only people with a sound vector are able to speak a foreign language without an accent.

Therefore, when asked how to train memory in children with a sound vector, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives the following advice: first of all, you need to fence a child from a very young age from loud sound stimuli. Parents of such children need to remember that the ear is a very sensitive organ of the sound child, which requires careful handling in the form of peace and quiet. Of the sounds, the sound ear perceives quiet classical music and calm, quiet speech best of all.

Developing a child's memory to a phenomenal level

Phenomenal memory is a property that is inherent exclusively in a developed person with an anal vector. It is these people who experience deep satisfaction in memorizing a large amount of information, sorting the acquired knowledge on the shelves in their memory, and then using this knowledge if necessary. Only the owners of the anal vector are able to become real erudites, especially if in combination with the anal vector there is also a visual one.

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These are the very children who become winners of school Olympiads, graduates with a gold medal, and in the future receive several higher educations. They are often called the "walking encyclopedia", because it is they who can easily list in order all the dynasties of the Russian tsars or know by heart the capitals of the countries of the world. In addition to encyclopedic knowledge, the owners of the anal-visual ligament have a distinctive ability to remember details: “I remember what dress she was wearing ten years ago …” - this is about them.

To develop the memory of a child with an anal vector to a phenomenal level, it is necessary to accustom him to reading. Such a child should not be often switched from one activity to another, it should not be torn off, jerked when doing homework, no need to rush. He may need more time to memorize some material, but be sure: if this process is completed without interruption, then the child will learn the material for life.

The child has a bad memory, what to do?

There are also opposites. For example, people with only a cutaneous or urethral vector do not have a good memory - they have other properties necessary for the realization of the specific desires of these vectors. Parents with teachers in such a situation often diagnose the so-called memory impairment in children. This begs the question: how to develop memory in children with cutaneous and urethral vectors? No way. Both the skinny and the urethral have their own strengths that need to be developed, otherwise you can spend a lot of time and effort trying all possible memory games for children, but you still cannot achieve any result.

We develop memory and not only

To develop your child correctly, and not to cripple, trying to instill someone else's behavior programs, it is important to understand and determine his innate properties. Come to the free lectures "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, and you will learn not only how to develop a child's memory, but also a lot of other useful information on the psychology of upbringing and teaching children of different ages. Here are just a few comments from parents who have passed the class:

You can sign up for free online classes in Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan here.
