The situation with migrants in Europe
It was assumed that immigrants would integrate into the local community, accept its cultural values and cease to be different from the local population. Why this does not happen will help to understand the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, revealing the cause-and-effect relationships and patterns of processes occurring in the world in general and in Europe in particular …
Millions of people around the world break away from their roots and go in search of happiness in other, more prosperous countries. In recent years, European states have been flooded with immigrants from Arab and African countries. People are fleeing from war, from hunger, in the hope of a calm and safe existence.
Many of them expect to receive an allowance for which they can live happily ever after and not work. They justify their intentions by the fact that their ancestors in the colonies worked for the Europeans for a long time, and now it was the turn of the former colonialists to provide for the descendants of their colonial slaves. A person will always come up with rationalization to justify himself!
The Europeans, with a sense of guilt for their forefathers brought up in them, agreed to support them for many years. Moreover, they themselves attracted cheap labor from developing countries, to which they were forced by the low birth rate.
It was assumed that immigrants would integrate into the local community, accept its cultural values and cease to be different from the local population. Why this does not happen will help to understand the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, which reveals the cause-and-effect relationships and patterns of processes occurring in the world in general and in Europe in particular.
It should immediately be noted that the article is about trends, and not about each individual person. Many of the migrants with education have managed to adapt to life in Europe and find work in their specialty. But this does not change the overall picture.
Phases of human development
According to system-vector psychology, the human species is governed by a single unconscious. It manifests itself in each person as vectors, that is, a set of certain desires and properties for their implementation. There are eight vectors in total, they interact with each other in a certain way at any level: a person, a couple, a group, a society.
It is obvious that humanity does not stand still, it develops, complicates the landscape around it, which in turn makes the human race change. The first phase of human development is muscular. In this phase, people were just becoming people, they felt like a single organism, since it was impossible to survive alone. It was during this time that the first law came into being prohibiting incest and murder within the pack. In relation to someone else's flock, everything is possible!

As a result of the development of the eight-dimensional psyche, a person realized his own uniqueness, and the flock was divided into separate clans and families. The anal phase of development came, and the life of mankind began to correspond to anal values that unite according to the principle “my blood”, my family, my people, my race. They collected knowledge to pass it on to descendants, so that they remember and appreciate their ancestors, do not forget, and revered. Such concepts as the honor of the family, loyalty to the overlord, pride in their family emerged. And God forbid to tarnish them!
After all, for a developed anal person, everything must be immaculately clean, both the woman, and the honor, and the work must be done perfectly! He cannot live otherwise! And what is not clean enough, that is, dirty, is worthy of all contempt and destruction.
The anal phase of human development lasted six thousand years. In the twentieth century, it was replaced by a new phase - the skin phase. However, this process is not one-step.
The new phase turned out to be the most complementary for people with a skin mentality. The countries of Western Europe and the United States were the first to enter a new phase, and the life of these countries changed, although they did not immediately realize it. A consumer society emerged.
The countries of Eastern Europe and Russia found themselves in a new formation after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the bloc of socialist countries.
The Arab countries are still in their obsolete anal phase, but the events taking place there in recent years indicate a new stage of development. For the anal vector, clinging to the old is the norm, for him the old is always better than the new, but movement forward is inevitable!
It turns out that migrants and the indigenous population not only have different life values, but they also live in different time periods.
What have European politicians not foreseen?
When accepting migrants to their countries, European politicians did not foresee differences in the mentality of Europeans and immigrants from "third" countries, as well as the difference in the level of culture and education.
The mentality of the people is formed under the influence of environmental conditions, mainly under the influence of climate. As a result, the community of people living in these conditions acquires a similar way of thinking and corresponding life values. Once united by common values, people eventually acquire the form of a single people, ethnos, with similar customs and way of life. Common values are formed by the most active members of the community, whose psyche most closely matches the existing conditions of life.
The mentality is formed on the basis of the so-called lower vectors, which are responsible for libido, life force, survival and reproduction. These are cutaneous, muscular, urethral and anal vectors.
Living conditions in Europe are adequate for people with a skin vector. They have defined the skin mentality of this continent. This means that the values of their society are rationalism, practicality, innovative technologies, without which it is impossible to move forward, develop a consumer society.
Arab countries have an anal mentality, their main values are the preservation of centuries-old traditions, including religious ones.
As you can see, the mentality of the peoples of Europe and the Arab countries is not just different, but contradictory to each other. It is impossible to reconcile them. They, like a swan and a crayfish from the famous fable of Krylov, Europeans rush forward, and immigrants, like crayfish, move backward, clinging to obsolete traditions.

And nothing can be done about it! Each person, born in a certain mentality, absorbs the systems of his values with his mother's milk, regardless of the set of vectors he has, that is, acquires a mental superstructure. Immigrants bring this superstructure with them to Europe and evaluate the way of life in these countries through their ideas about the norms of behavior.
Europeans and immigrants
A peculiar situation has developed in Europe. On the one hand, there is a European consumer society, respectable, respectful and abiding by the law, with a skin mentality, with a Christian worldview, with a high level of education and culture. A society that works well and therefore lives well.
On the other hand, there are immigrants who came to Europe from “third countries”. They brought with them an anal mentality, and with it anal properties: the desire to receive, in addition to material benefits, also respect, authority, and when this is not there, resentment and readiness to take revenge arise. The low level of culture in the mass does not allow limiting hostility, and it manifests itself in relation to the titular nation.
The low level of education makes them uncompetitive in the labor market and, therefore, they cannot reach the standard of living of the local population, which is also a subject of discontent.
There is a huge gap between Europeans and immigrants in all significant areas of life: in mentality, in religious beliefs, in culture and education.
Cultural means limiting hostility, protecting life in all its manifestations. European society is so cultural that it continues to consider itself obliged to accept refugees and provide them with all kinds of assistance, despite all the inconveniences associated with their stay.
The culture for immigrants from "third countries" is based on Muslim traditions, guarded by the anal mentality, which does not recognize the new and in every possible way fences itself off from it. This is reflected in the unwillingness to adopt the lifestyle of the country to which they moved to live.
They do not understand the lifestyle of Europeans. They are outraged that women are educated here and are building their careers according to the masculine principle, self-managing their own lives and free in personal relationships. These women do not cover their bodies and therefore, in the eyes of refugees brought up in Muslim traditions, they look licentious and unworthy of respect.
The anal mentality does not allow them to rise above their own prejudices and respect other people's orders. They fail to understand that morality does not depend on the degree of nakedness of the body. However, for the anal measure, the incomprehensible becomes rejected.
The result is such a paradox: migrants want to live like the local population, but do not understand that for this it is necessary to become like Europeans. Excessive adherence to traditions prevents them from developing, moving forward, since they are not able to accept new things and introduce them. Of course, we are not talking about everyone without exception and not about every individual person, we are talking about tendencies.
I want, but I do not receive
Europeans are distinguished by a high level of education, which allows them to be more competitive in the labor market and occupy the highest paid positions. Naturally, their standard of living is higher than that of immigrants.
The difference in income is a separate danger for Europe, because a person lives according to the principle of pleasure that he receives when satisfying a desire. Refugees arriving from their countries are at first satisfied with their situation, for they are well fed and safe. When satisfied, desire tends to double, as is well demonstrated in the tale of the fisherman and the fish. Refugees are no longer satisfied with life in a resettlement camp. They already want to have a separate apartment, they want their children to receive education at the level of indigenous children, they want to have higher incomes.
They yearn to get it all. At the same time, they do not think that a high standard of living has not fallen from the sky, it is earned by intensive skilled work. Immigrants do not have the appropriate qualifications and there is no high-paying job either. However, there is a desire to obtain a higher social status, which is not satisfied. A mental deficiency arises, forcing on any occasion to take to the streets, expressing their dissatisfaction, smash shops, burn cars. And this shortage will only increase until it splashes out with a social explosion.
Give a rod, fish - no need
A large number of immigrants, including their grown children, are employed in low-skilled labor or do not have a job at all and live on unemployment benefits. It would seem that everything is fine! You can not work and have bread and butter. Lie to yourself all day on the couch and watch TV, if you have issued benefits, subsidies and other social programs for low-income groups in time.

However, man does not live by bread alone! Everyone has an innate set of desires in accordance with the existing vectors and in order to feel inner satisfaction, they must be realized for the benefit of the whole society. Our world is arranged in such a way that the more you put your strength and soul into the business you are doing, the more satisfaction you get.
When there is no realization, then voids and frustrations arise in the psyche, a person feels dissatisfied, unhappy, and he himself does not understand why. It seems that everything you need is there, but it's bad! This discontent requires a way out: you can beat your wife or start a fight on the street.
Recruiters of terrorist organizations take advantage of this state. They have something to offer to any person: for the skin one it is an opportunity to make money, for the anal one - to take revenge for what is bad for him, for the sound one - to get a surrogate "idea", for the visual one - to feel strong emotions. Everyone understands that he can die, but this is still real life! And many choose it instead of animal existence at the "trough".
Alien flock
The deepest differences in mentality, religion, traditions and culture make it very difficult for immigrants to assimilate with the indigenous population of the host countries. They find themselves in a "strange flock", incomprehensible and therefore perceive it as hostile.
To feel protected, they try to isolate themselves and populate whole areas of cities, from which the local population is "squeezed out". These areas become dangerous to visit by representatives of the titular nation. It turns out that "white" areas are open to everyone, and "black" - only for "insiders"! Such is the one-sided tolerance!
According to the most ancient human law, one should not stand on ceremony with "strangers". “Aliens” can be killed, robbed, raped, which was demonstrated in the “night of long arms”.
As the history of mass migrations testifies, they ended in the expulsion or destruction of the indigenous people. The only exception was Russia, which included new lands along with the people who inhabited them. But these are the features of our urethral-muscular mentality. Throughout the rest of the globe, indigenous people and aliens, like oil and water, did not mix. The existence of heterogeneous communities in one territory becomes the cause of constant social tension and conflicts.
As a result, Europeans are increasingly dissatisfied with the migration policies of their governments, which is accompanied by the spread of openly fascist views on this problem.
As we can see, the situation in Europe is developing disappointingly and is aggravated by the arrival of an ever new number of refugees.
What's next for Europe? You can answer this question on your own after completing the training in systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. You can also predict the development of events at any level and, taking into account global processes, build your life in an optimal way.