24-hour watch: calling to be a doctor
What does the hero of today look like? A mask, a robe, eyes sore from a sleepless night and a desire to help …
The profession of a doctor is a heroic deed; it requires selflessness, purity of soul and purity of thoughts.
A. P. Chekhov
Few people know that doctors have not 24 hours a day, but 1440 minutes. In the operating room and intensive care, time has its own rules …
Doctor. Love for humanity is a deliberate choice
Giuseppe Moscatti is an incredible Italian doctor who, in his youth, decided to devote his life to saving people.
At twenty-three, he became a doctor of medicine, then - a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgical. And 10 years later he became the chief physician of the largest clinic.
Giuseppe Moscatti risked his life during the eruption of Vesuvius. He supervised the evacuation of the sick.
When a cholera epidemic hit Naples, he became the head of a group to save the city. The knowledge gained at the Institute of Infectious Diseases helped in the fight against the mortal enemy.
During World War I, Giuseppe Moscatti headed the hospital, which was visited by more than three thousand people during the hostilities.
In 1919, after defending his doctoral dissertation, Moscatti became the chief physician of the clinic for the terminally ill. The clinic was unique, equipped at the highest level, with its own monastery.
Throughout his career, Giuseppe did not leave science. He studied diabetes mellitus, and insulin was created on the basis of his developments.

For him there was no difference whether a rich or a poor person was in front of him, he helped everyone. He did not take payments for treatment from the poor, and sometimes, realizing that they had nothing to buy medicine, he left money in the prescription. Working around the clock at the limit of his capabilities, he received patients both during the day - in the hospital and in the evening at home. He gave all his fortune to the poor, leaving pennies to buy the most necessary for himself and his sister.
One of his patients wrote during a funeral: "We mourn him because the world has lost a saint and the sick poor have lost everything."
This doctor worked every day, selflessly giving every minute of his life for the benefit of people. He had no family - he devoted himself entirely to the service of medicine. On November 16, 1975, Giuseppe Moscatti was canonized.
His "healing love" is still an example of self-giving and sacrifice.
Children's doctor of the world
I am an emergency doctor - this is my life …
Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal
This is the slogan of a person who is not afraid to enter terrorists. Which is always “available”. The whole country knows his phone number. Leonid Roshal is called the Children's Doctor of the World. Since 2003, he has headed the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology.
On Monday, December 7, 1988, the whole world was shocked by the news of a terrible catastrophe in the city of Spitak (Armenia). The earthquake only lasted 30 seconds, but those who survived say the earth was shaking. The force of the blow was so powerful that almost the entire city was reduced to ruins. The number of victims exceeded 25,000.
A disaster of this magnitude required immediate support. And she followed: people came from all over the world, sent equipment, humanitarian aid. Among many, our hero came to the rescue. Day and night Leonid Mikhailovich with a team of doctors stood at the operating table, saving people.
In 1990, he chaired the International Committee for Helping Children in Disaster and War. A little later, in 1992, he took over the management of the International Charitable Foundation for Helping Children Affected by Disasters and Wars.
Since that time, the salvation of children of the whole world has become the main focus of Roshal's activities. Many military and political events in the world did not go unnoticed by Leonid Mikhailovich. Turkey, Iraq, Nepal, India, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Japan, Egypt, Afghanistan…. Extensive geography.
On October 23, 2002, forty terrorists seized 916 people in the Theater Center on Dubrovka (Moscow). Leonid Roshal was one of the few who was allowed into the building by terrorists.
The terrorists held hostages for 57 hours. Thanks to the efforts of the doctor, water and medicines were supplied to the room. The doctor also managed to negotiate with the criminals about the release of eight children.
On September 1, 2004, in Beslan, terrorists seized school No. 1. More than a thousand innocent people, including children, teachers and parents … The terrorists demanded Roshal for negotiations. He kept in touch with them constantly, calling dozens of times and persuading them to take water and medicine.
“In Beslan, I was building a hospital for 1000 people and at the same time trying to negotiate with terrorists,” says Roshal, “and these were not two tasks, but one. I do not separate the situation from its consequences. This is one situation for me, and I act."

Roshal's attitude to war is always unambiguous - without reservations. Children's life is above all. It's just that life is above all. He blurs the boundaries of states when it comes to saving people. He is ready to sacrifice himself if this gives even the slightest opportunity to help. His proactive stance on military action is not conserved in the back streets of indecision - he boldly appeals to the heads of state, urging them to abandon wars.
In an interview, Yulia Menshova once asked Leonid Roshal: "You don't need anything for yourself?"
He replied, "To be honest, no."
When the enemy is invisible
Life at full power, the absolute realization of all internal properties. The dedication is limitless. These are vivid examples of the heroism of doctors.
What does the hero of today look like? A mask, a robe, eyes sore from a sleepless night and a desire to help.
We live in peacetime and do not think about the fact that someone has a battle every day. Battle for life.
During a war, we know what the enemy looks like. This is an invader who is trying to enslave our land, take the life of us and our loved ones. We take up arms, stand shoulder to shoulder and defend our homeland. And doctors are always with us. Sometimes at the cost of their own lives, doctors save the lives of other people, pulling them out from under the fire.
Disaster also has a face. Fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods … Bitter face of sorrow. Devastation, tears, losses.
This is a completely different struggle.
We do not have weapons against natural disasters, but we have tools that help to cope with the consequences. And again, rescuers and doctors are on the front line. They always appear where they are needed. Because their inner choice was made long ago.
2020 … Pandemic Coronaviridae … What has changed now? The enemy is invisible, but from this no less dangerous. It affects our world, taking more and more human lives every day. The virus … strides across the planet with leaps and bounds. A global war.
There is an outbreak on all continents, in almost every country. At the moment, out of 251 countries of the world, only 18 cases of coronavirus infection have not been detected. When such a disaster strikes, it doesn't matter what color your skin is and what country you live in.
We are all equal in the face of danger. The invisible enemy is fully armed, he has a lot of advantages, we are defenseless. But there are people who are not indifferent to what will happen to us.

Every day they go to the front. They shield us from suffering with a shield of duty and love. They know about the risks and go anyway. The price of a successful job is not only sleepless nights, endless days without a family, but also their own life.
At risk, doctors and nurses are at risk of contracting the virus every day. At the epicenter of the infection, China, about three thousand workers have become infected.
According to the head of the Italian Union of Physicians Carlo Palermo, doctors work in conditions of incredible psychological and physical stress. He tearfully spoke of two nurses in Rome who could not cope with the pressure and committed suicide.
An acquaintance of mine, who lives in England, shared her story, I am passing her story verbatim:
“My husband's friend is a doctor for difficult cases. One evening I noticed my husband alone in a dark room, he was talking in a low voice. We met eyes, and he shook his head - do not interfere. Later he shared that he spoke with a friend, he was crying. Four doctors on breathing apparatus, and one will not survive, he is 32 years old. They all went to work, although there were not enough masks and protective clothing - the early days of the virus."
In Russia, there are also cases of infection among medical workers. One of the first to report a positive test result for Covid-19 was the chief doctor of the hospital in Kommunarka, Denis Protsenko. This hospital became known all over the world due to the fact that it was the first to accept patients with suspected coronavirus back in March. You can watch a film about the heroic everyday life of the doctors of this hospital:
We do not think about the fact that behind a mask and a robe there is a living person with his pain and his desires.
According to statistics, in a pandemic, about a third of all infected are doctors and medical workers.
Doctors from Malaysia launched a flash mob #StayHome on social networks.
The slogan spread all over the world - in the photographs, doctors are holding sheets of paper in their hands, on which it is written: "We are working for you, stay at home for us."
Is there anything we can do to make their job easier?
Yes, absolutely.
A huge number of people have already joined the struggle for the future:
- charitable foundations have begun collecting money for personal protective equipment for doctors: suits, gloves and shoe covers;
- a resident of Moscow launched a charity campaign under the hashtag #Doctors should be protected; she also started raising funds to purchase the necessary protective equipment; in addition, she launched a project of psychological assistance to doctors working with enormous psychological stress in a pandemic;
- in different cities, hotels provide free rooms for doctors;
- taxi companies offer to deliver doctors free of charge.
Only by rallying can we defeat the enemy. Anyone.
Being involved in another person's life is a great gift.
And it is important to understand that a man in a white coat, helping us, forgets to think about his own life, thinking on the scale of all mankind.
#Thank the doctors #Sijudoma