Masaru Ibuki Early Development Technique - It's Late After Three

Masaru Ibuki Early Development Technique - It's Late After Three
Masaru Ibuki Early Development Technique - It's Late After Three

Masaru Ibuki Early Development Technique - It's Late After Three

“In order for our kids, growing up, to speak several languages fluently, to be able to swim, ride a horse, paint with oils, play the violin - and all this at a high professional level - we need to be loved, respected, put at their disposal all that we would like to teach them."

What mom doesn't want her child to be smart, creative, open-minded and confident? Wasn't he like everyone else, but stood out from the general gray mass, was he a real person, comprehensively and harmoniously developed?

Many people want to. And they not only want, but are also looking for ways to realize their desires. Today, parents who are concerned about the future of their child are offered a large selection of different methods of early development.

All of them promise excellent results, one is better than the other, but reading the reviews of those who used these techniques in practice, we see that not everything is so happy and unambiguous.

"My parents robbed me of my childhood."

"I hate music since childhood."

“So what if I know a lot? I'm unhappy anyway."

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However, for some children, classes in early development methods have become a kind of springboard for building a successful career, the best development of their abilities. Where is the discrepancy? The answer suggests itself - what works for some children hurts others.

How can parents make the right choice? How to separate the wheat from the chaff in a particular method of early development? How to help, and not harm your child?

Let's analyze the most popular methods of early childhood development with the help of the knowledge gained at the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology". Let's start with the method suggested by Masaru Ibuki.

Masaru Ibuki's technique

First, let's say a little about the creator of the technique. Masaru Ibuki is known for being one of the founders of the Sony Corporation, his engineering ideas have changed the world and helped Japan to take a leading position in the global economy. In addition, Masaru Ibuki created an innovative theory of early childhood development, founded the Japan Early Childhood Development Association and the School of Talent Education.

Some parents may be impressed by his book "It's already late after three", written in an accessible and understandable language, where he sets out the basic principles of early development of young children.

Ibuki believes that early development methods (up to three years old) help children in the future become wonderful people and make a worthy contribution to the development of society, since the upbringing that mothers give to their children up to the age of three plays a vital role. What is inherent in childhood cannot be changed in old age.

In his research, he comes to the conclusion: “No child is born a genius and not a single fool. It all depends on the stimulation and the degree of development of the brain in the crucial years of the baby's life (from birth to three years of age)."

70-80% of a child's brain cells are formed by the age of three, so the vicious traditional approach to children, in which basic learning occurs when it is too late, must be revisited.

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Masaru Ibuki also claims that children have the ability to learn anything. Children are able to playfully, quickly master foreign languages, learn to read, play the violin and piano.

He writes: “In order for our kids, growing up, to speak several languages fluently, to be able to swim, ride a horse, paint in oils, play the violin - and all this at a high professional level - we need to be loved, respected, and given everything at their disposal what we would like to teach them."

Early development from the point of view of system-vector psychology

However, from the point of view of system-vector psychology, Ibuki's technique (for all its attractiveness and good intentions) does not carry the promised benefits. And it can even harm. Let us examine some of its postulates.

First, all children are born with naturally-assigned abilities that require development. It is impossible to instill in him qualities unusual for a child. And trying to do this - to grow a fish from a bird - we invariably cripple the child's psyche, making him feel that he is wrong, does not live up to expectations, cannot do anything.

Secondly, innate properties develop before the end of puberty (12-15 years), and not up to three years, passing through different periods. It is important to accomplish different tasks at different intervals. So up to six years old, it is fundamentally important for children to learn to take their place under the sun, or, in terms of system-vector psychology, to rank.

When assigning a child to kindergarten, we send him to a small “primitive flock”, which does not know any cultural norms, in which everyone wants one thing - to have fun no matter what way. In this flock, in interaction with each other and with the help of educators, children gradually move to more cultural forms of communication, try their strength and find how to get what they want without resorting to forceful methods.

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It is very important to understand that the development of the lower vectors is primary. The "little genius" must learn not the arts and languages, he must learn the most important thing - that without which in the future he will be extremely uncomfortable to live: he must learn to take his place in society.

If we develop the upper vectors of the baby with the help of learning languages, reading, music - to the detriment of the lower vectors - then there is a high probability of raising an intelligent, educated child, but a non-adaptive who does not know how to interact in society.

Where to look for geniuses?

Masaru Ibuki believes that geniuses are not born, geniuses become. Talent is not a whim of nature, not heredity, but the merit of education. For example, Mozart's talent "developed thanks to the fact that he was given favorable conditions and an excellent education from early childhood." Analyzing the fate of world celebrities, as well as Mowgli children, Masaru concludes: "Education and the environment have a huge impact on the newborn."

Without denying the last statement, system-vector psychology shows that abilities are given from birth, but their development and implementation depend on the living conditions of the child, his environment, and parenting.

For example, a skin girl by nature possesses dexterity, speed, flexibility, but in order for her to become a ballerina, she needs to practice, develop natural inclinations. It is better not to give her to a ballerina, but (knowing systematically about her innate inclinations to count, save, calculate in advance) develop her mathematical abilities, logic, and teach self-discipline.

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To give an anal girl to dances is to harm her psyche. She is by nature a "bun", a little awkward, slow, and no matter how you develop flexibility and grace in her, you will not be able to do it. As a result of such experiments, the child will earn many negative anchors that she is “ugly,” “fat,” “a cow on stage,” etc. Her strength lies elsewhere - she is very persevering and can become a real master in some crafts (and later in something more serious).

It often happens that parents who do not differentiate their child's abilities are mistaken. For example, parents often sin by seeing what they want to see, and not what it really is.

“My child has an amazing ear for music,” says such a parent. And he begins to drag the kid to a music school, to hire tutors. At any attempt by the child to "get out" he is satisfied with a scandal, all hints of teachers about the hopelessness of the chosen path and requests "not to torture the child" rejects, changes the teachers to more accommodating.

And the child wastes time for the development of those talents that he has, feels his inferiority, inferiority in comparison with those children who are successful in music.

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"Genius" are both born and become. When a child's abilities are developed in the right direction, he will certainly be successful and talented.

Equal opportunity for everyone?

Masaru asks the question: why are there especially gifted children in the class who become class leaders without visible effort, while others drag in the tail, no matter how hard they try? Why the teacher's postulate does not work: “Whether you are smart or not is not heredity. It all depends on your own efforts. And an excellent student always remains an excellent student, and a poor student is always a two-student?

Meanwhile, not everything is so sad. The systematic approach very simply answers Masaru's questions: children are born initially with different natural abilities and there can be no talk of any equal opportunities and the same start.

It is easy for the urethral to get what interests him. And what he is not interested in, he simply will not be engaged. It is foolish and short-sighted to demand excellent studies from him, to try to lock the houses, “to study,” - you will receive a strong protest, and then run away from home.

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The anal child wants to be the best of the best and pours over all sciences, this is given to him with great difficulty, but he takes it with diligence and perseverance, he does his homework for a long time and in detail. He needs to be praised for excellent grades and pay attention to imperfections. Thus he will learn to achieve perfection.

The dermal one grasps everything on the fly, but superficially, there is no need to demand excellent studies from him - his head is arranged differently. The dermal child will only do what he sees as a benefit.

An equal start is impossible for such children. The urethral is always a small leader, the whole gang runs after him. Skin leader initially - loves and wants to organize. The anal child is initially a "workhorse"; it takes its place in the team earning its authority.

This is all normal. And what we need to learn is to see what kind of child we are dealing with. It is not necessary to teach the anal child to lead or cutaneous perseverance. We must give them the maximum to develop innate qualities. And then they invariably await success in adulthood.

There are no ready-made recipes

Finally, consider the recommendations that Masaru Ibuki gives.

  1. Take the child in your arms more often.
  2. Don't be afraid to take your child to bed with you.
  3. Musical perception and character development are shaped to a large extent under the influence of the habits of the parents.
  4. Do not lisp with your child.
  5. Don't ignore the crying baby.
  6. Ignoring a child is worse than pampering him.
  7. What seems to adults to be a trifle, a trifle, can leave a deep mark on the soul of a child.
  8. The child's facial expression is a mirror that reflects family relationships.
  9. Parental nervousness is contagious.
  10. Don't make fun of your child in front of others.
  11. It is better to praise a child than to scold.
  12. Interest is the best motivation to be reinforced.
  13. Surround young children with the best you have.
  14. Uncertainty and vanity of mothers to the detriment of the child.

“Raising a child is the most important job for a mother and there can be no easy ways in it. Mothers should develop their own approach to education, free from fashion trends, cliches and facilitated methods."

For all, of course, the good message of these recommendations, most of these points should be followed by a postscript: for which children this rule works and how.

At the end of the article, I would like to note that today's children are our tomorrow's society. And changing the approach to raising children is a serious step towards a better future, without hatred for each other, without violence and aggression.

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General recipes, which each parent will apply as he wants, will not bring a positive effect. Understanding your children, providing them with a sense of security, creating optimal conditions for the development of their natural properties is a guarantee that there will be more happy children and parents.

To be continued…
