Castration of a stranger. Thought on pedophiles
Who is a pedophile? And what do we know about pedophilia? Will the new law help to cope with the growing avalanche of sex crimes? How to protect your child? All answers are here. INVITATION FOR CASTRATION "A man is not impotent as long as he has at least one finger intact"
(attributed to Guy de Maupassant)
It is done. After a two-year period of uncertainty, vacillation, and tossing, the Russian State Duma nevertheless adopted a bill on toughening punishment for pedophiles, which was called on the sidelines "legislative protracted construction" - its adoption took so long, painfully and through many thorns.
Under the new law, if you are a man over the age of 18 and the court decides that you have committed a sexual offense against a person under the age of 14, you will be treated: voluntarily or by court order, you will be castrated - humanely, purely chemically and with taking into account the experience of advanced countries.
What is there to do? “According to the institutes. Serbian, regardless of the absence or presence of compulsory treatment, the repeated commission of a crime in the field of pedophilia occurs within an interval of two years after release, which indicates the impotence of psychiatry in this area,”says the Explanatory Note to the draft federal law“On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Here is the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Tatyana Yakovleva, a member of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, for example, claims that the treatment of pedophilia can be effective only if there is informed consent and a firm commitment to therapy in the patient. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I can hardly believe in the goodwill of the Ural pedophile Tolstobrov, who, beating his broad chest, asks for castration. "I love," he says, "children without any restrictions!" And he thinks, maybe they will knock off a couple of years in places not so distant for repentance. Who does not know, Tolstobrov for a long time and with pleasure raped the orphanage boys whom he allegedly took "for patronage". It is hard to believe in the goodwill of such a geek.
Perhaps help will come from a large army of psychologists? Not. Clinical psychologist Olga Mezhenina in an interview with Novy Izvestia reports that it is useless to treat people suffering from pedophilia. Pedophiles "never voluntarily seek help from a doctor, do not say that they have problems, and we learn about it after the fact - when the crime has already been committed." Sexpathologist Sergei Agarkov, speaking on the First Channel of Russian television, although he spoke out in favor of using "rehabilitation methods" to pedophiles, that is, so that they could "come and talk with a specialist without being afraid to be forcibly castrated", it seems, did not trust himself much, did not offer any intelligible methods of treating pedophilia, and even more so, did not substantiate it.
Since neither doctors nor psychologists can, the legislator has to resolve the situation and engage in "compulsory medical measures." The concern of the lawyers is justified: annually in Russia 120 thousand cases of violence against children are committed, 12 thousand minors are listed as missing. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, not everyone reports the facts of violence, and the very depressing situation among neglected children cannot be counted.
Psychiatry is powerless, the public is indignant, and meanwhile, in the last 10 years alone, the number of pedophiles in the country has grown 3.5 times. All that remains is to tighten the sanctions, which is happening. Well, they will ask about the effectiveness - in America, where they have been successfully castrated for a long time, the number of sexual crimes has decreased by … 50%! Don't believe me? In vain. The number walks on the Internet, should we not believe the printed word?
Interestingly, when stating facts, no one thinks about their cause. Why exactly in the last 10 years? Why 3.5 times? They get off with general phrases like “society has ceased to control pedophilia” (S. Agarkov). What is behind this phrase? Who and, most importantly, how should this pedophilia be controlled? Walk around with posters "death to pedophiles"? They walk, catch, shoot, a whole movement of "pedophiles" has grown, only the number of crimes against minors is growing, because a pedophile is nothing to fear. And he rapes not because they give little for it - they give a lot, but because they are badly caught, justifying himself by the fact that it is in no way possible to identify a pedophile before he commits a crime.
But this is the deepest delusion! To define and stigmatize pedophiles is a task that is quite feasible today, one has only to heed the recommendations of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, where there is a clear distinction between people who can theoretically become a pedophile and those who will not under any circumstances.
The scope of this article does not allow to enter into all the most interesting details and details of the method. Let me just say that every fifth adult man on Earth is endowed with an innate tendency to pedophilia. But he becomes a pedophile only in the presence of a number of interdependent factors. The mechanism and conditions for the emergence of an irresistible pedophilic desire are described in detail and studied by system-vector psychology. The error is excluded, which means that it is impossible to incriminate an innocent person, and the guilty person is determined quickly enough, because a pedophile, as a rule, wanders in the victim's “inner circle”.
System-vector psychology reveals the reasons for the avalanche growth of pedophilia in Russia, identifies and clearly demonstrates the reasons for the failure of the fight against this evil and gives clear recommendations for the unmistakable definition of the criminal.
What's the matter? Why, despite numerous publications, a wide circle of readers, and most importantly, specialists directly called upon to rid us of maniacs-pedophiles, are still unknown the truths proclaimed by Yuri Burlan for 11 years? Who benefits from the fact that new progressive knowledge remains unknown even to the most interested and seeking specialist? The answer is simple.
It is beneficial to many. Any sexually mature man can easily fall under the new law. And young Romeo, cohabiting with young Juliet, who has not reached the age of consent, and the father of a young daughter, and a teacher, and a coach, and a children's doctor, and just a neighbor who does not suit you with something. There is no need for any competitive struggle, no raider seizures: accuse of pedophilia - and there is no competitor.
The legislator gives us endless space for everyday blackmail: do we need to win back living space from our ex-husband? - no problem. Provide yourself with a comfortable existence at the expense of a more successful neighbor? - easily. You can even not study at school - as long as there are still male teachers, you can do whatever you want with them! It is clear that the outflow of men from education and medicine will grow. Another man will even think about whether he should marry a woman with a child?
As for the method of chemical castration itself, one does not need to be a doctor to understand that this method will not bring us anything. The scope for abuse is great, control over the proper execution of procedures is not prescribed, and it is not possible to track the effectiveness in each specific case due to a host of factors. Here is the simplest, first question that comes to mind: who will know if the released and chemically castrated subject is using drugs that help restore the lost potency? Such medicines are sold without a prescription in any pharmacy.
It is naive to believe that a man with erectile dysfunction will not find a way out. As soon as he finds it, he will look for this way out even with great ferocity! Its aggression will only intensify, which means that the number of surviving victims will dramatically decrease, because the problem is not only below the belt, it is in the unconscious, and who knows if we will not get a new type of monster-ripper as a result of castration? If he cannot be a member - he will finish it with a knife or a stranglehold!
In the conditions of our country, with our primordial love for all kinds of campaigns, it is easy to imagine a plan for pedophiles that was lowered from above. They said to catch a hundred pedophiles - they will be caught, chips will fly at the innocent. Then the plan can be improved, there is experience.
"The fabric of any law must be very carefully worked out in order to fulfill the role of a really high-precision weapon, which should hit pedophiles," said Mikhail Fedotov, head of the presidential Council for Human Rights, in an interview with RIA Novosti in May. Nevertheless, the trial of Vladimir Makarov, accused of raping his daughter, thundered throughout the country.
The arguments of the defense (daughter and wife) were literally "down the drain", Vladimir was sentenced to 13 years. Here is what his wife Tatiana says: “When a command is given from above to fight crime, in our country it turns only into organizing plantings. In addition to breaking the fate of innocent people, real criminals remain at large and continue to commit crimes. Therefore, I think that the current tightening of penalties for pedophilia will not lead to a decrease in crimes against children.” It's hard to disagree with her.
Do not think, I am not at all trying to arouse sympathy in the patient reader for pedophiles. I am convinced that a thief should be in prison, and a pedophile should be in prison for life. I am simply scared of the opened abysses of lawlessness in this new law and it is a shame that the method of system-vector psychology has not yet found the widest application, which allows me to solve the problem of pedophilia once and for all without special costs.
You can already learn to understand the causes of pedophilia and see potential pedophiles at free lectures on systemic vector psychology.