Unlife, or How to get out of the swamp of meaninglessness
The possibilities for cognition in the sound vector are endless. He cannot change himself - he cannot stop looking for the answer. What should he do in this human anthill of people scurrying back and forth? And is he a human at all after such comparisons?
Who am I? Why and why is he thrown into the bustle of vanity?
The uselessness of existence no longer lies like a concrete slab on his soul. Temporary amputation of both feelings and consciousness gives him salvation for a while. Once he fell asleep thanks to alcohol. Today, narcotic coma with smooth anesthesia replaces the gloomy anticipation of the end of the day.
But the complex opiate formula no longer saves him from depression, he just slowly kills himself. The speedometer of the futility of efforts pulls him more and more from the realities of this world, plunging him into a swamp of apathy.
Once he gets tired of it, and he will come out of the window, like many others. The meaninglessness of existence, brought to the point of absurdity, pushes them into another world.
He is a witness to the chronicle of these falls. They leave the balconies of high-rise buildings or take a step from the rooftops, throwing off the responsibility for the pain of universal proportions that fills the whole being. Such pain, according to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, can only be experienced by the owner of the sound vector.
Why does life weigh him down? Because she doesn't make sense to him
The physical world as such does not particularly interest him. He does not live with the body, he lives with the desire to know. The possibilities for cognition in the sound vector are endless. He cannot change himself - he cannot stop looking for the answer.
What should he do in this human anthill of people scurrying back and forth? And is he a human at all after such comparisons? Who am I? Why and why is he thrown into the bustle of vanity? Who needs it and what can I give them?
Questions have been running through his head in an endless series since childhood, gaining speed and expanding in volume. Growing up, he begins to suspect that he will never find the answer to them. The questioning internal dialogue closes in on itself. Questions fall away one by one as the frustration of finding answers grows …
As a result, one remains. "Who am I?" - a signal flare sweeps through his brain, and in response - silence. When the sound engineer hits the wall of self-knowledge, it begins to seem to him that the answer is somewhere nearby, somewhere inside. You need to concentrate a little more and you will hear. But immersed in the search for answers in his I, he remains completely alone. A person should not be alone.
People are so arranged - a social form of life: from a pack to a civilized society, always together, always together. We are developing and improving. We realize our potential, create connections. We love, we give birth to children, we bring them up. All together, all together. And he is alone.
Why is that?
The innate desires of the vector cannot be changed. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that a person appears in this world with a certain set of vectors, each of which has its own desires precisely calibrated by nature. Not only our desires are provided by nature, but also all the opportunities for their satisfaction.
The soundman is an introvert by nature. Loneliness does not scare him. Frightens the likelihood of going crazy or stopping breathing in a dream. And all this from focusing on your I. Egocentric. This is not the psychological drama that we are used to hearing about. Introversion is the initial state of a vector. Concentration on himself, on his states is the property with which he is born. A property that he must develop while living among people.

The task of its development is complete extraversion, that is, going outside, focusing on other people. If the acquisition of the first positive skills of extraversion in childhood was missed, then as an adult, the sound engineer sinks more easily into a state of depression, may completely lose social ties - he will stop contacting people.
The traumatized sound vector imposes severe restrictions on the person in the possibility of socialization. The potential turns to zero, the ability to generate ideas - into the illusion of one's own genius.
Unrecognized or evil geniuses are also a sound vector.
Over time, unsociability takes the form of hatred of people. In a state of fanatical devotion to his idea, the sound engineer can create sects, incite murder, and commit terrorist acts. In a state of moral and moral degeneration, he ceases to feel the people around him alive and becomes obsessed with the idea of “correcting the world,” which consists in the destruction of humanity. In this state, he is capable of carrying out mass murder.
How to break the dead end of meaninglessness
Potentially, people with a sound vector are extraordinarily talented. They possess an elite intellect - they are able to think in abstract categories and create ideas about transformations. They are able to masterfully master the word, letter and number, they are talented in building notes. They are engaged in science, they look through a telescope, directing their minds to what has not yet been cognized. They become writers, poets, composers, master foreign languages perfectly.
Let's put it modestly, the sound vector is a vector of potential geniuses. Correct development in childhood will ensure the manifestation of true genius, capable of changing the ideas of people in different spheres of life, leading.
But even if in childhood everything did not work out as it should, there is a way out. The key to a new state of the sound vector is awareness of its properties and states. Understanding yourself removes the tension from a person, which makes him move away from people and the world. Understanding people returns him interest in life and the ability to adapt in society. Awareness of their place in the evolution of the human species makes it possible to fulfill the desires inherent in his psyche. Awareness of the very nature of desire brings meaning to his life.
His entire search is driven by a life task. He is mistaken only in one thing - when he is looking for the answer in himself, and not in people. He is looking for the meaning of his own life, while the desires of the sound vector are aimed at finding the meaning of the life of Man as a species.
The sound vector has a special task - to find a way to unite humanity through the spiritual principle. Only thanks to people can his desire be fulfilled. Understanding the structure of the human soul, and not trying to understand his own I, separate from others, is the way through which delight and meaning can enter his life.
Questions have answers. The desire to know the plan can be fulfilled. You can start living.
After undergoing Yuri Burlan's training in systemic vector psychology, people return to normal life. Suicidal thoughts, depressive and autistic states pass. Such results have been written out in great numbers and expressed on the portal of system-vector psychology. Here is some of them:
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