Anya Nosova from the TV series School
What is the meaning of this life? Why all this is necessary? Why do I have to get up every morning? How to live among these wretched inhabitants? Why go to some stupid school?
Not so long ago, the scandalous series "School" directed by Valeria Gai Germanika was broadcast on Channel One. The series and its characters were discussed in all sorts of television programs and printed publications, and the names of Budilova, Nosova and many others even became household names.
The secret to the dramatic success of this series lies in the fact that it accurately reflects reality. Only brilliant directors and writers can portray reality as it is, practically without distorting it through their subjective vision.
Almost all the characters of the series "School" and their relationship with each other are systematic. This article will focus on Ana Nosova, the main character of the series.
Remembering who played Nosova in the series "School", it is difficult to name the actress, so Valentina Lukashuk and her heroine are close to each other. People who knew Valentina before the project confidently say that Anya is Valentina herself. “This role is not just given to me,” the actress is sure. When Anya Nosova died, many viewers were sure of the death of the actress, not the heroine.
Many argue that Anya Nosova's problem is in Anya Nosova herself. Despite all her antics, Anya is an absolutely normal person, there are thousands of them. The viewers of the series sincerely loved her, many identified the heroine of V. Lukashuk with themselves, searched the network for photos of Nosova from the series “School” in order to feel the presence of this difficult girl in their lives.
By virtue of her natural properties, she, a sound person, is very egocentric and, expecting understanding from others, on the contrary, is faced with its complete absence. After all, it requires non-sound people to understand their experiences and sensations.
All her behavior is dictated by an unconscious inner torment. And she demands that her questions be answered:
What is the meaning of this life? Why all this is necessary? Why do I have to get up every morning? How to live among these wretched inhabitants? Why go to some stupid school?
Why listen to the cackling of a grandmother, who does not "stick" at all what is happening? Why should I suffer from day to day, for what?

She seeks, demands an answer to her questions, and when she runs into a wall of misunderstanding, she starts banging her head against her.
Most people who are not tormented by this question do not understand her torment. They have a great life anyway, they generally believe that all such problems are "from a big mind." They are the ones who say: "Well, live like everyone else, what else do you need?" They try to explain her problem through themselves, through their vectors and needs. We do this in everything: if we do not feel the same needs in ourselves, then we believe that such a person is at least sick or simply “got drunk”.
Others have every reason to hate Anya Nosova, because they are not to blame for not understanding the cries of Anya's soul. How can you accept a person who, for example, comes and starts talking to you in Sanskrit, and then begins to insult you for being so stupid and don't hear him? To those around it, it looks like this.
At school, to some extent, only other carriers of the sound vector are able to understand it: Arseny Ivanovich, Dyatlov, Epifanov and, in part, Kashtanskaya. The rest of the characters do not overlap with her in this matter.
The strength of Anya's character lies in the fact that she does not doubt herself, she does not doubt that her search is justified. In her desire to orient herself, Anya does not stand on ceremony with anyone. Having lost faith in those around her, she hangs up labels for everyone in advance, without going into details and therefore not noticing even those who seek to help her in some way. This is her mistake.
Temperament grows from generation to generation, causing more and more desire in humans and more and more suffering for failure to fulfill their specific role. The sound vector is no longer filled with philosophy, music or physics. The dominant sound desire torments like a sore tooth, desperately demanding its realization.

It is from here that the very recognizable sound leitmotif is the desire to bang the whole world with an atomic bomb just because you do not see the point in your daily senseless suffering.
Before the rehabilitation center, she tried to find the meaning of her life, converging with Thorn and Melania, hoping to find the answer in their reckless lifestyle. Emo is not her environment. Emo is just a display of one's own emptiness, exhibitionism of an undeveloped visual individuality. This is a desire to express oneself, to attract attention, without the ability to sublimate this desire, to bring into it any semantic load for others.
In fact, Anya herself carries that inner core, precisely that necessary support, which she so unsuccessfully seeks to find outside herself. Her whole life will change from the very moment, as soon as meaning appears in her, or at least a hint of where it can be found. As Viktor Tsoi sang, "you could die if you knew what to die for."
Under a systemic X-ray, we see naked Anya from the TV series "School": a sound engineer who has not received filling, an undeveloped visual eye. The sound vector contains a huge potential for desire to cognize the meaning of life. Vision is the ability to empathize and compassion. With the right direction, Anya would be able to move mountains.
Possessing a powerful temperament, she would never be content with meager and ridiculous attempts to find meaning through all kinds of religions, sects, beliefs and philosophies. For her, it's all husk, superficial.
In the sound vector, all these questions are the most real, and the rest in life is empty. Not finding the answers to them, Anya dies with an empty jar of pills in her hand. Suicide…
Everything could be different. After all, when even the most distant hint of an answer appears, the search ends. The path to the goal begins, and this is already quite different.
You can learn more about the sound vector at the psychological trainings of Yuri Burlan. Registration for free online lectures on systemic vector psychology at the link: