Russian passions. Binge
It is difficult to understand Russia. If grief, then excitedly, if happiness, then with tears in my eyes. Tell some foreigner that they are crying with happiness, he will incomprehensibly ask - why?
It is difficult to understand Russia. If grief, then excitedly, if happiness, then with tears in my eyes. Tell some foreigner that they are crying with happiness, he will incomprehensibly ask - why? Indeed, why should we do everything so that emotions are overflowing. For what other people can a wedding end with a funeral, because the guests got drunk and fought, leaving the bride a widow? Why play cards in such a way as to pledge all the property and the neck cross? Why rent a tavern, call half of the city into it, having paid the owners in advance for broken mirrors, dishes and exotic palm trees shredded to pieces?
Looking into Russian history, as recently as in the time of Ivan the Terrible, one can find in the annals a description of the tsar's dinners, to which half the kingdom was convened. The noisy riotous celebration lasted for many hours, gradually ending in a dissolute drinking party. In those days, royal feasts were not yet called revelry. Revelry - this word appeared much later, however, the scope and breadth of such a pastime was not characteristic of all the tsars who were on the Russian throne. Russia, the owner of the urethral-muscular mentality, formed as a result of special geographical, landscape and temperature conditions, was lucky to have the urethral kings, who, according to their natural right, stand at the head of the pack - the Russian state. All of them created the power and significance of Muscovy in the eyes of the countries around it, forming a state of a new formation out of backward hutted Russia.

Everything for keeping the pack, everything for the people
This is how the urethral Ivan the Terrible, Peter I and Catherine II imagined their goals. Courage, determination, wisdom and recklessness were combined in their characters thanks to natural vectors. There is no prohibition for them. It is no coincidence that each of them did not leave a worthy heir to the throne. For people with an urethral vector, the concepts of nepotism and nepotism do not exist. They themselves decided who to distance and whom to reward, bringing them closer to them at countless feasts. Only for the urethral leader and leader are the boundaries of kinship blurred. Only they are capable of executing and pardoning, sparing neither their children, nor their loved ones, nor their own lives, because for them the welfare of the flock is above all. Climb into the thick of it, live on the edge, on the edge, on the nerve: shoot like that, walk like that.
Not at all times the life of the social top was dean. History knows the scale of the gulba at the court of Tsar Ivan the Terrible with an alternating change of states - from the overwhelming peak of fun to the collapse of deep religiosity and asceticism. Ivan IV was assisted in this by his natural urethral-sound bunch of vectors, the properties of which manifested themselves, as they say now, by bursts of bipolar manic depression: from the highest intensity of passions and anger, when Ivan the Terrible was able not to spare his own son, to deep depressive states in sound … Guided by the sound vector in search of filling his sound voids, Ivan the Terrible plunged into the abyss of religion, mysticism, esotericism for a long time, looking for answers to the eternal questions of the meaning of life in astrology, religion, ancient books and penances. Emerging from there, he again participated in drinking,hunting and other palace amusements, as if on a swing swinging in their urethral-sound states.

The urethral king was replaced by passive religious and inactive monarchs who sat on the throne, who were not engaged in royal affairs. The troubles were replaced by a complete lack of initiative and monotony among the muscular people, a conspiracy of a group of skinny rogues-boyars who dreamed of getting the remnants of the treasury and the reins of government in order to, pinching off a solid piece of Russian land from it, sell them to the next False someone. When Russia found itself on the verge of another rebellion and fragmentation, the urethral reformer king again entered the throne. The dull swamp of palace life began to seethe with a riotous and brute life, mixing with victories, executions and defeats.
The Danish envoy Yust Yul, who spent a little less than two years in Russia, on the offer of his king to go to the Russian court again during the time of Peter the Great, categorically refused the enviable mission, explaining the refusal by the fact that he knows from experience "what troubles are coming from drunkenness."
It is difficult to separate the Russian revelry from the Russian character, and it is not connected with the higher nobility, although there were plenty of funds for revelry. Everything was allowed for the urethral kings with their irrepressible nature and position, one has only to recall the Peter's assemblies or the feasts of Catherine the Great, which over time, it should be noted, began to be of a cabinet character (more modest in terms of the number of invited guests).
The eternal desire of the leatherworkers to be in the place of the leader and to flaunt on a royal scale, imitating him, boiled down to the fact that they tried with all their might to set feasts at the level of the king, boasting of unexpectedly acquired wealth. Yesterday they were beggars, and today they got rich on corruption or thieves' deals, who managed to outmaneuver the state, plunder during hostilities, rob their people, get rich in one night. They rush to demonstrate the loot, assuming that everyone sees in them the modern elite of the state. This is how it was four centuries ago, this is how everything looks today. When the place of the urethral hero-leader is vacated, the skinheads begin to claim him, and it becomes immediately apparent how the generation is shrinking.
Modern nouveau riches, promoting themselves at events with the invitation of world art stars, do not understand and do not know the simple things that they are not given the right to stand on the same level with the leader. The tsar's sweeping "feast for the whole world" implied a great holiday for his own flock, when the leader distributed to everyone in the flock - out of shortages - the mammoth that had been taken and cooked at the stake. A joint feast united the ancient people who received their piece of meat according to the rank. Modern pseudo-leaders show off in front of each other, demonstrating which of them is cooler. The current revelry is more cultivated. It has changed its geography and could be moved to a five to seven star hotel located on the Mediterranean Sea, or to winter resorts in the Alps.
In general, any revelry expresses rather animal shortages than cultural ones. Noble revelry was also distinguished by a demonstration of power and independence. They often substituted true values, resulting in various forms of unpunished tyranny in relation to the servants and landlord neighbors. It manifested itself in the persecution of guests by dogs, tame bears, it was expressed in sadism, hatred, arbitrariness and permissiveness.
Drunken courage broke out in Russia when, after the victory over the French in the war of 1812, after serving on the Champs Elysees for a year, having learned to understand the qualities of wines and sorts of champagne, young Russian officers, whose average age was approaching 25, returned home. By this time, not without diplomatic tricks, the embargo on French goods and on the officers' favorite drink, champagne, was lifted. The products of the enterprising widow Madame Clicquot dizzy and lent bravado to duelists and bullies.

The Parisian occupation vacancies were not in vain for sound and spectators from the Russian army of Alexander I. They returned home inspired by the calls of Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite, which brought them to the Senate a few years later, and carefully "grounded" by mystical Masonic ideas that penetrated into Europe through La- Mansh.
The culmination of the officers' revelry was "Drink the Dead Cup" - a cup in the form of a coffin, the volume of a bottle of champagne. This action became a kind of boldness, giving a Masonic piquancy to the situation and allowing the young skin-visual officers to swing the amplitude of their own fears. Many of them lost consciousness not from an alcohol overdose, but from horror, inventing a rite of communion with blood in their visual rows. The cost of a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne was 12 rubles, and a cow cost 2 rubles, but this did not bother the young rakes who drank up to three bottles of this wine at the same time, balancing in the urethral courage with one foot on the windowsill. It was considered good form to drain five bottles for each booze per night.
After the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the Russian nobility received tax payments from the state in the amount of three annual budgets. But, not knowing how to use the available capital, not knowing what to do with it and where to invest it in an agrarian state, the nobles squandered everything in Russia and abroad in the most senseless way. This crazy money was played at cards and roulette in a casino, spent on drink, and wasted at the races in Baden-Baden. Russia is not the country of Adam Smith, building and developing its economy according to the principle of the English market economy. Any attempts by one of the progressive Russian landowners to change the patriarchal lifestyle were met with hostility by the neighbors and the peasants themselves.
The Russians, having an urethral-muscular mentality complementary to the anal landlord values, never encouraged business tight-fisted skinners, mocking them and openly despising them. Few of the noblemen who pride themselves on their generosity came up with the idea of investing money in a business, determining it at interest in banks in Europe or directing it to some social needs.

Can you imagine some aristocratic revelry in the West? In principle, it is possible if the cutila has the properties of a poorly developed urethral vector. However, being squeezed into the skin law, skin-sound religion and the suffocation of tiny European territory put it in a certain framework and make Western revelry less noticeable and quite decent. This is not an urethral freelancer sprouting with boundless freedom in Russia's endless steppes.
The first trading stratum in Russia is the merchant class, who grew out of the same peasants who were released to freedom with anal domostroevsky foundations and skinny entrepreneurship. They quickly figured out how to make good money from their former bars. Not knowing how to read and write, they soon found themselves in big cities and took control of all the levers of trade management.
Filling the capitals with everyday goods, they became one of the richest people in the state, gradually ruining their former owners to the ground, buying up land, forests and family estates from them. Trade allowed them to create capital, rise from rags to riches. Then the children of these merchants, having learned to read and write and the rules of international trade, began to provide their chain stores, selling cotton fabrics from their own London manufactories, creating competition with the "rag business" of mining factories. This is how the merchant dynasties of the Khludovs, Morozovs, Tretyakovs arose. This is how the era of Russian capitalism was laid.
Unlike their wealthy predecessors - stupid and worthless nobles who are not able to rationally use their own land and money received from the state - representatives of many merchant dynasties, such as the Alekseevs, Vishnyakovs, Morozovs, Tretyakovs, Botkins, Khludovs, contributed to the development of healthcare and public education in Russia. Skin ambitions and the urethral superstructure prompted them to invest their spare funds in the creation of art galleries and theaters.
If we compare the psychology of merchants and the new Russians, who became rich in the blink of an eye, there is much in common. On the one hand, the inability of Russians to accumulate money comes into play here. Having received their kush, they do not know what to do with it next. They have no other ideas except how to drink, treating everyone they meet, imitating the urethral leader. On the other - skin arrogance: to show off, to make the whole city buzz about what he had done the next day. The leatherworker has its own shortcomings associated with the inaccessibility of the status of the leader, but also with a strong desire to be in his role, even in such a vain way.
A typical boozer is a relic of the urethral leader, that is, a person with an urethral vector in the archetype, trying to cover his own shortages with alcohol.
Famous wealthy merchant families, who made their own millions by raising their urethral offspring, sincerely did not understand why they did not want to continue the merchant dynasties. They did not understand what their desire, at the risk of their lives, to rush into the thick of hostilities, go to war as volunteers, distribute money for the construction of hospitals, the organization of volunteer detachments, and even funding revolutionary circles.

And the merchant's sons, squandering their fathers' hard earned money, themselves did not understand why their unrestrained revelry was interspersed with unbridled courage, when it was not a pity to lay down your head during the capture of Shipka or during the siege of Port Arthur.
It is believed that the Russians have an extreme in everything. Previously, no one managed to penetrate the mystery of the Russian soul. Today it is possible to do the systemic psychoanalysis of Yuri Burlan. It is Systemic Vector Psychology, explaining the properties of the urethral mentality, that finds them in the actions, actions, and habits of Russians.
Gypsies were an indispensable attribute of any festive revelry. Their ancient freedom of independent nomads and their temperament is akin to that of the urethral. They accept them for equality of properties. Russian classics are rich in examples from the works of writers and poets who addressed the topic of gypsies, starting with the urethral Pushkin, who glorified the ancient people and the great steppe and loved to listen to this incomprehensible guttural language. They had the common roots of a love of freedom in the unconscious “nomadic gypsy dream”. Gypsies, with their relaxedness and beauty, made Russian aristocrats and merchants fall in love with themselves, skillfully manipulating them, luring out money, while skillfully keeping their distance.
Gypsy mysticism and fortune-telling, also not alien to the Russians, gave the swing in fears of the visual vector. Low in timbre, hoarse female voices, which sang typical Russian romances and folk songs with anguish, sinned by partially translating the texts into gypsy (if there is such a language at all), created the illusion of a gypsy song and served as a balm for the ears of sound musicians.
The revelry has never been a traditional drink. This is a real event, which was prepared in advance. Refusal of the invitation was not accepted, it was considered offensive. The event itself was accompanied by smashing dishes, windows, mirrors, chopping expensive exotic trees in the halls of restaurants, firecrackers and fireworks. When the fireworks did not work, it was considered special chic to light a cigar from a lighted bill. Thus, it was demonstrated that money is nothing, an attitude that has settled in the Russian mentality for a long time and has not lost its relevance to this day. In today's modernized version, disregard for money is expressed in cocaine being sucked into a nostril through a rolled up $ 100 bill and dividing it into portions with a bank credit card.
Skin revelry was expressed not only in the desire to imitate the urethral leader, but also in a kind of rebellion against a certain second-rate social position. This is the desire to overshadow, to amaze with the number of credit notes thrown down the drain. Today, the same is happening in the resorts of the West, where the rushing Russian nouveau riche bring their barbaric traditions of revelry,ting any employee of the hotel in which they stay with a tip equal to his monthly salary.
This behavior is reminiscent of the pursuit of what did not take place, copying and monkeying, the desire to take as a model how their pre-revolutionary brothers burned through their lives. For a leatherman, the desire to stand out from the crowd is of a momentary nature. They need to do everything quickly. Reminding about yourself with binge and revelry is the surest way to attract attention quickly. The emerging trends in the implementation of good deeds, for example, the construction of hospitals, shelters, schools, are time-consuming. It is difficult to become famous for good intentions in the morning. They don't know about them right away, a hospital cannot be built in one day, but you can smash precious Venetian mirrors or chandeliers, chop up rare furniture, becoming famous in the morning newspapers.
It is believed that the peculiarity of the mysterious Russian soul lies in ambivalence, when high and low are combined in one person. Both of these inevitably lead to a contradictory split. In fact, this correlates with the manifestation of the properties of natural vectors that each person is endowed with from birth, and most importantly, with the degree of their development. When there is no development of properties, we have to sadly state that everything that was set has not been realized.

Freedom is a Western term. The Russian equivalent of freedom is the word "will", when not only are there no fences - there are no borders themselves. The image of Gogol's bird-three, rushing through endless expanses, unrestrained by any obstacles, with the force of the wind so that it will take your breath away. Revelry is largely a Russian phenomenon, manifested in bringing an ordinary feast to its highest point. Russian history cannot but reckon with the urethral mentality, where the main characters, even without adrenaline in their blood, are often merciless revelers and burners and at the same time the most ardent fighters who are ready to give their lives to save their flock. This is where Dostoevsky's words come to mind: "The human soul is wide, it ought to be narrowed."