How to get smarter
Observing the world around us, we see only external forms. It seems to us that all people are the same, since their physical characteristics are quite similar: two arms, two legs, one head, two eyes. But without special mental knowledge, we are not given to see that this long-legged guy with a fit figure differs from that stocky man with strong arms a million times more than the ocean from the mainland …
You've probably tried crosswords and puzzles, guessing riddles, memorizing sequences, brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, and reading Stephen Hawking. In some ways you have achieved more results, in others less, but in fact, does it make you smarter? So, is there any point in solving puzzles and how to really become smarter?
To each according to his ability
The conventional wisdom that everyone has all kinds of thinking, intelligence and intelligence, but in different proportions, is wrong. We are born with certain types of psyche (vectors), which have certain qualities that do not intersect with each other. In other words, if we were born without a skin vector, one of the properties of which is a rational type of thinking, then we will not become the kings of logic, no matter how much we want it. That is why the recommended ways to get smarter do not always work - we can only develop what we have.
Observing the world around us, we see only external forms. It seems to us that all people are the same, since their physical characteristics are quite similar: two arms, two legs, one head, two eyes. But without special mental knowledge, we are not given to see that this long-legged guy with a fit figure differs from that stocky man with strong hands a million times more than the ocean from the mainland. These are two completely different perceptions of the world, completely dissimilar types of thinking and diametrically opposite value systems. Therefore, they cannot be evaluated according to the same criteria, since what nature is given to one is completely absent from the other. But, not knowing this, we try to learn what our idol can do, and we are perplexed if it doesn't work out.
Why get smarter
We are addicted to brain development exercises for a variety of reasons. It can be a bad communication experience, when the interlocutor smashed our opinion to smithereens, and we want to take revenge. Or some life circumstances or mental state has impaired our ability to concentrate and focus, and we are looking for a way to recover. Or maybe it gives us pleasure to realize ourselves as a person with supernormal abilities. One way or another, if we are planning to improve ourselves, we need to approach the issue individually and competently. Before getting smarter, let's figure out what is the difference between intelligence, intelligence and thinking.
Ability to live and survive
Thinking and mind are responsible for adapting to life and the ability to survive. So, the owners of the skin vector with their characteristic logical type of thinking found a way to turn a stone into an ax, and a log into a bridge across the river, thereby making it possible for all of us to become more successful in obtaining food. People with an analytical type of thinking managed to put together the accumulated knowledge and pass it on to their descendants, because, alas, experience is not transmitted genetically. Intelligence - intuitive and verbal - is possessed by olfactory and oral people. Crazy survivability! But that's another story, not for this article.
As far as intelligence is concerned, this is not about physical survival. Figurative intelligence in people with a visual vector, who opened the world to humanism and compassion, as well as all art. Cultural elite of society. The owners of abstract intelligence, sound scientists, are the kings of the exact sciences, have presented to mankind inventions that have changed the world, and, of course, the Internet. But both the spectators and the sound people by and large are not adapted to life, since the former are not able to kill even a grasshopper and sometimes cannot swallow a cutlet from the “poor cow”, and the latter do not care about the physical body at all and may even forget to eat.
We are so different
Vectors endow us with individual ways of perceiving the world. For example, a skin person passes everything around through the “harmful / useful” filter, searches for his own benefit in everything, strives for material superiority and knows how to limit himself. Therefore, he easily adheres to a diet, regularly attends the gym, willingly climbs the career ladder and loves change. A person with an anal vector is the complete opposite of a leatherman: the perception of the world through "clean / dirty", the main value is family, he considers the awarding of the diploma to an honorary employee who has worked at the plant for thirty years as a success, appreciates constancy and stability, prefers quality to quantity.
The same applies to abilities and skills: a skin person quickly switches from one task to another, dexterous and maneuverable, while a person with an anal vector will slowly and thoroughly complete one task and only after that will start another. If both are put in opposite conditions, then neither will cope with the task at the proper level. Therefore, it is important to think with your own head and not try to meet standards that are unusual for their nature.
Self-development algorithm

So that the efforts to develop your abilities are not wasted, it is important to take three consecutive steps:
understand yourself
Until we understand who we are and how nature intended us, we will remain fish trying to fly. Ignorance of ourselves brings enormous damage to our lives: we choose the wrong professions, strive for the wrong results, we do not live our own destiny. Perhaps we have a genius no worse than Perelman, and instead of proving mathematical hypotheses, we sit at the checkout in the supermarket and hate our life.
understand others
When a friend with an ideal figure advises the Ducan diet and jogging, assuring that in three months you will become the same slim, you willingly believe that it is easy and necessary, and as a result - dislocated legs and the initial form of gastritis. Why? Because not only your body and the processes in it differ, but also your mental properties. Critical thinking, as well as understanding the characteristics of the psyche of another person and his own will allow you to choose the optimal solution.
choice of environment
The people around us and with whom we spend a lot of time influence us in one way or another. If next to us those who are constantly complaining about life and circumstances are in apathy and despondency, and on weekends they drink beer and watch TV series, soon we will be drawn into this funnel. Choosing the environment consciously, we put ourselves in conditions that push us towards development. Knowing ourselves and others, we can understand where we want to go and with whom.
One tool for many tasks
The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan reveals all eight types of psyche and their unique properties. This gives an accurate and deep understanding of oneself, those qualities that are inherent in us and that can be developed. We stop fighting the shadows of doubts, we begin to distinguish where our real desires are, and where are those imposed by society, and we get a clear guide to action, getting rid of false expectations and hopes. With the help of the training, many people have improved their professional and personal qualities: