I am not in this life. Where is the exit?
Morning. You open your eyes. You get up. Just because you SHOULD get up. Who needs this "Must" ?!
The feeling is as if you are in prostration. It seems that you are here and at the same time you are not. The condition is not the best, but it has long become familiar. Desire to lie down and sleep. Sleep for a long time, and it is better not to wake up ever. Perhaps it would be the best that you can imagine.
And whoever asked: “How are you?” - you will always find the strength to smile. THINGS ARE GOOD! Okay? What well?! For others, good. For myself - lousy and depressing. I would like to howl, but voices - and that is not. There is no strength even for a heart-rending howl.
My whole life is the same day
Morning. You open your eyes. You get up. Just because you SHOULD get up. Who needs this "Must" ?!
You put the kettle on. Making your favorite coffee. You take the first sip - there is no taste, no deliciousness of your favorite morning drink, which you drank with such adoration before. You take a second sip - and, for sure, there is no taste.
Toasts with strawberry jam, cheese and sausages have no taste, and even meat in the oven with a baked aromatic crust does not exude either aroma or taste.
Everything is disgusting.
Everything is somehow lifeless, black and white, dead.
You finish your coffee without any satisfaction, you stuff a sandwich into yourself just because you "have to" and rush to work.
And if the day off? And the day off is at home. Where else? I don't want to go out, to see all these people who constantly "need" something. I HATE! I would like to close, turn off the phone and tear myself away from this world and everything connected with it.
I would like to talk to someone. But I don't even want to. I don't want ANYTHING. Everything is so sick of it that even the sun, which shines godlessly, and the trees that bloom, annoy.
Days go by Life goes by. Past. And why am I in this stupid world?
Feeling of hopelessness. Apathy for everything. There is no desire to even tidy oneself up even elementary. Shake yourself. But no. I'll still live in this depression. Maybe it will pass by itself. And I will rejoice again as I once did … And when it was, it's even hard to remember.
How you want everything to end as soon as possible. Thoughts in my head that I drive … it seems that I will only take a step out of the open window, and there will be no more of all that is so hateful …
Sound familiar?
States of depression, depression, thoughts of self-destruction - all these difficult conditions can manifest themselves in people with a special psyche, whom Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology defines as owners of a sound vector. According to System-Vector Psychology, a vector is a set of innate properties of the psyche. In other words, this is what is given to us by nature.
Soundman - global mind man
The sound vector endows its owner with the ability to think globally, abstractly. Their thought is aimed at finding the meaning of being, at knowing everything that goes beyond the realm of material concepts. This is the only vector for which the most important thing in life is knowing oneself, searching for an answer to the question “Who am I? Why did you come? And what will happen next? And even if a person does not ask himself such questions directly, they are present in his unconscious and affect his behavior, interests, the entire course of his life. And, as a result, the carrier of the sound vector can be carried away by esoteric literature, philosophy, psychology, and religion.
People with a sound vector love the night time, it is at this time that they think better. The silence of the night gives them the opportunity to focus on their thoughts. They can spend nights reading, playing computer games, listening to music, on the Internet. And in the morning it is difficult for them to get up, and in general it is difficult to live according to the generally accepted regime.

By their nature, sound people are very egocentric, in their conversation you can often see "I … I … I …". They do not like noisy companies, preferring solitude, do not like loud sounds that "cut" their ears. They speak even quieter than others, and they don't like to talk too much. It is easier for them to communicate non-verbally, to “chat” on the Internet than to talk “live”. The sound people understand each other perfectly, they don't even need words, it's nice to just sit and be silent, so they fill up and feel special comfort.
Music lovers by nature, they are very selective about music and listen only to what is close to the state of mind here and now. Learning foreign languages is easy for them. The soundman seems to float through waves of unknown sounds, quickly catching their intonation and quickly memorizing the meaning of words. They make excellent linguists.
Living in a world of thinking, endowed with deep intelligence, the ability to focus their thoughts, people with a sound vector are able to change the world around them, bringing ideas into it and realizing them. New ideas contain their content, they investigate patterns and discover laws. Among them are talented innovators and scientists making breakthroughs in science, in the development of human society as a whole.
Desires in the sound vector in their power exceed the power of desires of other vectors. And if the owners of the latter can achieve satisfaction with the creation of a family, material benefits, high status, great love, then how can you satisfy your desire to know the meaning of your life and life in general?
Not finding answers to their questions, people with a sound vector experience severe depression and apathy. Moreover, they have no desire to share with anyone, they experience their pain alone with themselves, deep in their souls, tormenting and exhausting themselves to the point of exhaustion. They do not want to eat, drink, breathe - everything is disgusting and disgusting to the bone, to every cell of the exhausted body.
In an effort to fill the void, sound people are prone to using drugs. This allows them to escape from the real world into the world that is hidden within themselves, but this does not solve the most important thing - it does not answer the questions “Who am I? And why do I live?"
The choice is yours
What if there is no one to talk to? You just don’t understand what to do … And the depression fell on your shoulders and hangs in a huge block of cold, scalding ice on your shoulders.
What's the point?
And it is to follow the path that nature has planned for us and to reveal the desired meaning of everything that exists, our life and everything that surrounds us. Understand the causes of their states, their properties and aspirations hidden in the unconscious.
To finally understand who I am and why I live. Yes, it’s quite real. At the training on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, you can find answers to all questions about the soul, about the unconscious. Find your place, feel the taste of life and the power of desires. Read the numerous reviews of those who, thanks to the training, found a way out of the impasse of severe conditions:
The disclosure of the unconscious begins with free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Waiting for you. Register by the link: