Mother Cuckoo. Social Abscess Of Our Time

Mother Cuckoo. Social Abscess Of Our Time
Mother Cuckoo. Social Abscess Of Our Time

Mother cuckoo. Social abscess of our time

We are all initially not equal in the original data. Someone was born in the center of Moscow, graduated from MGIMO, became a banker under the patronage of the pope. He works a lot, lives well and rests extensively. He deserves it. And someone was born in the outback without a father and without money. From childhood in memory only potato soup and the cries of a tired mother. No education, no connections. The only thing that unites these opposing human poles is that they both want to be happy and have every right to do so …

The mother left the child on the porch of the clinic, threw it into the trash can, “forgot” it in the locked apartment. Cuckoo - putting it mildly! Not a man - a monster! Yes?

“When I got pregnant and told about it, he simply replied:“I don’t need this. These are not my problems.” He left, and we never saw each other again. I was left alone again. Also pregnant. I understand that this is terrible, but I saw no other way out. She will be better in another family. " Tatiana [1]

“When I gave birth, my husband said:“If you take the baby from the hospital, I’ll leave, if you leave, I’m with you.” I followed the lead, listened to him and wrote a refusal. But I couldn't live calmly with it. " Ekaterina [2]

“I made an appointment with a doctor, I almost went to the office and could not do it. When I went on maternity leave at the last term, I realized that I could not pay for housing. To rent a room in Novosibirsk, you need 7 thousand, plus utility bills. "Children" only 300 rubles for each child. Maternity small. How to be? Where to live? What to do? I fought with myself. I understand, I want to be with my baby, but how? " Antonina [3]

How does she feel - a woman with a child in her arms without any help and protection? In my head flashes: “It is my own fault! I had to think about who I contacted!"

An acutely social cinema sensually immerses you in other people's circumstances in such a way that it is impossible to simply condemn and forget. The film "Aika" is recommended for watching if you are ready to be in the shoes of a worthless mother.

Cuckoo mother photo
Cuckoo mother photo

Having abandoned the child, the woman tightens her entire maternal being with a tight rag on her breast, flowing with milk.


An illegal immigrant from Kyrgyzstan leaves her newborn son in the hospital and escapes into her reality, where there is no place for a child - she would have to survive on her own. Underground workshop with chicken carcasses, underground housing - with human. Sweat, blood, fear, pain, hunger, deceit, animal strength, human impotence - this is where Hayka lives.

Postpartum bleeding does not stop. Bending over and biting her lips, she hurries to work. A handful of painkillers doesn't help. Big eyes turn glassy from the daily gloom. Samal Eslyamova received the Cannes Film Festival prize for Best Actress. But from the first minutes of the film, we forget that this is an actress. We see these eyes every day on the streets of cities and towns in our country. We just try not to look at them.

We were shown the horror of the situation using the example of an immigrant, but the situation of single mothers in Russia is not much different. If the father does not support the mother with the small child, our woman finds herself in the same impasse.

95% of women by nature want to give birth and raise children, 5% are more focused on social life than family life, but they can be good mothers if there is a rear.

According to the Ministry of Education (as of September 1, 2018), there are about 48 thousand children in the data bank of orphans. 90% of them have their parents alive. Every third child abandonment can be prevented - information from a charitable foundation dealing with the problem of social orphanhood.



"Girl with matches" in modern Moscow

"We are not standing, we are working!"

The underground employer evaporates without paying Ike. The last hope of repaying at least part of the huge debt is crumbling. Creditors are calling, threatening reprisals against her and her sister.

Moscow is a varnished city for some, a cruel, unprincipled gateway for others. This contrast - in small things and on a terrifying scale - runs throughout the film. In the subway - Aiki's greasy jacket next to a polished fur coat. Luxurious foreign cars are scurrying about, and a snow-removing tractor is about to sweep it off the road like garbage.

“Was yours, became mine! I also need money!"

While Ayka was in the hospital, her place at another job was deceived by the same as her. In an illegal, hungry world, everyone is spinning as best they can.

Today she no longer has a chance to find where to make money. Hayka is trudging home. To a hostel called Solnechny, where the windows are tightly sealed with black foil. “If anything, we clean everything at once, we hide everything, if suddenly there are cops, understand ?!”

There she has a few centimeters near the window and a window sill, for which she also has to fight. Someone has adapted and even in this kennel can have fun with loud national music, while she shivers on the floor with an icicle on her stomach, in order to somehow drown out the unbearable pain. As in Andersen's fairy tale, Hayka sometimes notices another, warm, prosperous world behind impenetrable glass, where her entrance is closed. She does not need the gloss and shine of that looking-glass Moscow. If only I could fulfill my little dream here.

Cuckoo mother threw baby photo
Cuckoo mother threw baby photo

Why are you all going here?

“Don't educate me! What can you teach me? How to give birth to five children, and then live on a penny? I will not live like you! I have my own plans, my own life! Your business will be! - harshly interrupts Hayk's mother's telephone reasoning about how to live.

Even in agony, she clutches the brochure "Creating a Sewing Business" in her hands. For this, she borrowed money from the bandits, banks will not give her anyway. To just do your thing and breathe freely. But if you were unlucky enough to be born within the Garden Ring and / or there is no dad, who has already grabbed everything, your dreams in modern Russia are almost impossible to come true. And this problem is not only of immigrants, otherwise 44% of Russian youth would not dream of going abroad.

We are all initially not equal in the original data. Someone was born in the center of Moscow, graduated from MGIMO, became a banker under the patronage of the pope. He works a lot, lives well and rests extensively. He deserves it. And someone was born in the outback without a father and without money. From childhood in memory only potato soup and the cries of a tired mother. No education, no connections. The only thing that unites these opposing human poles is that they both want to be happy and have every right to do so.

Who cares that not everyone has the resources to do this? As if by chance, a phrase from a news release sounds in the film: "Nature punishes a person for neglecting her." Nature? How do we treat other people?

"Disgusting!", "Too depressing!" - write in the reviews for the film. We feel sorry for the "lonely" bananas on the counter and the overturned bug, but people are disgusting to us - our problems are enough. If everyone is for himself, then indignation of the deprived is inevitable, who simply also want their piece of happiness.

This is possible on the basis of the Russian communal collectivist mentality. And it was experimentally proved by the Soviet people. When I give everything I can to society, I get much more from everyone in return. By the way, the Kyrgyz, and Tajiks, and Uzbeks, and Georgians, and residents of almost all other former Soviet republics are mentally the same Russians. But after the collapse of the USSR, we live contrary to our real values, blindly following the Western example and getting results that are not at all the same as there.

Country of social orphans

In a discordant society, the weakest sections of the population suffer the most. The law that would provide a single mother financially does not work. The majority of men in Russia evade paying alimony, a minority deduct shameful grains from a "gray" salary.

To give birth means to be chained to a child and not be able to earn a normal income for at least three years. "Come on, get up quickly, feed the baby!" is the first thing that Hayka hears when he wakes up after giving birth. Only she herself has nothing. Remember the airplane safety rule? First, you must put on an oxygen mask on yourself, then on the child. Because if you don't survive, he has no chance either.

Human nature is when a man provides a woman and a small child. If he does not alimony, he deprives himself of the right to happiness and derails the future of the whole country. If there is no father, then the woman should be sure that neither the state nor its citizens will leave her.

You can brand the cuckoo as much as you like, but until she has guaranteed safety, security and food, she often cannot cope alone.

Swimming in well-fed contentment, we completely forget about the properties of our mentality - mercy and justice. And those who still remember are usually able to help only with hot tea and spare tights.

Collective security or the circle of social psychopathologies?

A healthy society is when:

  • men realize themselves in society and thereby create a system of collective security,
  • women with children receive guaranteed aliment from men and society,
  • children develop, receiving a sense of security and safety from a confident mother in the future.

Is it somehow implausible? But the signs of a sick society are more familiar to us and are observed both in the cinema and in life:

"Dogs are more important than people"

For several days, Aika manages to find a job as a cleaner in a veterinary clinic. We look with her eyes and see that sick pets evoke greater sympathy in society than helpless people.

Express test: what makes the heart swoon - from a little kitten trembling in the cold, or from a grandmother who has been holding a queue at the bank for ten minutes, all asking: "When is my pension, honey?"


You get chicken for money for hard work. This means that you cannot pay creditors, secure yourself a corner and confidence in the future. And somewhere behind an illusory glass, a business training leader says that you just need to set a goal and run along the escalator of success. A fake zilch of the capital's looking glass on a shaky foundation.

"Bribes are smooth"

The police find Solnechny, where dozens of illegal immigrants live. But “let's come to an agreement”, we decide everything, as always. From the outside it looks disgusting, but who of us did not bring "in an envelope" for a place in a kindergarten or a good school, for an exam or traffic violation?

The society in which we live is built on our own half-measures.

The cry of a child in mother's ears won't subside

Hayka did not allow herself to linger on her son, who had just been born. I didn't allow myself to cry. Only a child's scream painfully cut the space of the film from the very beginning and will break a mother's heart until the end of her days.

Cuckoo mother and baby photo
Cuckoo mother and baby photo

Take out the child with all the documents.

She is holding her own little lump in the government blanket. And again his piercing cry. And her swollen breasts. Hayka runs to the entrance to feed her son.

Where next? After all, you cannot hide from yourself and other people …

Links to used sources

1. URL: (date of access: 29.11.2019).

2. URL: (date of access: 29.11.2019).

3. URL: (date accessed: 29.11.2019).
