Evgeny Roizman Is A Hero Of Our Time. Part 2. The Head Of The City Of Yekaterinburg

Evgeny Roizman Is A Hero Of Our Time. Part 2. The Head Of The City Of Yekaterinburg
Evgeny Roizman Is A Hero Of Our Time. Part 2. The Head Of The City Of Yekaterinburg

Evgeny Roizman is a hero of our time. Part 2. The head of the city of Yekaterinburg

A person is judged by his deeds. The results of the activities of the mayor of Yekaterinburg from September 2013 to May 2018 do not allow doubting the sincerity of his intentions. Why is Evgeny Roizman so close to us? Why, despite the fact that they do not like bosses, did the people of Yekaterinburg doted in their mayor? Because urethral properties are inherent in all Russian people as carriers of the urethral mentality …

Evgeny Roizman is a hero of our time. Part 1. The chapter "Cities without drugs"

Future generation. All children are ours

The urethral chief retains his flock and leads it into the future. And the pack's future is its next generation. For the leader there are no "own" and "alien" children, all the children of the pack are "ours."

Roizman has always paid great attention to children. For more than 10 years he has been helping disadvantaged orphanages in the Sverdlovsk region. Since 1999 she has been attending schools and talking with teenagers about the dangers of drugs. At first, these were schools in Yekaterinburg, and since 2011, under the auspices of the "Country without drugs" project, schools in other cities, and even regions. From January to June 2017, he talked with 5,000 schoolchildren of the Sverdlovsk region.

Evgeny speaks to young people about drugs in such a way that they develop a strong rejection of them, aversion to drug trafficking and the ability to say "no". He uses harsh and simple words that can reach every heart. At the same time, he is always extremely honest, because children are very sensitive to falsehood.

In 2017, the Roizman Foundation charitable foundation was established, which tackles childhood problems on a grand scale. Children from disadvantaged families and orphanages are now under his wing. And the basic program is the children's hospice.

The bears rode a bicycle

In the fund's New Year project "Letter to Santa Claus", the wards and other children who learned the address of Santa Claus wrote letters to Santa Claus (Roizman) about their cherished dreams. Boy Danya (in a wheelchair) admitted in a letter that he dreams of acting in Yeralash. And Santa Claus gave him "Yeralash"!

“And the guys who are filming Yeralash say:“Let's do it! Will you be filming? " And imagine, I could not refuse. And yesterday I had such a difficult reception - there were 70 people. After the reception I went to act in Yeralash. And I had to play myself. I never thought it would be so difficult to play myself, like dad comes tired from work!"

Paradoxically, in the series of the newsreel "The Reader" Eugene reads to his daughter: "The bears rode on a bicycle …" - vector psychology ".

Liza, a girl diagnosed with cerebral palsy, has only one dream - to learn to walk. “We just need to help Lisa. I think that we will succeed, because we have every chance,”says Evgeny with Lisa in his arms. “Our task is simply to raise money so that we can constantly deal with the child. And not only Liza."

He considers it his duty: "For me, children and my country are more important than anything else, so I will do what I have to." Feeling the lack of every parent and every child, including those who were left without parents, as his own, he is driven by the desire to fill it and nurture a generation of a society of justice and mercy! Otherwise, we may lose it.

Evgeny Roizman - a hero of our time picture
Evgeny Roizman - a hero of our time picture

“That's why all of a sudden! This is normal, yes, in our city there are three-four-story mansions of 800 square meters? They were built by people who have not worked a day in their lives, cannot read or write. Well, okay? And they are legalized, they stand normally. Well, it hurts people to look at this! It turns out that you can do nothing in this life, sell drugs, kill others and build such mansions for yourself? - the urethral interior is indignant. It cares about the future, for which it is responsible. And if not me, then who?

Love and hatred

There is never an even and unambiguous relationship to the urethral person - they love their own, they hate others. The flock receives from the leader a sense of security and safety, for which they love him unconditionally and are ready to follow him to the end. That is why Yevgeny Vadimovich says that he always felt the support of those around him: “I never had a chance to be abandoned, not helped, or prompted. They always helped me. Moreover, no one has ever betrayed me in my life …”And the enemies always hate the urethral leader, because for them he poses a potential danger, and they arrange persecution.

For example, in 2003, the haters with the help of the Organized Crime Directorate began to seize the rehabilitation centers and offices of the City Without Drugs Foundation. About 20 criminal cases were initiated, including those on torture and illegal detention of rehabilitants. And the people stood up to defend their heroes of the resistance movement. The mother of one of the rehabilitants is indignant: "I honestly tell you that if they are dismissed, I do not know what extremes I will go to, because there is no one else to intercede for me."

“They defended me,” says Roizman. However, this situation provoked the decision to run for the State Duma deputies in the 165 Ordzhonikidze single-mandate district of Yekaterinburg. “I thought we could do without politics. But they just push me in the back. And to be honest, I want more and more to the State Duma”. In 2007, the case against him was dropped due to the absence of a crime event.

Irrational thinking, shame and conscience

“I realized that I have to go … That's it! I decided to go to the State Duma. I did not know where she was, what she was doing at all …”When making decisions, the urethral person relies on an inner sense of righteousness, at the root of which is the desire for justice and mercy for all. This is an irrational feeling, therefore his actions are spontaneous.

The main engine is conscience, and the regulator is shame: “I do everything possible so that my conscience does not torment me later …” I’m ashamed to steal, use the position for personal enrichment: “My region can“boast”of a shameful governor, whose houses have found a billion cash, an expensive watch collection and a pen for tens of millions of rubles. " If only anyone knew what the shame and conscience of a urethral person who feels responsible for others is! He speaks everywhere about honesty (in the understanding of a urethral person, this means - wow, all to people) and about shame in front of people: “This is a very shameful story. Ugly and ashamed. " The urethral value is humility. He cares what people say. It is a shame to talk about my own merits, as well as about deputy privileges: “I try not to use many things so as not to get infected”.

Politics. State Duma deputy

The needs of the pack induce the urethral leader to expand - to expand the zone of influence. And Roizman takes on new heights.

On December 8, 2003, the City Against Drugs Foundation delivers a counterstrike to the empire. “I just in case took it and moved forward. I moved forward and won,”Roizman jokes. Having received about 40% of the votes in the elections, Yevgeny Roizman from December 2003 to December 2007 became a deputy of the State Duma of the 4th convocation from the single-mandate Ordzhonikidze district of the Sverdlovsk region. The fund needed a protective status - the fund received it in the person of the people's deputy and servant of the people, a deputy of the State Duma of Russia. Evgeny immediately resigned as president of the foundation, but at the same time remained the chairman of the board of trustees. And the head of the "City against drugs" was his deputy Andrey Kabanov.

In the State Duma, Roizman immediately joined the State Security Committee, and in 2004 the foundation acquired a new ally - the federal security service. She carried out those operations that were too tough for the fund. "Now there is at least some confidence that there is still justice!" - Kabanov expresses his hope.

As part of the Commission on Counteracting Drugs under the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Roizman insists on tougher sanctions against those who sell drugs and alcohol to minors; on the introduction of a visa regime with those regions from where rivers of stupefying potion flow to Russia; and also on compulsory treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism by a court decision.

Yevgeny Vadimovich proved to be an exemplary deputy. He opened several of his public reception offices in Yekaterinburg at once, went to all meetings of the State Duma. At the same time, he never made a politician. And it shouldn't have worked. After all, politics as such is a matter of the olfactory vector.

The urethral leader does not differentiate people, he keeps the flock entirely. Therefore, it needs competent advisors. Otherwise, the political views of the leader may be subjective, based on incomplete information, and decisions may be fraught with the pack.

Head of Yekaterinburg city picture
Head of Yekaterinburg city picture

Mayor. The core of the pack and the collective security and safety system

In 2013, Evgeny Vadimovich receives the reins of government in the city. Nominated for mayor by the regional branch of the Civic Platform, he wins the elections, gaining 33.3% of the vote, and on September 24, 2013 becomes the head of Yekaterinburg and the chairman of the Yekaterinburg City Duma.

“I don't think there is such a good mayor like we have in Yekaterinburg, in our country”, “You are the father of the city in the best sense. Not a stern, homely tyrant father, but a modern father-friend. Let everything you have conceived turn out as easily as possible!”,“Thank you, Evgeny, children are the future; You are making an invaluable contribution to the future of Russia,”people expressed their attitude towards the mayor in social networks. Indeed, Roizman identifies himself with the people! He is the urethral nucleus of the pack and the collective system of safety and security. His message: “When you are not supported by party lists, but by real people, you can enter any office, and not a single office will be closed for you”, “My city is me! When they talk about the city, it's like they say about me - either painful or pleasant."

“There is a city of one and a half million behind me. I am the head of Yekaterinburg, and this is a responsibility. How can you handle it? And this is his natural task - to be responsible for others, including on the scale of the whole city. And for this task he is provided with all the necessary talents.

When a person truly assumes obligations for others, puts the interests of the city in priority, then any private interests, selfish goals are excluded. Knowing history well, Roizman sees the similarity of his own principles with the beliefs of some of his predecessors. Yakim Merkuryevich Ryazanov, for example, was elected the head of the city three times and went broke twice, and for him the position of mayor and enrichment were incompatible things.

Deprived of self-interest and Roizman. He is absolutely convinced that it is impossible to earn money next to him, therefore he did not invite his friends to power. Nepotism - a modern Russian misfortune - does not take root next to it. People feel that he really cares about the fate of the city, and they support him.

Help the weak

The desire to help all those in need for the urethral person is natural and irresistible. Old age should not be humiliated, all the poor and disadvantaged should be protected! The doors to the mayor's office were always open, and people flocked to him with their problems. Whether it's single mothers who don't have enough money to raise children, disabled people or retirees desperate to get help. He accepted everyone, did not refuse anyone and justified with all his heart: “It's a pity. This can happen to anyone …"

The current Roizman Foundation provides more than just palliative care, and the number of its volunteers is growing. The preservation of unprotected sections of the population is an internal aspiration of the leader and his immediate task. Caring for the weak and the least socially adapted people consolidates society, makes it strong, capable of survival.

Why? If people see that a person is being written off when he is sick or has become old, then they unconsciously project this onto themselves and their future. Realizing that in old age or illness there is no hope for such a society, a person is forced to take care of himself. This prompts him to seek his own benefit and leads society to disintegration. And if disabled people, old people and children are not abandoned, but well-groomed and provided for, then people willingly work for the common good, being sure that society will take care of them too. It is the examples of caring for the weak that give all members of society a sense of security and protection by the authorities.

A young woman came. The child is one year and ten months old. She is very sick. I need a portable oxygen concentrator. A question of thirty thousand rubles, but for them it is a matter of life and death. “We will help,” Roizman promises publicly.

Grandmother Iraida Leonidovna, who turned 90 years old, came in - a veteran, she worked from childhood, and no one congratulated her on her anniversary … Looking at this grandmother, the mayor could not contain his feelings and lines (Vecheslav Kazakevich):

To the side of the dacha village

An old woman lives with a cat.

And ten thousand dandelions

Are silent at the low window.

There is a hut

right above the lake, One of these days it will be demolished by a bulldozer.

But the birds and the beast know

that she has protection.

For the house, for the cat on the sofa, For the grandmother who is tired of living,

All ten thousand dandelions

Ready to lay down their heads.

Eugene congratulated her and promised to do whatever was necessary. “She asked me - I will. She lives, of course, in terrible conditions. Says - I wash in a bucket."

I didn’t forget about Natasha, “who lives in the House of Invalids and draws wonderful pictures, but clamps a brush with her teeth, because she cannot hold it with her hands. We agreed and Natasha was sent to Kurgan, her hands will be operated on, and she will be able to draw for real!"

Help the weak from Roizman picture
Help the weak from Roizman picture

The future is in the Urals

A person is judged by his deeds. The results of the activities of the mayor of Yekaterinburg from September 2013 to May 2018 do not allow doubting the sincerity of his intentions.

The city's population has grown. To have someone to lead into the future, the leader needs to increase the size of the pack. And it increased not due to newcomers, but due to the natural growth of the local population.

This is because life has improved in the city. The city has been renewed. A unique anti-corruption program “Eye of Major Overhaul” was launched, which made it possible to completely eliminate the human factor in such an important matter as the restoration and repair of buildings. Now online control is carried out over the course of the overhaul. Each stage is recorded. It is impossible to hide anything. The system of fines allowed for quick troubleshooting. Over the four years of the program, 6.5 thousand houses were repaired. We can say that whole neighborhoods recovered at once.

The ecology has improved. The city has become more thoroughly cleaned in winter and summer. The number of illuminated streets increased by 20 kilometers. The parks have been restored. Public transport fares were not raised. Problems with kindergartens have practically been resolved. Now any child from 3 years old can get into the garden.

“In terms of geopolitical indicators, the Urals will grow stronger and develop. And in general, the future belongs to the Urals! - Evgeny Roizman is sure. A born leader lives in the future and drags others into it!

I'll shoot

A sharp turn of events took place on May 22, 2018, when Roizman, without waiting for the end of his term of office, decided to leave the post of mayor of Yekaterinburg. When this post ceased to be directly elected by the people, Mayor Yevgeny Roizman resigned. How so?

“Look, I’m just out of the way,” explains Yevgeny Roizman. - So I lived for myself, I had a business, I had some interests of my own, I wrote poetry, did my research, prepared a museum, published books. And suddenly I saw with my own eyes what was happening in the city. He raised this uprising, participated in this uprising against drug dealers. That is, it was according to the situation. Then for a while there was a question of simply physical survival. I was forced to go to the State Duma. I didn't understand how the mayor differs from the governor. I am an ordinary person. Then, in exactly the same way, I was forced to go to the city government, to become the head of the city. If I suddenly see that I am needed and able to benefit my city, my country, I will shoot! If not, I have something to do.

If we ever have a direct election of the mayor, endowed with all powers, I can win them. Moreover, these five years have been a great experience for me, I understand how a team is formed. I began to understand something in the urban economy. I'm not afraid. I would not be afraid to go to such elections, but at home. Because I really believe that the head of the city should be a person who was born and raised in this city, whom my mother took by the hand."

Roizman was offered to participate in the by-election to the State Duma. He refused simply because he did not like this convocation. Although in the future he sees himself in power: There will be new elections to the State Duma in three years, there will be some more elections. I will definitely be in demand, there will be different proposals, because there are already a lot of them. But I'm not sure if it's a hunt for me. I cannot predict. I have a sufficient age reserve. I am only fifty-five years old. Thank God I am alive and well. Therefore, at any moment …"

This is an unpredictable urethral vector that lives by internal impulses of bestowal for the good of people. On a small scale, it is observed in a specific person, and on a large scale - in the whole people - the bearer of the urethral mentality.

“The most painful thing for me,” admits Roizman, “is that the whole country is always in tension and the thought is the same: no matter how it gets worse. It's in everyone's head. In fact, Russia is such a country - we can now calculate a hundred options, and the one hundred and first will definitely happen!"

Our person! Lighthouse

Why is Evgeny Roizman so close to us? Why, despite the fact that they do not like bosses, did the people of Yekaterinburg doted in their mayor? Because urethral properties are inherent in all Russian people as carriers of the urethral mentality. When a person is focused on keeping others, he is less concerned about his own life. It is secondary to him. And this gives such a person courage, courage, boldness and audacity. We guess in the urethral person our own best properties, instilled in us with an attitude and mental values - justice and mercy evoke in us inner awe and admiration. The need for justice and mercy is heightened in us. And they cannot be received in relation to yourself, you can only manifest in relation to others.

Mayor of Yekaterinburg picture
Mayor of Yekaterinburg picture

In this sense, Roizman shines like a beacon for us in the dark. When life guidelines go astray in the chaos of life, there is someone who illuminates our path with his example. He is not afraid of criminal cases that are "sewn" to him, does not hold grudge against traitors, does not expect help from the authorities, and he himself stands for the elder. He rushes into the battle for the life of the future generation, not sparing resources and "not sparing his belly." He takes full responsibility for himself and for others. His work to save the lives of the population of our country demonstrates what we all lack so much today - involvement, responsiveness, the ability not to pass by, closing in his little world and fencing off the imperfection of the world around him. The example of his altruism encourages, strengthens and raises the strength of our spirit!

“Everyone leaves their mark after themselves. Everyone will be judged by their deeds. It's important for me". What people will say. "It is not important for me to get into the history textbook - it is important for me in what context I get there."

If everyone remembers this, we will survive and rise - as a people and as a mental community! The urethral people will manifest itself as the true leader and core of humanity, which will consolidate everyone around itself and lead to the future!

List of sources:




https: / /www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhY6urayNwY


www.1tv.ru/news/2018-02-05 / 340515 v_sverdlovskoy_oblasti_sistema_onlayn_kontrolya_oko_kapremonta_sledit_za_kachestvom_raboty_stroiteley-








rtvi.com / na-troikh / -dlya-menya-lyuboy-otezd-iz-strany-eto-begstvo-evgeniy-royzman-o-spetssluzhbakh-oppozitsii-putine-i- /
