Vladimir Mayakovsky. Star Discovered By Lilya Brik. Part 1

Vladimir Mayakovsky. Star Discovered By Lilya Brik. Part 1
Vladimir Mayakovsky. Star Discovered By Lilya Brik. Part 1

Vladimir Mayakovsky. Star discovered by Lilya Brik. Part 1

The time of wars and revolutions is the time of people with a urethral vector. Nature itself, guessing their birth for great events, protects young urethral growth from all kinds of childhood deaths and adolescent traumas, as if preserving and preparing this special human material for future heroic deeds and their glorification.

I want to be understood by my country, But I will not understand - what then ?!

I will

walk along the side of my native country, As the slanting rain passes.

The time of wars and revolutions is the time of people with a urethral vector. Nature itself, guessing their birth for great events, protects young urethral growth from all kinds of childhood deaths and adolescent traumas, as if preserving and preparing this special human material for future heroic deeds and their glorification. Among the great Russian poets, such were Pushkin, Lermontov, Vladimir Vysotsky and, as chroniclers of the new revolutionary era, Sergei Yesenin and Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Life must first be redone, by redoing you can chant

Wipe the old from your heart.

The streets are our brushes.

Squares are our palettes.

The days are not praised by the book of the time of the



To the streets, futurists, drummers and poets!


The futurists started a life alteration. Futurism began in Russia with Igor Severyanin and ended with Vladimir Mayakovsky appealing to artists. The Futurists identified themselves as the "red cloak of the bullfighter", which was attacked by all those who tried their last bit to keep the crumbling "ship of the old world" afloat. Having heeded the calls of the Italian Marinetti, the founder and father of the world futuristic movement, “to spit on the altar of art every day”, they shocked with their scandalous behavior, the speed of forward movement, polemical aggression, self-aggrandizement and contempt for everything that was supported by visual culture in an elegant reproduction and was so dear to the heart of the anal man in the street.

Historically, futurism in its multiple refractions carried a high degree of radicalism, was consonant with both the left and the right, as well as all those who, preferring all these "-isms", later reshaped the old world through wars and revolutions of the 20th century. It should only be noted that Italian fascism, the predecessor of German, also had futuristic roots.

However, Russian futurism, advocating a complete rejection of past achievements, calling for the future, refused to accept the forms of militarism following the supporters of Marinetti. Mayakovsky, who met with Marinetti abroad in the late 1920s, was disappointed in the pro-fascist form of the futuristic movement he proposed, which at that time looked like the faint embers of the upcoming military fire that would engulf Europe by August 1939. Marinetti himself, having seen the Russian revolutionary poet, who spoke a lot about the beginning of the restoration process and the rise of the country from the ruins of the civil war, was deceived in his expectations by the refusal of the Soviets from the idea of Leon Trotsky to fan the fire of the world revolution, the transition to a peaceful track with the established one-party system of the internal political structure, control art and the gradual introduction of socialist realism.

The Italian futurists relied on their bourgeoisie, which played a progressive role in the unification of Italy. The Russian bourgeoisie was unable to take on the mission of clearing the path to a new form of statehood from all kinds of "feudal rubbish." A different, revolutionary approach was needed here, which led to the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the most progressive Russian intelligentsia, having gone over to the side of the workers and peasants, joined in all its social, educational and creative processes.

Mayakovsky, responding to the calls of his literary colleagues to throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy off the steamer of our time, as an artist and poet, strove to express through art the change of eras, transform the world, move away from the universal framework, drive the "nag of history".


Later, after the Russian revolution, the French surrealist Dadaists would demand to throw off all the classical old stuff. Only in most of them the revolt will subsequently boil down to membership in the Communist Party of France, well financed by the Soviets, and, perhaps, only Salvador Dali will be able to really change the world, erase all classical canons generally accepted in art, find a new daring solution to religious themes in painting, reflect canvases of the depths of the human subconscious, to divide this world into real and super-real.

“In futurism, there is no longer a man, he is torn to shreds,” Nikolai Berdyaev reproached. But man is being replaced by mechanics and machines. If it were not for the futurists with their idea of renewal, there probably would be no modern technology, cars, nascent aviation, electronics and the first manned flight into space.

The play on words and sounds, the simplicity of geometric shapes and the unpretentiousness of the colors of the poster paintings were for the futurists the inalienable tools for the destruction of everything old and dead that was still preserved and held in the art and life of the anal phase of development. Futurists were the first to bring poetry out of intimate rooms to halls of many thousands, giving "slaps to the public taste" with shocking and even sometimes vulgar behavior.

Leading the way. The sonic vanguard of the revolution

The revolution is the time of urethral sound specialists, bringing a new vision and the most fantastic ideas about the traditional and common, whether it concerns objects, words or music. So the musician Revarsavr (Revolutionary Arseny Avraamov), developing a system of ultrachromatic temperament, that is, a new tonal system based on 48 notes, demanded from the People's Commissar of Education Lunacharsky to “burn all the pianos” as a symbol of the twelve-point temperament he despised, which “crippled the rumors of millions of people.

The musician's fingers, according to the innovative composer, were not able to express the revolutionary nature of music in sound, so he decided to use a small garden rake for playback. Arseny Avraamov was the author of the "Symphony of Beeps", played not "on downpipe flutes", but on real factory pipes.


Perhaps the idea of writing a trumpet symphony, performed in Baku in 1922, was prompted to him by the lines of Mayakovsky's poem "Could you?", Which he apparently appreciated very much. The imaginary composer Revarsavr more than once suggested to Stalin to create a poetic laboratory in which it was supposed to synthesize the voices of famous people, for example, the voice of Lenin, for sounding some fundamental work of the leader of the world proletariat, and the anthem of the Soviet Union should be sung with the synthesized voice of Mayakovsky. By the way, in the 80s acoustic experiments became an absolute reality, and the Japanese even managed to synthesize a voice that could belong to Gioconda.

Nature is wise, and does not create anything in vain or accidentally. She, like a great researcher, creates rare specimens that try themselves in certain proposed circumstances of the scene and environment. For people with urethral-sound ligament vectors, the definition of "premature" is key, and this fact cannot be denied. Those for whom they are trying, in whom they are often looking for support, hang like kettlebells on their feet, rushing into the future and pulling the flock.

Mayakovsky enthusiastically accepted the Russian revolution. Having come to grief with the tsarist censorship, which pretty much reduced his poems and poems being prepared for publication, Vladimir Vladimirovich - a first-class orator - participating in the rallies, loudly declared that now art is free from politics and "separated from the state." Success inspires Vladimir Mayakovsky, and he continues to expand into other types of art - theater and cinema.

No matter how Lenin persuaded that "the proletariat put an end … to the time of Aesop's speeches, literary servility, slave language, ideological serfdom," soon the Futurists were given the feeling that their poetry, and with it, "all literature should become party literature." Disagreeing with this statement, David Burliuk, the father of Russian futurism and literary godfather of the poet, who quite seriously suggested that Mayakovsky adopt him when he was especially in need, preferred to leave Moscow, and then Russia.

The rest of the Futurists, realizing that they will not be able to "live in society and be free from society …" with all its political innovations and demands, sharply change their course, turning their face to the new government.

Mayakovsky manages to create a magazine "LEF" (Left Front), in which he publishes his poems, as well as the works of his comrades. Thus, having risen to a high level of the literary hierarchy and rightfully occupying the vacant place of the "father of Russian futurism", as a leader, he unites the scattered forces of the Russian avant-garde under the wing of "LEF".

Poems, like music, are rhythm and sound in the absence of a plot and meaning. The features of the sound vector are manifested in Mayakovsky in his poems written down with a ladder. It is known that Vladimir Vladimirovich did not like punctuation marks, he simply did not put them in sentences, which is why his rhyme acquired an endless thought.


For an audio engineer, confusion and continuous flow with no division in speech is normal. The poet's sound was expressed in a special phonetics and semantic meaning, new and not pronounced by anyone. The ability of a sound engineer is to perceive the expressiveness of a word in sound and thus determine the strength of its impact, no matter whether it was written or said.

The placement of punctuation marks clearly did not belong to the merits of the poet. Punctuation seemed pale, inexpressive and, most likely, distracted him from the process of writing poetry, and he, in order not to lose the thread of the narrative, when the thought was ahead of the pen that wrote it down, he simply ignored the punctuation marks.

“Our usual punctuation with periods, commas, question marks and exclamation marks is too poor and not expressive in comparison with the shades of emotion that a complicated person now puts into a poetic work,” V. Mayakovsky was vexed. To rectify the situation at the request of Vladimir Vladimirovich - "Osya, place the patches" - undertook Osip Brik, becoming the first proofreader, editor and publisher of the future celebrity.

Vladimir Mayakovsky, with large sculpted facial features and enormous growth inherited from his forester father, retained in his plastic something of an overgrowth, never having learned how to control his body. There was something sweeping puppy in his demeanor. This is probably why the nickname Puppy suited him, with which he signed letters to Lilya Brik. More than one year will pass before he, having begun to make money on his poems and the magnificent innovative ideas of an advertiser, turns into an artistic, elegant, dressed according to his urethral rank, the leader of a young man and sets off to conquer the world.

Part 2. “I was kicked out of the 5th grade. Let's go to throw them into Moscow prisons"

Part 3. The Queen of Spades of Soviet Literature and the Patroness of Talents

Part 4. The love boat crashed …

Part 5. American daughter of the poet
