The Meaning Of The Concept Of Culture Is Exact, What Is Put Into The Definition

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The Meaning Of The Concept Of Culture Is Exact, What Is Put Into The Definition
The Meaning Of The Concept Of Culture Is Exact, What Is Put Into The Definition

Video: The Meaning Of The Concept Of Culture Is Exact, What Is Put Into The Definition

Video: The Meaning Of The Concept Of Culture Is Exact, What Is Put Into The Definition
Video: Definition of Culture 2024, October

The meaning of the concept of culture

The primary and most important role of culture in the history of human development is the preservation of the human species. At the training "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan reveals in detail the entire path of our ancestor from animal to man, such basic concepts as additional desires, hostility, love, explains the initial, deep meaning of the concept of culture. To understand the reasons for such a reaction of people to an unreasonable assignment and to predict the likely damage, one must remember what meaning was originally put into the concept of culture …

It's 2019. The Public Council under the Committee for Culture of the State Duma of Russia is growing with new names. This time, the notorious pop foul language was included in the council. Shock! Internal protest was felt even by those who have never considered themselves to be a cultural community. Comments on the Internet predicted the end of the world: the mere presence of such a person on the committee erases the very meaning of the concept of culture completely and irrevocably.

Why is such indignation, as if they have touched upon something very important, which is unconsciously perceived as a disaster? After all, the concept of "culture" is constantly present in our information space in the broadest senses: culture of everyday life, culture of speech, mass culture, legal culture, spiritual culture and many more different cultures. Let us assume that in this case the culture of speech suffers. So what?

To understand the reasons for such a reaction of people to an unreasonable assignment and to predict the likely damage, it is necessary to remember what meaning was originally put into the concept of culture.

The primary and most important role of culture in the history of human development is the preservation of the human species. “Culture is a way of existence that humanity has chosen for the purpose of self-preservation” (Z. Freud).

The person is hostile. I want and do not receive

At the training "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan reveals in detail the entire path of our ancestor from animal to man, such basic concepts as additional desires, hostility, love, explains the initial, deep meaning of the concept of culture.

Our ancestor differed little from animals - he also drank from reservoirs, preserved himself, multiplied and got just as much food as he could eat. With the development, under the threat of extinction of the species, our ancestors had the first additional desires: for food that could be stored for future use, for speaking, for the transfer of experience and skills, and others. In order to store food for future use, one had to limit oneself. The life of the primitive flock was strictly regulated by restrictions - taboos, which no one dared to violate under the threat of exile and death.

But the increased desire for food has not gone anywhere. And around there were other people who were quite suitable for food for the "animal". Therefore, in a number of basic restrictions, a ban on cannibalism also arose. This made it possible to save the human flock from extinction and give a person a chance to survive to this day.

It was the ability to limit that separated our ancestor from animals and determined the further path of human development. He learned to save food resources in case of an unsuccessful hunt, was able to limit himself from eating congeners. And what about animal desires?

The animal man could not eat another, but he wanted to. Each individual felt the other as a food item under a ban. This caused dislike - "this is the food that I cannot eat." For the first time, a person realized the existence of another person through a feeling of dislike. Lack, unfulfilled desire, expressed in the meanings: I want and do not receive, made the early man "a kind of hostile".

The meaning of the concept of culture picture
The meaning of the concept of culture picture

A cultured person. Salvation from myself

A person developed, new additional desires appeared, frustration grew from non-fulfillment of desire, hostility and tension within the pack increased. At a certain stage, it was possible to relieve this tension by rare acts of ritual cannibalism, but over time the enmity reached such proportions that the primitive flock again found itself under the threat of self-destruction. The primary ban on cannibalism, as a law, as a taboo, no longer worked on its own. New tools were needed to ensure survival.

What saved humanity this time? The emergence of culture as a secondary limiter of hostility in society.

The only meaning of the concept of culture is to restrict hostility and hatred that destroy society from the inside.

There is nothing else. All other interpretations simply split this concept into different "types" of culture, blurring the main meaning. Culture is compassion, empathy and love instead of gloating and hatred.

Culture includes many manifestations, united by one meaning:

  • music, chants - as the transmission of meanings through sounds;
  • literature - as meanings conveyed by the written word;
  • art as a transfer of images: painting, theater, cinema, sculpture;
  • religion - as a set of moral values, norms and patterns of behavior, designed to develop sympathy, compassion and love for people in a person.

All manifestations of culture are, in fact, anti-dislike and anti-murder. The fear of death that arose in the visual vector initially led to an awareness of the value of human life and developed into such human qualities as sensuality, imagination, emotions, empathy, love, sacrifice. Anything that limits hostility and reduces the risks of self-destruction of society. On this basis, it is very easy to distinguish a cultural phenomenon from an uncultured or anti-cultural phenomenon.

If literature, music or art serve to educate and develop human qualities, limit hatred and hostility in society, then they can be called a cultural phenomenon. Then they are part of the culture and fully correspond to its meaning.

Everything else can be called anything, but not part of the concept of culture.

  • If the story or story does not limit dislike, it is not literature, but the expression on paper of your bad experiences and states.
  • If a movie or a theatrical production does not restrict hostility, but, on the contrary, induces people to split and disunity, this is not art, but something filmed or some kind of actions of people on the stage.
  • If the song does not help "build and live" and does not lead to a bright future, but as the worst enemy awakens animal instincts, swearing and dirty words throws a person from the height of civilization into a primitive animal state - this is not art, not literature, not culture, this is only the expression by the author of his complexes and frustrations, clearly speaking about what he wants, but does not receive.

The limitation of hostility, which is the meaning of the concept of culture, is one of the basic concepts that preserve the existence of humanity. This meaning is forever fixed in the human psyche, deep in the unconscious. This is the basis for the existence of society.

Man cultural picture
Man cultural picture

When the foundations are shaken, an ancient fear awakens - the fear of self-destruction. This makes almost all people so actively respond to the absurd - when a sample of an uncultured person is included in a cultural council.

But that's not the only cause for concern, it's the tip of the iceberg.

Devaluation and lies. How strong is the inner enemy

Today, from the height of the past millennia, we see that the human species is still weak and hostility still corrodes society. The concept of culture is, but where is the meaning? Lost?

Our country has a unique mentality, one of a kind. The unbending mysterious Russian soul, over the solution of which has been struggling for more than one century, is broad, free. It is difficult to restrict us by the law, because there is a higher restriction - shame. We limit ourselves by acting fairly, mercifully and conscientiously.

We are able to resist any enemy, instantly unite in the face of an external threat, liberate peoples and take them under our protection, help the weak and oppressed. And in these wars we are invincible. The only thing that can destroy us is ourselves. There is no external enemy, there is an internal enemy - hostility that corrodes society like rust, making our people weak, divided, incapable of developing and defending their country.

There are many ways to bring dislike to society. Russia's opponents are successfully investing in our consciousness values and false attitudes that are alien to us, devaluing our history and our heroes - they are waging an information war designed to disorient the people and destroy the country from within by the hands of the citizens themselves. All good, positive things are hushed up. Any action by the authorities is distorted, devalued and inflated to a catastrophe of universal proportions. This is our reality today.

Enmity within society is growing, but where is the culture that should limit this hostility? Good question. It would seem that it is clear to everyone that a war is underway to destroy Russia. No shooting, airstrikes or explosions. We must unite and fight back … But no! Suddenly, from somewhere, like cockroaches, "media personalities" crawl out - assorted "experts", bloggers, "historians" who, with a clever look, prove to us that our history and our heroes are propaganda, but in fact we are dense, stupid and uncivilized. All concepts and meanings are devalued - military and labor exploits, achievements of the country and people, all of our past.

Culture as one of the basic historical categories is also subject to ridicule and distortion. And now new "cultural trends" appear - youth culture, modern culture, rap culture, using mat, toilet vocabulary and dirty meanings. This is followed by an alternative vision of classics and historical events. The original meaning is completely erased, ridiculed and turned inside out. And now "Pushkin is not our everything", the blockade of Leningrad is a reason to make a vulgar film about a New Year's party, great historical figures are monsters or idiots …

The culture-killing mat. How to prevent Russia from falling apart

Everything has a beginning. The desire to speak and convey meanings to each other has arisen in man since time immemorial. One of the meanings of the appearance of people with an oral vector in an ancient flock is the formation of a common language, the development of communication skills and the creation of like-mindedness. Verbal intelligence, the ability to induce - in a developed state, these people united entire nations. Great orators, announcers, commentators - Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, Yuri Levitan, Nikolai Ozerov - conveyed meanings, concepts that everyone perceived in the same way and were consolidated into a single reality.

There is another side of the coin, or rather, another task of oral people in early society - to explain to dull "cultured" individuals where children come from. Otherwise, it’s not even an hour, we will die out. To this day, one can often observe how oral people are very fond of talking, joking and joking about this … Yes, the very thing that is below the waist and is associated with the process of reproduction. And it's even easier for him to speak obscenely about it. Abusive meanings in general are always only "about this simple matter." The use of swear words in speech always speaks of certain shortcomings of the speaker. It is always unpleasant and detrimental to those who are forced to listen to it. But if an oral person does this, then the damage to others increases many times over.

Culture-killing mat picture
Culture-killing mat picture

There are two different concepts - reproduction (mating) and sexuality. Many people confuse them - they either combine or replace one with another. At the training "System Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan clearly shares the meaning of these definitions. Reproduction is our animal nature. Sexuality is a human concept. Sexuality distinguishes a person from an animal and is not reproduction, although it includes it, just as a higher stage of development includes lower ones. All oral jokes are only about reproduction.

The word of the oral person is inductive. The oral word penetrates the brain, bypassing consciousness, and breaks through the cultural layer of a person, returning him to a primitive state.

The obscene word removes cultural restrictions, returning us to the primary urge to reproduce and kill.

Mate performed by an oral person is a double blow to the psyche.

As a knife goes through butter, so obscene meanings penetrate a person's thoughts, destroying cultural restrictions and awakening the animal nature.

What if he has the ability to write lyrics and compose music? But what if he was born “at the right time and in the right place”, hitting the stage during the years of the collapse of a great country, when values and traditions were crumbling? The win-win combination of "rock plus mate", which is quite consistent with his level of development, constantly poisoned the minds of people. His activities were quite compatible with the general frustration of the population and social psychopathology that accompanied the troubled 90s.

As if from the people, as if personifying the people, but in fact he has always been outside the brackets of normal human life, human relations.

What do we have in the bottom line

Children, adolescents, youth (immature minds) have been listening to obscenities and immoral meanings for more than 20 years, killing still unformed people in themselves.

Mat and culture picture
Mat and culture picture

A whole generation of crippled destinies.

  • Children who hear obscenities from their parents and from the monitor screen stop in psychosexual development, cannot learn and assimilate knowledge normally.
  • Teenagers who absorb obscene words have almost no chance of creating their own family based on feelings and spiritual relationships.
  • Young people who perceive obscene meanings reduce intimate relationships between a man and a woman to the level of animal mating, without obligations, without love, without a future …

The circle is complete. The concept of culture does not exist in their minds, the lack is completely different - to eat, drink and take a female. Everything is like animals. There is no compassion, sympathy, love, responsibility, the ability to rejoice for another, to create normal relationships.

There is no limitation, there is only hatred, dislike … There is no point in becoming a human being, learning, developing, creating something. And now:

  • the tsunami of swearing in schools rolls over, overwhelming even the elementary grades;
  • there is a wave of violence against classmates with brutal fights and severe injuries;
  • the hatred is so strong that teenagers begin to kill their peers;
  • mothers and fathers torture and kill their children.

This threatens to disaster, it again brings us to the line beyond which begins the abyss of self-destruction. People feel threatened - collectively and unmistakably. And of course, they associate this with a person who for decades has been causing irreparable harm to culture, the very meaning of human existence - the development of sensuality and spirituality, which limit hostility.

There is nothing easier than destroying what other people have created. But to create something that will remain in history and will be a lifeline for a whole generation in the bitter years of the country's collapse, as, for example, Vladimir Vysotsky did - this requires talent and boundless love for people.

Shock is good. This gives hope that all is not lost …

Culture concept picture
Culture concept picture
