How to stop thinking about a person?
Yes, that's crazy. How not to think about a person who is indifferent to you? An effective way was found. It turned out that the main thing here is to understand the reasons why a person does not get out of his head …
He was in my head always and everywhere. When I was cooking, watching films, meeting friends, driving to work. An exhausting, obsessive state - when a person who does not need you occupies all your thoughts. It hurts, it’s stupid, it’s humiliating in the end! But you simply cannot do anything, and no advice from psychologists - how to throw a person out of thoughts - does not help.
- I wonder if he would have liked this seasoning for meat?..
- A dashing plot twist, just a great movie, I wish I could tell him …
- That same song … ours … just to tears …
- What a starry night! And the moon is huge. What if he is also looking at her somewhere now?
Yes, that's crazy. How not to think about a person who is indifferent to you? An effective way was found. It turned out that the main thing here is to understand the reasons why a person does not get out of his head.
What connected you with this person?
It doesn't matter if you were connected by a long life together or fleeting communication, which is impossible to forget. The main thing is that this person has become special. Next to him, the soul was filled with something important, priceless.
The main task is to find out what hidden shortages, innermost desires of your heart this person filled. And learn to fill them yourself.
Then you no longer have to fill the void in your soul with useless memories of relationships, which, in fact, do not exist.
What prevents you from forgetting another person
When a loved one is the meaning of life. Not all girls have fantasies only about a white dress, borscht and children. Sometimes it goes to the hundredth plane, and I want to understand: why do you live in the world at all? And people, as luck would have it, are down to earth, narrow-minded. What to talk to them about?
And then He appears. Silent, strange person, as if not of this world. Meaningful conversations with him are a special pleasure, but keeping quiet together is a real paradise! You have something about, right?
And here the seeker of the meaning of life (a woman with a sound vector) risks falling into a trap. The meaning of life, still not found, is transferred to a loved one. It becomes the center of the universe. The reason it exists. In the whole wide world, he is so alone. Like the Almighty.
Sometimes it's a platonic relationship. A man may not even suspect that someone's world revolves around him. It is enough for a sound girl, with her sensitive ears, to occasionally hear the voice of a loved one, around which her thoughts revolve. Know that he is somewhere. It's hard for her to stop constantly thinking about the person who is the meaning. After all, thinking is a special pleasure for sound specialists.
When a person evokes emotions that you do not experience with others. How to stop thinking about a person if there were bright, fountain-like feelings next to him? If only next to this person you felt yourself truly alive, strongly and vividly living every moment of your life? Sensual experiences and love are the main value for people with a visual vector. Such people suffer from love addiction, when without a loved one you suffocate, as if without air. Memories of the man you like rolls along with a wave of tremendous feelings. To experience them seems to be a salvation from bottomless melancholy.
And it happens that a vivid imagination itself drew pictures of a stormy romance in your thoughts. In every look, in every word, you fancied something more, and the emotions spun, spun … And then a painful collapse from the realization that you were in pink glasses and put them on yourself. But in reality, these feelings are not mutual.
How to stop thinking about a person picture -
When the dream of getting married and becoming a better wife and mother did not come true. This case is already "about borscht and children", but not only. The owner of the anal vector, more than other women, strives to get married, to make a nest. Be a faithful and devoted wife to your loved one. Become a better mother to his children. When obsessive thoughts about this haunt you, then you involuntarily try on the surname of your loved one almost from the first day of meeting …
If there were joint plans with a former partner, then thoughts about this stubbornly do not go out of my head. So it was not possible to implement them, to finish the plan, to put an end to it. It's excruciating.
In addition, people with an anal vector have a phenomenal memory. You remember every little thing, every detail of your past. It is impossible to stop thinking about your loved one simply because you constantly remember everything in every detail.
Ways to stop thinking
It is impossible to force oneself not to think about a person by an effort of will. And thoughts involuntarily creep into my head, and there is no sweetness with feelings. And even time, it turns out, is so-so "doctor". It is really possible to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a person only if you fill your shortages, realize your desires.
The point is not at all in any particular person. And the fact that your soul painfully wants, but does not receive what is so desired. For example, meaning in life or vivid feelings and experiences, family comfort and warmth.
The psyche of modern people is complex - we can be carriers of three or even more different vectors at the same time. And now, how to stop thinking about the person you love, if almost all the desires of your heart were associated with him?
Ways to help forget a person
Nature gives us psychological properties, talents for realization among other people. When a person manages to realize himself fully, then he does not experience any frustrations or shortages. Since he fills his desires and thoughts about how to fill the spiritual emptiness at the expense of another person, does not arise. For instance:
- Phenomenal memory in the anal vector is designed to accumulate and pass on experience and knowledge to future generations. When this talent is put into action, everything is in order. If not, the memory is not occupied with what it needs, you are immersed in your own past. And she becomes your “executioner”: thoughts are constantly scrolling through all the nuances and details of what I would like to forget as soon as possible.
- The huge emotional range of visual people is designed for empathy, compassion for other people. Such a person perfectly realizes himself in culture, humanistic professions. If not, emotional swings and love dependencies replace one another, because a huge sensual potential requires implementation.
- The talent of a person with a sound vector is his abstract intelligence. His thoughts are capable of creating ideas that will lead humanity forward. When he succeeds in realizing himself, then the sound engineer himself carries meanings to other people. For example, the formula conveys the essence of the laws of the physical world. Or, in a word, the essence of metaphysical processes. If the sound engineer does not find the meaning of life, then his own thoughts can lead not only to "sound transference" in a pair, but also to severe depression.
- There is also a special talent: to be a Woman. Always desired, loved, the only one. Set the tone in relationships. To inspire a man to great accomplishments, to become a real Muse to a loved one. This talent is hidden in each of us. Only psychological blockages prevent it from opening: depressive states, experienced pain and bad experience.
Get rid of negative states, realize yourself and be happy. Thousands of women succeeded in this with the help of Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology". This means that you are guaranteed to succeed.