How to stop being afraid to drive
Why am I afraid to drive while others are not? Even among beginners, not everyone will ask how to stop being afraid to drive. Not everyone has such fear. So why are some people afraid to drive while others are not? Most fears (including the fear of driving) carry at their core a fundamental, root emotion - the fear of death.
The car saves time and effort, adds convenience and comfort to our lives. Many people strive to learn driving skills. But it happens that fear prevents you from achieving what you want. The question of how not to be afraid to drive a car is most often asked:
- beginners who recently got behind the wheel and have almost no driving experience;
- people who get behind the wheel again after a long break in driving (with initial experience);
- people who survived the accident.
This article will discuss all three options.
How to overcome your fear of driving as a beginner
Anyone feels relaxed in an environment of safety and security. For those who are just learning to drive, this feeling is sometimes sorely lacking. It seems that danger lies in wait everywhere: what if someone cuts, suddenly slows down? Or will a pedestrian suddenly run right under the wheels?
1. There are all kinds of situations on the road. But while you are just learning to drive, you should at least exclude additional stress factors that can interfere. They are different for each and depend on the psychological properties of a person. For instance:
- It is easier for the owners of the sound vector to concentrate in silence. Such people have highly sensitive hearing. It happens that they are very distracted from driving and even annoyed by the conversations of fellow travelers. If you are a natural introvert, love to be in the dark, silence and loneliness, perhaps this is about you. Try to gain experience alone, without an escort. Perhaps you will get special pleasure from driving around the city at night when there are few cars and people around.
- In contrast, carriers of the visual vector are usually afraid to travel alone. Since these are very emotional people, they partly relieve their fear of driving when they feel emotional support around them. The vision of such a person has a special sensitivity during the daytime, and he feels more secure. At night, however, the fear of driving can increase.
Therefore, gain experience in the daytime, and take people who are calm and positive as your travel companions. The presence of an “alarmist” nearby can aggravate your fear, because visual people easily “pick up” emotions from the interlocutor.
It is important to know: everything is good only in moderation. If you are already wondering how to stop being afraid to drive alone, this is a red flag. This means that you only manage to steer when someone nearby helps you to relieve fear. This state requires a deeper analysis: you need to figure out what the reason is. Read about the root causes of fear further in the article.
Owners of the anal vector feel more easily in a familiar, familiar environment. These people are detailed and unhurried, so they also need to master the driving skill in all details and without rushing. If necessary, even take a driving course again to master all the nuances.
The best way to gain experience is on familiar routes. Choose 2-3, study them thoroughly and expand the geography of trips gradually. If at first you are stunned by many different factors, a constant change in the situation on the road, then choose less busy areas. And gradually build up the difficulty too.
The owners of the skin vector, on the contrary, love novelty, change, speed. These are the biggest lovers of "steer": even in social life, they are the talented managers. The trump card of such a driver is the ability to do several things at the same time, to quickly switch. Of course, this adds advantages on the road.
But it happens that in certain states such a person, on the contrary, fidgets and fusses, grabs first one thing, then another, makes many unnecessary movements. Here it is worthwhile to understand yourself deeper and find out what exactly is behind such a state.

2. Sometimes it is worth changing the instructor.
Some train exclusively with a professional instructor. Someone is calling for help from loved ones - a friend, father, husband - who have driving experience. But in any case, it is important to protect yourself from possible psychological trauma. Even wanting the best, the person teaching you can cause damage out of ignorance. For instance:
- There is no worse trauma for an audio engineer than being yelled at. Remember the sensitive hearing in this vector? If you got a "screaming" driving teacher - change it right away. Otherwise, the sound ear will simply be disconnected from the source of stress, and you will not really learn anything.
- The spectator takes enormous damage if he is frightened or ridiculed. In the visual vector - the root of the fear of death, it is he who becomes the main reason for the fear of driving. But more on that later. And ridiculing your attempts to steer will further perpetuate that fear.
- The owner of the anal vector experiences stress when he is rushed and rushed. And by nature, this is the most obedient and attentive to details student - but he also depends more than others on the teacher's assessment. If you are constantly being pulled, the assessment of your actions is almost always negative, and there is no praise at all, then with such an instructor you "will not go far."
How to stop being afraid to drive after a long break
If you took a driving course, then drove for a month and did not drive further for several years - the advice of the previous section will suit you. Because in fact, you have partially lost the driving experience. You have to start from scratch. Therefore, often people who had experience, after a long break in driving, also ask how to stop being afraid to drive. Most often these are the owners of the anal and visual vectors.
As you remember, the carriers of the anal vector are natural conservatives. They value repetition, ritual, and consistency in life. Their driving skills also develop gradually and not quickly. And it is very important for them that the practice is maintained every day.
When such a person gets out of his usual rhythm for a long time, he needs time to get his skills back. Just take your time and try starting again with fewer routes. Study each of them thoroughly.
In the visual vector, the main reason for all fears is the inner state of a person. Even if the first time you sat behind the wheel without fear, after a long break, it can arise. Moreover, the true reason is hidden from those who are unfamiliar with psychology. It may have nothing to do with driving.
When the viewer experiences severe stress, for example, when a significant emotional connection is cut off, his fears can increase. If you have recently lost loved ones, experienced a breakup with a loved one, a quarrel with a close friend - this can push the balance of your emotions towards fear. But such a reason does not come to mind: it is not clear why the fear of driving arose at all, if everything was all right before? What to do?
It is worthwhile to study the topic of visual fears in more detail in order to understand all the reasons for your conditions.
How not to be afraid to drive after an accident
An accident is a serious stress. And sometimes over-stress: it all depends on what exactly happened. If you are injured, injured, or killed in an accident, this can cause serious psychological trauma.
High-quality psychotherapy will help to cope with this. Where and how you can get it - read further in the article.
Why am I afraid to drive while others are not? The deep roots of fear.
Even among beginners, not everyone will ask how to stop being afraid to drive. Not everyone has such fear. So why are some people afraid to drive while others are not?
Most fears (including the fear of driving) carry at their core a fundamental, root emotion - the fear of death. It is experienced in its entirety by people with a visual vector of the psyche. Such people are endowed with a large emotional range from birth. Even as a child, they can show a variety of fears - the dark, monsters, animals or insects. Later, as they grow older, fears are gradually "converted" into love and empathy. And since childhood, instead of being afraid, we feel sorry for the bug, and the spider, and the homeless kitten. A mature person has compassion for other people.
But even those who seem to have outgrown children's horror stories, the emotional sphere is based on the same root emotion - the fear of death. In stressful situations, fear can overwhelm a person.

But getting behind the wheel means taking responsibility not only for your own life, but also for the life of your fellow travelers. The lives of other people also indirectly depend on you: pedestrians, other drivers. This is a significant stress for the bearer of the visual vector: after all, it is for such people that human life is the maximum value.
In this case, an extremely important quality is stress resistance.
If you feel complete psychological well-being in all areas of your life, then driving is a surmountable stress. Problems begin when there are already some problems in the emotional sphere of the viewer, for example:
- you have outbursts of uncontrollable emotions;
- you often experience swings in emotional states, prone to hysteria;
- you have other fears besides the fear of driving;
- you are familiar with panic or anxiety;
- you suffer from emotional dependence or cannot adapt in any way the breakdown of an emotional connection with a significant person (divorce, separation, death of a loved one).
These signs indicate that the fear of driving is just the tip of the iceberg. And the point is that your psyche is fixed in the visual vector, "stuck" in a state of fear. The reason could be a variety of psychotraumas, even those that occurred in childhood.
Therefore, in order to actually get rid of negative feelings, you need to understand exactly what is behind them.
How to stop being afraid of driving forever: driving without fear is real
The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan will help to solve any problems associated with fears in a complex way. With it you can:
1. Completely reveal the structure of your psyche, get rid of any psychological trauma, including childhood. Fully improve your emotional state.
2. Eliminate any negative consequences associated with a bad driving experience (psychological trauma after accidents or "anchors" hung by a negligent instructor).
As a result, you will be able to steer not only your car, but also your life easily and with pleasure.