How to cope with depression on your own if there is no love or meaning in life?
The problem is that all life hacks on the topic of self-recovery from depression are given by people through themselves. Advice with a finger to the sky can accidentally teach the songbird how to cope with depression on its own, and for the silent "fish" will be instructions on self-destruction. So is it worth the risk if you can accurately determine your nature and find a way out that suits you?
How to deal with depression on your own when you feel really bad? The forums advise you to love yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle full of positive events. But the one who does not find meaning in anything knows that these are empty words. If, in your search for how to cope with depression and loneliness on your own, you have tried everything, and nothing helps, then it's time to dig deeper - to understand the causes of your conditions.
Yuri Burlan's training System-vector psychology allows you to reveal the reasons for everything that happens to a person, and gives precise effective advice on how to cope with depression on your own and LIVE without suffering.
- Can you cope with depression on your own?
- Causes of depression:
- lack of meaning in life
- lack of love
- How to deal with depression on your own if life has no meaning?
- How to cope with depression on your own if no one seems to love?
- "No" to loneliness, "yes" to happiness with other people
Can you cope with depression on your own?
The plus is that the most effective way to deal with depression yourself can be obtained online.
Yuri Burlan's training in System-Vector Psychology showed thousands of people that it is possible to cope with the most severe depression on their own, and most importantly, to save life.
How can I cope with depression myself if I want to, I don't know what?
How to fulfill your desire if you cannot fully realize it, you don’t understand what you want? The inner aspirations of the psyche give us signals, but we do not decipher them. We do not grasp that bad internal states are subtle hints from the unconscious that we are not working out somewhere. We do not realize the full potential of our properties. We leave them hidden behind our cheeks, without even realizing what we are capable of. And the properties "want" to be used for their intended purpose, and a person wants to be needed by other people.
But when he feels bad on the inside, outside, other people just piss him off - they don't understand him. Does a person understand himself, looking for advice on how to cope with depression on the forums and with friends, if there are any?
The problem is that all life hacks on how to cope with depression on their own are given by people through themselves. But we are different! Tips with a finger to the sky can accidentally teach one person (conventionally a singing "bird") how to cope with depression on his own, and for a person with other mental characteristics (conventionally - a silent "fish") the same advice will be instructions for self-destruction. So is it worth the risk if you can accurately determine your nature and find a way out that suits you?
Causes of depression: "fish" - to the left, "birds" - to the right
With the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, it became possible to accurately understand the reasons for one's bad conditions, loneliness, anxiety, fears, difficult relationships with people and find a way to cope with depression on your own based on its deep causes in the unconscious.
1) The reasons for the depression of the sound "fish" - the lack of meaning in life
It is silent, it swims in the depths of the hidden, in attempts to unravel it and gets stuck in the shady algae of its own "I". Meet this sound "fish".
Darkness does not distract a person with a sound vector from concentration, depth (philosophical meanings, heavy music) pleasantly presses on the erogenous zone - the ears. But the impact only on the external part - the instrument of sensory perception - is already completely insufficient.
Through the ears - a direct connection with the psyche, from it the chain leads to consciousness. It is the altered state of consciousness that the sound "fish" is looking for. Because the present world seems to her as an ocean of meaninglessness. Without understanding their nature, such a “fish” will never understand how to cope with depression on its own.
How to deal with depression on your own if life has no meaning?
- Step 1. Determine your properties and true desires
- Step 2. Understand what these desires are missing
- Step 3. Conduct awareness into action
A person's cognition of oneself is an obsessive desire of the sound engineer to comprehend the hidden inside. But it doesn't come close to a satisfying answer. Only the entrance to the black abyss somewhere in the place of the soul opens.

Depression is the most painful condition in the sound vector range, even if it is mild depression. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains in detail that it happens from the lack of fulfillment of natural desires.
The sound engineer wants to establish feedback with the root cause, to understand why and by whom he was conceived and embodied. What is all this for? And he has all the properties for this - abstract intelligence, the ability to focus and grasp the subtlest meanings. But with all this data, he still does not understand how to cope with depression himself.
This is because all the interest of the sound engineer is self-directed. So he falls into a trap and experiences even more stress from the inability to cope with depression on his own. In himself, he seeks the disclosure of the origins of the universe, and the deeper he plunges, the more obvious and unbearable for himself his blackness, not filled with meaning, becomes for himself.
Depression - how to cope on your own
Humanity is developing. In a skin measure, we have gone from a stone ax to an iPhone, in a visual one - from fear for ourselves to the undeniable value of every human life! And in sound measure? Sound scientists have succeeded in studying the laws of the physical world, and the structure of their own psyche has remained a mystery to them.
With the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, the owner of the sound vector gets access to the microcircuits of the human soul for the first time. This is the answer to how to cope with depression yourself. In the "fish", usually escaping from annoying fellows, interest in other people suddenly awakens. And this is a significant breakthrough for the sound egocentric on the way to comprehending the general purpose of life.
The human species is structured as a single organism that exists in social relationships. And the sound engineer often imagines that the head can exist without the body.
When the soundman's brain is included in the mental work of the general organism, and does not think of itself as self-sufficient on its own, it finally gets rid of the oppressive feeling of being exiled to this planet, doomed to meaninglessness and loneliness.
2) Causes of depression of the visual "bird" - lack of love
The owner of the visual vector feels the meaning of life in love. If it is not there, the viewer experiences the most severe conditions - fears, anxieties, tantrums, panic attacks. If it is, it often takes the form of emotional dependence. And then the spectator asks himself - how to stop loving? Such severe stress for their psyche is often called depression by visual people themselves.
In search of a way to cope with depression itself, the "birdie" falls into a cage of self-love. Every day it becomes worse and worse, but the spectator does not see either the well or the key from the cell.
Is it possible to cope with depression and emotional shortages on your own and get the coveted love? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan opens up the expanse of the meadow steppe of love for people in front of visual people instead of imprisoning self-pity in solitude.
The basis of the visual soul is the fear of one's own death. Weak, unable even to kill a bug, it was hard for such individuals to survive in an ancient flock. We got rid of the weak and unnecessary. They had something to fear. Until it became clear how they can be useful. Sharp seeing and sensitive in soul, the spectators became daytime guards of the flock from the predator and the creators of the first positive emotion of man to man.
Driven by anxiety for her life, the visual girl creates emotional connections. She brings her fear out to help others, and receives a guarantee of safety from the flock and from the man. Instead of fear, empathy, love arises. This is a natural way to find a way to cope with the so-called visual depression on your own.
It is important to realize: in a pair relationship, it is the girl who first goes to emotional rapprochement and shows a willingness to dispel the anxiety of her beloved. Only this mechanism in our time more and more often gets confused, and the spectator more often only demands love for herself, feeling the pain inside from the fact that, as it seems to her, nobody needs.
The owner of the visual vector can understand how to cope with depression herself by turning her basic emotion of fear into participation and empathy for others. When a girl is depressed, the first thing to check is what her emotional connections are with people. Has she forgotten how to feel love and sympathy for people herself?
"No" to loneliness, "yes" to happiness with other people
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives you the skill to accurately interpret your unconscious desires and realize them, experiencing tremendous pleasure from life. This means that an exact algorithm appears on how to cope with depression yourself and never remember about it again.

Finally, a process of error-free communication arises between the hidden uncontrollable unconscious and individual consciousness. It is as if a dialogue of radically different cultures is being built inside a person, where the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan acts as a simultaneous translator.
You can cope with depression on your own and find your way to happiness only by understanding yourself and finding your cell in the community of all kinds of people.
To stop being an “unknown animal” for yourself and cope with depression on your own, register for a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan using the link.