A Man Does Not Want A Serious Relationship, Why And What To Do

A Man Does Not Want A Serious Relationship, Why And What To Do
A Man Does Not Want A Serious Relationship, Why And What To Do

The man does not want a serious relationship

In the modern world, relationships are much more complicated, but the same basic psychological mechanism continues to operate in them. Therefore, pair relationships in a state of "uncertainty" often do not bring a woman complete inner satisfaction. And when she agrees that her man is not ready for a serious relationship, she simultaneously “agrees” to his psychological discomfort.

You are smart and beautiful. You met and he offered to be together. You are happy to give all of yourself to your couple: you cook his favorite borscht, do not miss spa treatments and wear beautiful lingerie instead of old dressing gowns. It has long been unlikely that this man does not want a serious relationship - on the contrary! It seems that the ending of your love story is just around the corner.

You imagine that one evening, when you two are together in a supportive, trusting atmosphere, he will take a full chest of air and …

And suddenly the man says that he doesn't want a serious relationship …

This is not even always said directly or in frank conversation, more often - in half hints, half jokes. And you smile and keep quiet when you hear that the guy doesn't want a serious relationship. There is already a stereotype that it is shameful and unfashionable for a girl to wish a wedding with her lover.

The importance of marriage in the modern world is falling, people get married and divorced at their first whim, as if ordering pizza on the Internet, sex before marriage, living together, and even having children without a passport stamp have not been condemned for a long time.

But no matter how those who are already doing well try to devalue the marriage, in a relationship “without obligations” the woman always becomes the loser. What happens when a girl, day after day giving her man her care and love in the hope of a future marriage, does not receive the coveted marriage proposal? Why doesn't a man want a serious relationship? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the whole background of pair relations, helping to find clear answers to numerous questions.

A woman seeks to get a sense of security and safety from her partner. This is how the human psyche has developed since ancient times - a woman regarded a man as a guarantor of survival for herself and her offspring.

In the modern world, relationships are much more complicated, but the same basic psychological mechanism continues to operate in them. Therefore, paired relationships in a state of "uncertainty" often do not bring a woman complete inner satisfaction, even if she is quite capable of supporting herself. And when she agrees that her man is not ready for a serious relationship, she simultaneously “agrees” to his psychological discomfort.

Even when a woman does not realize this, the alarm bell “he still has not married me” prevents her from completely trusting her partner, which negatively affects the microclimate in the couple and even the woman's ability to conceive and have an orgasm.

Why a man doesn't want a relationship

Image of a man does not want a serious relationship
Image of a man does not want a serious relationship

System-vector psychology clearly shows that a man's psyche is based on a desire for a woman. Anyone, the most beautiful, healthy and intellectually gifted man without a woman next to him looks like a Ferrari with an empty gas tank. Without fuel, a luxury car is just a pile of metal, and not a sports car that accelerates to 100 km / h in 3 seconds.

A man is more socially active and promising if he has a stable pair relationship. He has a sharper taste for life and gets more satisfaction from his achievements. The presence of a beloved gives a man a tangible incentive to move forward. And if he already has one that shared life with him, inspires him, is always there, then his social and sexual needs in relationships are satisfied, and his psyche is in a balanced state.

Therefore, when a man said that he did not want a serious relationship, he really meant it. There is no need for him to increase the degree of his responsibility: he feels that he is "quite happy and so."

It happens that adult men with a body are actually infantile or not taught to take responsibility - neither for their lives, nor for their wife and children. They also want to get their orgasm and can promise what they are not going to fulfill.

But not always a person who does not want to marry is a gigolo or an ordinary scoundrel. It so happens that if there was a divorce or a painful separation in his life, a man avoids serious relationships in the future.

A man after a divorce is afraid of a new relationship - ce la vie?

It happens that the choice is made correctly - he is a really reliable and loyal man who can fix a tap and meet his beloved with a hot dinner. He even loves children and could become an ideal husband, but does not seek to commit himself.

Previous negative experience interferes - a breakup, such a man after a divorce does not want a relationship. System-vector psychology shows that there is a certain psychological type of men - caring and family - for them, parting becomes a great shock, which, as it were, nullifies a man's sincere efforts to create a family.

Even if such a man is burned in a relationship only once, he generalizes this experience and subconsciously projects it into the future - this is how his psyche works. You need to understand that if this man enters into a new relationship, he is afraid of a repetition of the situation when he had to suffer from a breakup. And he makes a "natural" conclusion that it is better not to start a serious relationship with a continuation at all.

Why a man doesn't want a serious relationship picture
Why a man doesn't want a serious relationship picture

What to do when a man doesn't want a serious relationship

I would like to give a recipe point by point, based on the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

First, a woman needs to understand herself and what she herself wants from the relationship. It happens that we enter into a relationship because of self-doubt, fear of being alone. The internal states of a woman affect the quality of her paired relationships and the partners - real and potential - whom she attracts.

And if a man next to him leaves a clear feeling: "this is my man" and you are sure that you want to spend your whole life with him? The good news: a man wants a woman, which means that it is the woman in a pair that sets the tone, that is, the direction of this relationship.

The woman is responsible for a special intimate atmosphere for two. Intimacy is a space into which only two are allowed, it is created from shared experiences and memories, from confidential conversations about the most intimate. Thus, a woman creates an emotional connection with her chosen one, a feeling of extraordinary closeness and love arises between them. If it is supported by a systemic understanding of each other, then it becomes a unique foundation for a long, happy relationship.

Many women were able to establish and improve their pairing relationships after the online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Here are the results of some of them:

If a woman systematically understands her partner, she can step by step create in him that very “lack”, the need for relationships of a different order. Even if a man after a divorce does not want a serious relationship, he will not be able to resist when a companion understands and accepts him. Soon he himself will want to have guarantees that this woman is only his woman. Will want to declare this to friends and relatives, society and the whole world.
