Personality Psychology - The Latest Approach

Personality Psychology - The Latest Approach
Personality Psychology - The Latest Approach

Personality psychology - the latest approach

Man has been studied up and down, analyzed, systematized and cataloged! We somehow live, somehow we work, somehow we find a couple, somehow we bring up children, somehow we try to protect ourselves from the dangers of this world - all blindly, on a whim or following someone's advice. Not surprisingly, it turns out not very or badly …

What can be fundamentally new in personality psychology if it has been the object of study for so many years?

Man has been studied up and down, analyzed, systematized and cataloged! However, this does not negate the complete helplessness of psychology in answering the most important questions of our private life and the life of society.

  • Why is the institution of the family collapsing? And what about your personal relationship?
  • Why is there a growing gap of misunderstanding and alienation between generations? And how to raise your child?
  • Why are suicides and drug use on the rise? And how to protect yourself and your family?
  • Why don't we find our place in this life?

Envy, resentment, fears and depression have become constant companions of a person. Deeper into ourselves and further from the feeling of happiness - we observe this everywhere.

We somehow live, somehow we work, somehow we find a couple, somehow we bring up children, somehow we try to protect ourselves from the dangers of this world - all blindly, on a whim or following someone's advice. Not surprisingly, it turns out not very well or badly.

Today, a long search and painstaking study of human personality have finally been crowned with success. Today we are talking about the creation of a breakthrough concept of human personality that has never existed before, explaining, without exception, all human manifestations and allowing them to be controlled.


System-vector psychology, which originates from the works of Sigmund Freud, Sabina Spielrein, Vladimir Ganzen, Viktor Tolkachev, identifies 8 types of the human psyche, 8 vectors:

  • cutaneous;
  • anal;
  • urethral;
  • muscular;
  • visual;
  • sound;
  • oral;
  • olfactory.

Eight vectors, eight sets of desires, features of thinking, actions, sets of innate abilities. This means that there are eight specific types of pleasure, eight views on "good" and "bad", eight understandings of the words "truth" and "false".

Primitive man had one, maximum two vectors, modern man - three or five, sometimes more, very rarely all eight. More vectors means more desires.

The ways of fulfilling these desires have become much more complicated. If earlier it was enough to be able to throw a spear at a mammoth, now, in order to fully realize one's qualities, it is necessary to possess a large amount of knowledge and a considerable amount of skills. And they need to be realized not in hunting in the savannah, but, for example, in building a business, in engineering.

The personality structure will vary in each individual case. Depending on the combination of specific vectors and the degree of their development, stable links and whole life scenarios will be formed.

Unlike the theories of personality put forward earlier, system-vector psychology works not in five or ten, but in one hundred percent of cases, all its postulates are easily observable and applicable in life.


Each of us, regardless of the psychotype of the personality, is born with the desire to get pleasure and avoid suffering. We get pleasure through the realization of vector properties set from birth. Lack of realization - lack of enjoyment. Overstress - we slide into the archetypal program of behavior.

So, a person with a visual vector will find his realization in creative work that requires good figurative thinking, imagination, sensitivity to tones and half-tones (from colors to shades of feelings).

The specific implementation depends on gender, connection with other vectors and level of development.

So, for example, a developed skin-visual woman is the best teacher of the Russian language and literature, instilling sensuality and the ability to empathize with future generations. She is a born psychotherapist, always ready to respond to the experiences of the one who is nearby.

In a not so developed state, she is a model, singer, actress. Exposing herself to the public, she enjoys the flashes flashing everywhere and everyone's attention. So she feels safe, feels that she will not be forgotten.

And so for each vector.


Each vector has 36 properties, desires that require satisfaction. The higher the temperament, the more insistent this demand.

The skin need for restriction, discipline and control over oneself and others finds its realization both in strict adherence to a healthy diet, sports, and in lawmaking, military service, and management.

The sound ability to distinguish the slightest shades of sounds makes sound people outstanding musicians, composers, they easily speak several foreign languages without an accent, but the biggest need for a sound vector is self-knowledge, it pushes such people into various religious movements, pilgrimage trips or even sects.

And so on for each type of personality, for each vector.

The following aspect is also important: it is impossible to go to work once and receive a salary all your life. Realization is an ongoing process. This is what drives us to act and make efforts throughout our lives.

Having systematic knowledge about ourselves, we acquire a tool with which we can change our life, but we will have to do it ourselves.


Based on the vector set of a person, we can:

- to predict his behavior in any situation of interest to us;

- accurately describe his character;

- to reveal his sexuality;

- reveal his habits, professional preferences

and much more. In fact, to know everything about a person.

Possessing such a unique tool for understanding personality as system-vector psychology, in the first minutes of communication we are able to determine the main psychological problem of a particular personality, as well as ways to solve it.

Systemic knowledge is unique and in demand, it is of great benefit not only to practicing psychologists, students of psychological faculties, school teachers, educators, specialists of recruiting companies, criminologists, sociologists, but to any person who is trying to figure out his life.

The training does not require special knowledge.

You can apply for free introductory lectures here.
