Fanatic On The Loose

Fanatic On The Loose
Fanatic On The Loose

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Fanatic on the loose

Manifestations of fanaticism gradually disappear, a desire to breathe life in deeply wakes up, although it is difficult, although you do not know how, because it has never been otherwise. Unmistakably see your current state, understand how it was formed, predict what you can achieve by moving along this trajectory.

Birth as death - death as breaking the connection with Home. And from the earliest years, the strongest thirst to return the lost connection, poured into a quiet sorrow from the presence "here" in the confinement of his own body, with a great desire to stop this someone's huge mistake of being in this meaningless world.


Where do our desires come from? Have you ever asked yourself this question? It turns out that they come from nowhere. But nothing happens just like that. One of the eight measures of the whole is the sound vector. Like any other, this vector lives through us, as actors, its own specific scenario, within the framework of which the desire for the abstract, for the immaterial, for the spiritual is laid.

It is we, people with a sound vector, who love to delve into philosophy or astronomy, it is we who hammer ourselves with loud "heavy" music or any drugs, and certainly we are the ones who gladly join the ranks of all sorts of esoteric groups, trends and sects.

Only the goal gives strength to move, only the goal gives rise to the most powerful desires, aspirations to it. At some point, the goal outweighs the cost of life itself … Perhaps this is due to the fact that the pursuit of the goal simply devours all other desires. He ceases to be interested in everything except internal search.

Everything inside is ringing. Entry into one "spiritual" direction, into another, third. Different sects are already changing more often than the seasons … It seems, just a little more, the last effort - and that's it, but there is no end to it. The maximum that you achieve is even more questions and disappointments … And then an infinitely black state follows - “There is no God! All this is a set-up, I am dying, my air was taken away! " …


Sooner or later, an increase in thirst seeks more fulfillment, simple fantasy is no longer enough. Religion, esotericism becomes a natural substitute, and then - lo and behold! - there is confirmation of my search: the meaning of life was born. The destination is known, now all its potential is directed towards achieving the goal - that is, God.

The power of sound desire is enormous today! She, like a powerful press, never ceases to put pressure on us, forcing us to search for an answer to the question: "Who am I?" … It pushes us to be interested in the construction of the universe, to restore connection with the "root cause." Agree that such a desire to fill is very, very difficult.

More and more new theories are absorbed, which can bring them closer to comprehending their "I", but after each subsequent disappointment, internal pressure increases. Therefore, discomfort is naturally felt, up to unbearable suffering, which, under certain circumstances, can provoke depression or, worse, suicide.

Fanaticism is active action

The peculiarity of the state of fanaticism is that it is expressed in fully manifested action. Fanaticism does not grow in the soil only of the sound vector, here additional support is required for another part of the whole - the skin vector. Only in this duet, in his unhealthy state, real fanaticism is born. A crazy order to a crazy soldier … The sound vector is the supplier of ideas, and the skin vector implements them in practice.

The character of Golum from The Lord of the Rings is a pretty good image of a being at the mercy of fanaticism, at the extreme level of fall. Fanaticism really disfigures!

And only cold reality awakens with the question: "WHAT AM I DOING WITH MYSELF?" … For some 30 years I have had such incredible achievements: I had a family - no family, I had a great job - no great job, I had friends - no more friends. And the worst thing is to see the faces of their loved ones, who have long perceived you as disabled.

After another "training", I literally ran into the ceiling. It happened faster than I expected, and it was necessary to slow down! But with what? The last brakes burned out, God knows when, you urgently need to find another block, where to throw something that has never cost more than matches … But all in vain - you are already an addict of the search state. There is no strength to resist this on its own. You just tensely walk from corner to corner in search of something to be intoxicated in the next moment.

fanatical man
fanatical man

Oh, how the fresh air fills from the enticing open window, penetrating into the mind with an alluring perspective … I'm sure I was very close to this. And there was absolutely no way to get out - after all, how was it possible to define the above-described state, and indeed any other, without special categories in the head, without special thinking, so that everything would turn into a single regular system? Without such thinking, you evaluate everything as normal, which means that you remain a puppet, blindly fluttering in the clutches of the unconscious!

Here you need a tool that is fundamentally different from various practices, meditations and dubious theories based on subjective assumptions and someone's opinions. Here we need a science that allows us to rip the "secret" stamp from our entire life!

It seems that this has not yet been discovered, but it is not!

To unmistakably see your current state, understand how it was formed, predict what you can achieve by moving along this trajectory … It is possible to fully read the map of your, and not only your, life using Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. Only the initial level of systems thinking is so irretrievably detached in understanding that any achievements of any scientists in the field of psychology are perceived as childish naivety.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully convey the awareness of fanaticism to those who are not familiar with it. It must be examined from within and open from the outside. The state of fanaticism dominates the person, over all other states. You need to try very hard to push yourself to a fundamentally different level of perception of life. It is necessary to allow new categories to enter into oneself; efforts are required to raise your thinking to the level of a truly systemic one. It's worth it! Price is a new life …


Manifestations of fanaticism gradually disappear, a desire to breathe life in deeply wakes up, although it is difficult, although you do not know how, because it has never been otherwise. Feel only the shadow of your existence or go down on a parachute, considering the perfection and harmony of the entire universe - it's up to you, friends! Sign up for free lectures here.