A Hole In A Bablophobe's Pocket

A Hole In A Bablophobe's Pocket
A Hole In A Bablophobe's Pocket

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A hole in a bablophobe's pocket

Having suddenly become a measure of social status, money, not having time to become a means, immediately became the goal of life. The saying "Happiness is not in money" has acquired a new reading: "Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity!"

“When we win, we will turn gold into public latrines on the streets.

This would be the fairest and most visual and edifying use of gold."

V. I. Lenin.

For seventy years Russia has been preparing for the fact that there will be no money at all. The wheel of history has turned differently. The money fell on our heads like the first snow - obvious but incredible. Now the greenish faces of American presidents of various denominations appeared in the most unexpected places. The miracle tree has ceased to bear fruit with cheap children's shoes, as it turned out, you have to pay much more for travel in transport, medical services and housing than we are used to.

Make money, not love

There was not enough money not three days before the payday, but catastrophically, globally. Previously, the lack of money did not mean absolutely nothing - everyone lived like that - now the lack of money has become a disaster, money from a despicable metal and inevitable evil has turned into a real fetish and an idea of fixation for most people in the post-Soviet era.


The money that had been kept in the savings bank for years without any movement suddenly seemed to go crazy! They were rapidly depreciating, denominating, changing their appearance and inner content, until they finally established themselves as a new reality. There was a reason to go crazy for a man whose biggest financial shock was the rise in tram fares from three kopecks to five kopecks in 1983.

Having suddenly become a measure of social status, money, not having time to become a means, immediately became the goal of life. The saying "Happiness is not in money" has acquired a new reading: "Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity!"

Koschey in Russia over gold … withers away

When we say that the Soviets gave us a specific Russian attitude to money, this is not entirely true. From time immemorial, there has been no veneration for money in Russian tradition: Russian culture denied the pursuit of the golden calf. To have, and even more so to boast of big money has always been something indecent, low.

Russia lived as a community in the countryside and an autocratic power in general. The tsar granted wealth - well, we will own the villages, and counting servile souls is a mercantile matter, not lordly. What is bestowed may be taken away. The desire to spend rather than save was also not born during perestroika. The Russian muzhik never had a special opportunity, and even the desire to "capitalize" funds, so he skipped them "in a big way."

System-vector psychology examines the Russian mentality through the prism of two vectors: urethral and muscular. Soviet ideologists competently used the existing trend, expressing it in the language of the Leader of the Revolution, accessible to the people (see epigraph).


The urethral-muscular mentality of Russia perfectly accepted the ideas of social revolution and the impending death of despicable money. The committees of the poor decided the fate of the "world eaters". Numerous unscrupulous enterprises during the last primary accumulation period did not add charm to the business in the eyes of the average Russian. It is quite natural that deception has become synonymous with business for the vast majority of our compatriots.

Coward won't get credit

It is not surprising that with such attitudes in the collective unconscious, it is extremely difficult to adapt to contradictory landmarks in life, serious psychological problems accumulate. Wanting to increase their material well-being, people often experience a feeling of excruciating shame, because money in their minds is a synonym for immorality and deception. They strive for money, and at the same time despise it. Constant painful tossing between two opposite states leads to a deep inner conflict, adaptability in society is disrupted.

The result is not only "illogical buyer behavior" detailed by marketers, but also more serious problems. The inability to build an adequate attitude to money can and does cause severe mental distortions. On the one hand, a person passionately wants to have money as the equivalent of absolute happiness, on the other hand, he is terrified of money. Such an unfortunate person is doomed to an eternal lack of money, which literally falls into the hole of fear of the damned "dough" - a synonym for illness, universal evil, even death.


A million doesn't fall on anyone's head just like that

The urethral vector sets the striving forward, to the future and complete blindness in momentary skin (monetary) values. We just don't see them. As we do not see the skin law and restrictions. To walk - so to walk! Muscle connects us to the ground, makes us stable and strengthens the urethra, which is an expression of animal altruism (giving) for the survival of the flock, preserving its integrity.

The urethral mentality of Russia leads to the fact that, without developing skin properties, ignoring skin prohibitions, we are moving into an unknown future through complete chaos and bacchanalia of what can only conditionally be called commodity-money relations, but in fact this is the same Cherkizon. Unable to develop in the conditions of the urethral mentality, the carriers of the skin vector fall into the archetype, becoming thieves. They "inflate" those who are accustomed to sitting in a cave and waiting for their piece of anal sex, incite muscle masses on the next MMM.

A conviction is formed: you can only make money in Russia by stealing. Only a thief can have a lot of money. And it's a shame to be a thief. That is why another anal-dermal person is afraid of money more than fire and at the same time passionately desires it: Vaska the thief has such a car, I want the same one worse than I, it must be equally! And Vaska, you know, grabs. He, though skinny, wants to live in a big way, in a urethral way.

Hatred of wealth, fear of it, and at the same time the dream of finding a suitcase with a million dollars is a hole not only in the mental "pocket", it has a completely material expression. There are many sad examples of the lucky ones who win millions in the lottery. A million that fell from the sky did not bring happiness to any of them and did not even make them richer: after a short time, the “millionaire” with a hole in his pocket always returned to the original broken trough. Such a hole of happiness turns out.


Money: Pay by Rank!

Practicing psychologists are reluctant to associate such recent disorders as gambling addiction, kleptomania, impulsive purchases and fear of large sums of money with impaired perception of the essence of money. The taboo nature of the monetary sphere in culture also makes itself felt here. We do not like to discuss this topic! Talking about money is discouraged even on the psychoanalyst's couch. We are ready to reveal both our soul and our bedroom, but we do not admit that by borrowing money we are putting a fig in our pocket with our left hand.

Until now, the study of the psychology of money in our country has not received any close attention. System-vector psychology is the only tool that allows you to penetrate into the true essence of money, once and for all rid yourself of myth-making, superstitions and phobias.

System-vector psychology considers money as a tool for modern ranking and ranking management. This is both a lot and a little. A lot, because it is difficult to correspond to a large amount of money, you really need to have a high rank in the modern skin world, which is not easy for our understanding and mentality. And it is not enough, because it is just a tool - not a goal, not an overvalued idea, not an ethereal spirit that can be caused by rituals.

What to do? Money!

We need to do useful work, take a screwdriver or chisel - and go ahead. The same is with money: there is a true desire to increase your well-being, and you will receive all the necessary properties for this: enterprise, adaptability, self-discipline, self-restraint, focus on results and - God help you, monetary success is guaranteed.


It's another matter if the desires of others, inspired by an insult to injustice. I want a car like Vasya's. Why does he have and I do not? This is someone else's desire, Vasino, and like any true desire it is provided for Vasya. There can be no justice, no leveling here - only an individual approach. You won't even be able to train yourself for Vasya's desire, no amount of success trainings will help.

Mindful of the urethral socialist merciful distribution, we sometimes forget that the citizens then worked "for a penny, but before blood" - for society. Because of this, a kind of common boiler was accumulated, from where everything was drawn due to shortages. Times are different now, but the principle is the same: out of nothing, something doesn't happen. To take from the common boiler, you need to bring your useful work there, and not be spiteful, lying on the couch, they say, these are shameless money-changers.

Bablorubophobia, a difficult legacy of the last century, does not allow thousands of our fellow citizens to develop to success in the modern skin formation. To get rid of it, you must:

1) understand and accept the nature of one's mental, be able to distinguish one's desires from those of others;

2) assimilate the essence of money as a ranking tool in the modern landscape;

3) to develop and be realized for the benefit of society in accordance with its natural task, receiving appropriate remuneration.


Often, we want money just because we do not see any other way to solve some of our internal problems. We are trying to compensate for the lack of happiness and pleasure with money. System-vector psychology helps each person to understand their natural predestination and determine what should be done to achieve their true deep and even unconscious desires. There is not a single desire in a person without providing him with a full set of properties necessary for the realization of this desire. The natural mosaic of our psychic is initially perfect, to follow it means to walk the path of endless pleasure for the sake of the highest happiness on earth - to be needed by people.