What The Training System-vector Psychology Gives

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What The Training System-vector Psychology Gives
What The Training System-vector Psychology Gives

Video: What The Training System-vector Psychology Gives

Video: What The Training System-vector Psychology Gives
Video: Что такое системно-векторная психология?! 2024, October

What does the training system-vector psychology give

In a few minutes, just looking at a person and exchanging a couple of phrases with him, to understand everything about the system of values of the one who is in front of us, about his desires and dreams, about his abilities and predispositions to something. Know what he is afraid of, how developed and realized he is, what are his sexual fantasies?

We turn to psychology and attend a variety of psychological courses not in order to entertain ourselves or gain new theoretical knowledge, which are often not applicable in real life. No one listens to lectures on psychology and does not seek new psychological trainings in order to occupy their time with something. We all turn to them, counting on a specific result. We want to understand what is happening around us, we want to see what are the causes of our failures and problems in relationships with others, we want to understand how to transform our life, change it. And most importantly, we want to receive real tools at a training or seminar in psychology in order to learn how to experience maximum pleasure from our life and avoid suffering, difficulties and disappointments.

There are a huge number of psychological developments that promise some kind of change, in fact, they only offer a number of recommendations in order to somehow patch up holes in failed stories, and the practical value of these tips remains questionable. Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" is not just information, it is an effective method of maximum realization of one's desires, it is a tool for achieving the goals and objectives set by each of us, this is a new thinking that transforms the life of any person into a completely different quality. And we begin to receive all this already during the cycle of free psychological lectures.

Every time we are surprised and cannot understand why people who are important to us do what we would never have done, do what we could never have expected of them. Sometimes it seems that everything would be given in order to know in advance what a person thinks about, what he really means when uttering certain phrases, is he honest, what are his true intentions and motives.

  • If only at the very first meeting we could see all the prospects and options for the development of our relations and knew in advance what to do in order for them to develop in the most desirable way for us.
  • If in a few minutes, just looking at a person and exchanging a couple of phrases with him, we could understand everything about the value system of the one who is in front of us, about his desires and dreams, about his abilities and predispositions to something. Know what he is afraid of, how developed and realized he is, what his sexual fantasies are.
  • In a word, to know more about any complete stranger than the people closest to him know. And even more than he knows about himself …

If at first glance, from the first words spoken, it was possible to understand what kind of spouse, business partner, friend he would be, what to expect from him, how he can act in a given situation, then how wonderful our life could be!

All this seems to be something completely impossible, even mystical. Indeed, until now, not a single psychology course, not numerous socially-oriented psychological trainings, or the fascinating various methods of esoteric training or psychological exercises in all their diversity have not made it possible to see even a hundredth part of all this. The latest trend in psychology gives one hundred percent guarantee that this knowledge will become available in 12 lessons. At the same time, such a statement, which is shocking in its seeming impossibility, that no one needs to take anything for granted - you can take three classes absolutely free of charge, which will allow you to get answers to a huge number of questions.

How does the training "System Vector Psychology" differ from other psychological trainings?

In classical psychology, there are a huge number of attempts to divide people and their characters into subtypes and somehow classify them. Sometimes some of the details and tendencies outlined in the proposed portraits can be traced in someone from friends or at home. There is a great desire to try to build a whole three-dimensional picture, adding these particulars. And it is then that we understand that a number of coincidences and guesses, on the basis of which a huge number of psychology courses have been developed, will not be able to bring at least some intelligibility into our understanding of what is happening and will leave open the questions, for the answers to which we turn to psychology. This is not surprising, because the sum of the particulars can never give the whole.

"System-vector psychology" proposes a division into eight measures - "vectors" - to form a three-dimensional view of the law, in accordance with which all life processes are arranged. Comprehension of this law begins with the study of the innate properties of each person, his predispositions, value systems and gradually turns into an understanding of interpersonal relations and interaction in the whole mental.

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How often do we hear inappropriate advice: "I would be in your place …" How often we ourselves with reproach and pain turn to our loved ones: "Well, can’t you, like him?.. He would never have done this …"

How many times have we tried to banish thoughts that arise again and again apart from our desire: “Why can't I achieve what he is? Why was he lucky? Why not me?"

How sometimes our reactions are similar to completely different events: “Why can't he live like me? I can't understand how he could … Why can't he understand me? Why can't I understand? I didn't expect this from him! I myself did not expect …"

Circumstances, situations, events replace each other, as in a kaleidoscope. Life changes and takes on new forms. We are trying our best to keep up with her, and these questions remain. And we are all just as bewildered and helpless trying to find the cherished answers in the experience of past years, in the advice of those who seem more successful, in all the new books on psychology. Only there these answers cannot be found. No matter how significant one's own experience is, it will not help to understand someone else's perception of the world, someone else's values and desires. And that is why the most sincere advice from wiser and more successful people will never help you - a person with other innate properties.

We tend to perceive everything that happens around us through ourselves: through our own ideas about good and bad, through consonant priorities and life values. Therefore, the actions of others often seem illogical and devoid of any meaning, because in these situations we would have behaved completely differently. Yes, and your own manifestations sometimes make you wonder and not recognize yourself. But after all, something guides each person, something determines his desires, which form certain thoughts that have found expression precisely in these actions. Something lives on for them. Just like us. To understand what exactly, to interact with him, and not with the person himself, who cannot even explain to himself why he acts this way and not otherwise - this is what system-vector psychology teaches. Teaches you to understand each person not through yourself,but through his own value systems, through his purpose, through the meanings that live for them.

Are all women really like that? Are all men really like that? Is this really my baby? For example, I was not like that …

Whatever our experience is, it remains only a subjective perception of past events. Experience does not help to prevent mistakes and disappointments, because behind it we do not see the whole, we do not see the situation in volume, we do not understand why something happened exactly like this and not otherwise. That is why, over and over again, we find ourselves in circumstances that are not in our favor and seem unfair. We can try to defend ourselves with distrust and think that this will save us from new disappointments, but this does not help - we do not let those who are dear to us close, while deception and betrayal by themselves find an opportunity to sneak into our lives.

Our psychological training does not just offer information to be taken into account, which can or may not be applied in life. After completing the training, you learn to be aware of unconscious processes and automatically live differently - the training forms a new thinking, a new understanding of everything that happens to us in life.

At an early age, we learn to read by folding letters into simple words. Now, reading fiction and scientific literature, we do not think about which syllables form combinations of sounds, we do not even notice them, because we have long ceased to distinguish letters and have begun to understand the meaning of what is written. The same thing begins to happen with our thinking in the course of training in psychology - we stop paying attention to meaningless rational explanations behind which we hide the true motives of our actions, we begin to read the meanings that live on us.

To complete the training "System-Vector Psychology" means finally to stop existing in the chaos of incomprehensible events, actions and unfair situations that did not develop in our favor, contrary to all forecasts and expectations. The training allows you to understand yourself and others through the true laws of the world order, and not through the prism of your own ideas and private experience. Our courses in psychology provide an opportunity to begin to fully interact with others, stopping turning to the most meaningless refrain: "Here, for example, I …."

Why does each of us need to undergo Yuri Burlan's training?

I want to be happy - why can't I get it? I want to be happy - why can't I do it? I want to be happy! - Why doesn't God hear me?

At the training "System-vector psychology" you will learn not only to interact with the unconscious of others, but also remember and feel your own desires, which means you will understand how to use the tools originally laid down in you for their optimal implementation.

We often remember childhood as the happiest time in life. This seems surprising, because now we have everything we dreamed of then: the ability to make decisions on our own, complete freedom in choosing our own path. Now no one interferes with our desires and does not limit them, and for some reason the feeling of helplessness in front of life is felt especially acutely. Over time, we stop feeling our desires - those that we intuitively felt in childhood, followed by, filling them, getting pleasure from it. Someone continued to follow the path set by nature, which means he managed to realize himself and achieve success in what he was doing, because at birth we receive not only talent and a desire to do something, but also all the necessary properties to realize this desire.

Of course, not all of us are doing what we would like to do. We have a desire and a tool for getting it, but its realization cannot be set one hundred percent. Indeed, more often, choosing our path, we accept the values imposed by the family or society, devoting our lives to completely different things in which we can fully realize ourselves. Whatever happens in your life, right now is the best time to understand yourself, your desires, realize your potential and maximize it - and therefore get more joy from everything that happens to you.

Why don't they understand me - are they my parents? How can they not understand me - they are my parents? Don't they understand me - they are my parents!

That is why it is so important to correctly determine what kind of potential is inherent in your child, and not try to realize your own ambitions through him, doing everything that seems to you the most right. Invest all your love, and in the end get reproaches, spoiled relationships and another unhappy person who does not live his life.

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After completing the training "System-Vector Psychology", you will be able to develop talents and properties specified for your child from the very childhood. How much more favorable your relationship will be when he grows up. And how much greater success and greater realization can a person achieve who from the very beginning of the path goes in the right direction, and does not wander along the dark winding paths of his own destiny, groping his way, falling and breaking his knees. At each lesson, Yuri Burlan always pays attention to the upbringing of children and adolescents. And each participant has the opportunity to ask their own question using the chat.

I want love! I want to love! I want to be loved! I want to! I want to! I want to! Why doesn't God hear me?

We dream of the happiness of love and the opportunity to share this feeling with the most beautiful person we can imagine. We are waiting for this as the greatest gift that life has promised us. We wait and try not to notice disappointments and failed stories - those that for some reason ended in experiences, longing and pain, those that were just an accident, meaningless episodes on the way to something completely different. To something worth living for. To the fact that one day it will illuminate our life and will never leave it. To what happens to others. To the fact that, for some inexplicable reason, bypasses us.

There are no accidents. All the disappointments that settle in our thoughts as a difficult and sad experience that will not help in any way in a new relationship; all partings and unrequited feelings that we eventually seal in stamps in order to indiscriminately put them on new opportunities and meetings - all this is only the result of our thoughts, actions and decisions. Heaven will not send us a magical gift, but we ourselves can build a harmonious and happy relationship with the person we need.

To do this, you do not need to wait for the stars to develop somehow in a special way - it is enough to simply understand yourself and your desires, understand what kind of person you really need, understand how to recognize him, how to interest him. Do not hope for a chance, again and again giving all of yourself to someone who will never appreciate it. Do not wander through each new relationship blindly, not understanding where each next step leads, but consciously develop exactly the scenario that you yourself think is right and with the person you really need. You will decide for yourself how best to apply new knowledge in your life: whether by building a relationship with a new person or breathing life into those that have ceased to bring joy and a feeling of happiness.

This is the only training in psychology, the results of which change the quality of your life. Instead of the recommendations offered by various trainings for health, success, making money, you get real tools that will help you realize yourself: find your unique path in this world, create exactly those relationships in a couple that you have dreamed of all your life, answer the most important questions, to which no one has had any answers so far.
