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To begin with, I want to note, in order to avoid misunderstandings, that any baboon can be taught a foreign language at the level of everyday communication. But in this article I want to talk about those children and adults who have a special ability to be fluent in foreign languages.
Today the world is becoming global, we are all connected. If earlier bird flu in some China would hardly have aroused the interest of someone other than virologists, today the whole world shudders with horror from such news. All bad, as well as good, instantly spreads across our blue planet. And although everyone today is a person and individuality, we are all in an indisputable dependence on each other.
In the anal (historical) phase of the development of civilization, people were divided into families, then into nationalities and peoples. Each group has created its own unique culture and traditions, of which, of course, language is a part. Today we have entered the dermal phase of development, and we no longer need such a separation. More precisely, on the contrary, it became necessary for the Chinese to understand the American, and the Australian - the Russian. If earlier only privileged classes made sense to learn foreign languages, today it is a universal necessity. It is difficult to find a job that does not require knowledge of at least English. Now it is taught in schools from the first grade, and, of course, every parent today strives to ensure that his child knows as many languages as possible.

To begin with, I want to note, in order to avoid misunderstandings, that any baboon can be taught a foreign language at the level of everyday communication. But in this article I want to talk about those children and adults who have a special ability to be fluent in foreign languages. When it comes to education, the accumulation of knowledge, there are always three vectors involved: sound, visual and anal. Of course, the presence of these vectors does not mean that a person will be a brilliant linguist and polyglot. First, parents should set this direction in the development of their child, and secondly, appropriate landscape conditions should be created. Thus, an anal-sound-visual person - a genius linguist in potential - can choose completely different areas of activity, for example, programming or cardiac surgery.
The presence and combination of extroverted or introverted vectors in one person plays an important role in choosing a profession. And, of course, such a difficult matter as learning a foreign language is often preferred by people who are at least partially extroverted. Naturally, with a great desire and small opportunities, you can acquire some knowledge while sitting at home with a self-instruction manual, but to acquire the skills of free communication, first of all, contact with people is necessary. So, anality in itself is just a good base to help the upper vectors in learning languages. Yes, they are able to memorize words in batches, yes, they read a lot, yes, everything is systematically arranged on the shelves, but the language requires a flight of thought, lightness, and not mechanical folding of words. And, of course, the famous perseverance of anal sexes should be especially noted,allowing you to take everything "in one place" - that is, for years to hone vocabulary and grammar, achieving maximum effect.
People with a sound vector have a special ability to perceive any language. However, if the sound was traumatized in childhood, they may also have the greatest difficulty in learning it. Sounds focus on the other side of the eardrum, trying to hear a disturbing sound. For them, speech is also sounds, and they get great pleasure in the auditory sensor, catching vibrations. Moreover, it is precisely the sound people who feel their inner states more subtly and deeply than anyone else, they are in constant unconscious search for the designation of their unconscious states, and this is what makes them the first who know the Word best of all, feel it better than anyone. This also applies to the foreign word, which in potential endows the sound engineer with the highest ability to master foreign speech. They easily begin to speak without an accent and perceive foreign speech as their own. But it is not enough for them to just know the language. They look for deep meanings in it, penetrating into structure, grammar, lexicology, stylistics, etc. Sound scientists are the creators of numerous sciences about language and word, the study of which with blood and sweat is given today to students of philological universities.

If the bottom is skin, then the sound engineer prefers to be an interpreter. The skin, an extroverted vector, needs movement and live communication, the practical application of knowledge. Anal sound specialists are complete introverts who love the solitude and peace of their native nest, on the contrary, they tend to become translators.
Spectators have excellent visual memory and, as a rule, they have the most beautiful, lively and imaginative speech. A skin-visual person easily perceives a sound word, feels well the rhythm of the language. He learns the easiest and fastest way to communicate in the local language when moving abroad - due to the adaptability of his skin, the ability of vision to imitate and general extroversion, but he will most likely speak with an accent and not master the language as masterly as a person with sound.
A sound-visual person is a translator with a capital letter, since he carries the qualities and properties of both of these vectors. Such people are usually credited with outstanding abilities in linguistics, it is they who turn the literary translation of classical poetry or prose into a real independent masterpiece.
Thus, in the field of linguistic communications, the implementation of sound and vision today, first of all, provides humanity with the most important connecting channel, which is in demand in our global world as never before.