Oskar Schindler. List of the righteous
He was rich, loved luxury, cars and women, got everything he wanted from life, and nothing could stop him, not even war. Having entered Poland together with the occupation troops, the successful businessman, player, race car driver and adventurer Oskar Schindler not only acquired the factory profitably, but also provided himself with cheap labor - Jews destined for destruction.

He was rich, loved luxury, cars and women, got everything he wanted from life, and nothing could stop him, not even war. Having entered Poland together with the occupation troops, the successful businessman, player, race car driver and adventurer Oskar Schindler not only acquired the factory profitably, but also provided himself with cheap labor - Jews destined for destruction.
He could kill any of them himself, the weak, the sick, the crippled, the unfit for work, and immediately get an unlimited amount of fresh labor. Instead, Oskar Schindler gave life to 1,200 Jews for some reason. He paid for these lives by giving all his savings, about 3 million marks. Oskar Schindler spent the rest of his days in poverty and obscurity. Only those who were saved by him supported Oscar, and when he died, the faithful Jews carried a coffin with a Catholic cross and the body of their Savior - a German.
The Jews called Oskar Schindler "Daddy Courage". One had to have a rare courage to do business the way he did. Bribing the administration of a concentration camp, forging documents, bluffing outright were a matter of incredible risk. Only Oscar was not used to losing, he always had to be the first in everything, so his mother, who adored her son, taught him, and numerous beauties from whom Oscar did not know refusal confirmed him.
It is hardly possible to explain logically how a member of the NSDAP, a successful industrialist, and finally a “true Aryan” became the defender and deliverer of the persecuted people, “subhumans” subject to total destruction. To understand that such behavior was the only possible one for Oskar Schindler is possible only by relying on the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology".
Of the eight vectors that make up the matrix of the mental unconscious, only one is initially directed by nature towards bestowal. This is the urethral vector of the leader of the pack. There are few carriers of the urethral vector, but their lives remain in people's memory for a long time, of course, if the urethral leader is lucky enough to find his flock and take his rightful place in it. Oskar Schindler was lucky, and with him and his employees, who were called "Schindler's Jews".
One of the women who survived in Auschwitz recalls: “We, young girls, were herded into the shower, a German came in in a white coat and began to place us right and left. It was Mengele, the sadistic executioner. Horror fettered everyone. And then something happened. Someone said they were Schindler's Jews. Mengele is gone. What stopped the killer doctor? Some eccentric factory owner who has a fad for her workers?

Of course not. Mengele was frightened of the incomprehensible, the opposite of him in the psychic, something to which he himself unsuccessfully directed his vile thoughts, was frightened of the true power over people, which does not need to be proved, because it was given from birth to 5% of the elect, and not to a gang of impostors who call themselves "the highest race."
There are cases when Oskar Schindler was able to turn back the sealed wagons with prisoners already assigned to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. One of these episodes was included in Steven Spielberg's film Schindler's List. An incrediblet of persuasion, perseverance and self-righteousness allowed Schindler to achieve the impossible.
The workers idolized him. How many people in Schindler's place would have reveled in unlimited power! Like Amon Goeth, for example, the camp commandant, a crazy anal-dermal degenerate sound specialist who believed that the Jews should reimburse the costs of their destruction, and who loved to personally shoot people. It was Oscar who was trying to explain to him what is the difference between true power and a maniacal desire for it.

True power, according to Schindler, is, seeing the weaknesses of people, not to punish, but to forgive them. Mercy is the hallmark of the urethral vector. We are used to interpreting this concept broadly as benevolence, compassion, pity. Mercy in the strict sense of this word is neither pity nor compassion. Mercy is absolute bestowal as a derivative of the absolute power of the leader of the pack. To have the power to kill, but to give life, to have mercy from the whole boundless urethral heart.
The mercy of the leader does not need gratitude (the scene with the one-armed worker in the film). Recoil is the natural state of the urethra and the only way it can exist. "Do not mention it". Without lying, these words can only be pronounced by a person with a urethral vector. The only natural “gratitude” for mercy is pleasure from bestowal, so strong that a person who has cognized it will never confuse this pleasure with any other pleasure.
A person needs three things in life: a good doctor, an indulgent priest, and a smart accountant. The first two were almost of no use to me, but here is the third … One of the most interesting scenes of the film is where Oskar Schindler, at the last minute before departure, snatches his manager, Yitzhak Stern, from the death row. Stern asks to forgive him, he forgot his document, that's why he got caught by the ubiquitous Nazis. Oscar in response: "If I was late, what would happen to me!" It would seem, well, what would happen to him? Never mind! Is it hard to find people who run a factory like Stern? Obviously, Schindler would easily have found a replacement for Stern as an accountant.
Knowing the structure of the systemic flock, it is safe to say: Itzhak Stern was not just Schindler's manager, he was his olfactory advisor. The loss of an advisor for a leader is tantamount to the loss of a head. It is these subconscious meanings that Schindler voices with the words “What would have happened to me!”, That is, with all the “Schindler's Jews,” with the flock.

The leader identifies himself with the pack. He cannot exist outside the pack. The loss of members of the pack is tantamount to the loss of body parts for the leader, which is why he tirelessly cares about the integrity of his pack, giving to all its members due to lack. The main lack of people in mortal danger is life, and Schindler provides "his Jews" with this lack with all the passion of a four-dimensional libido directed towards bestowal.
The olfactory advisor is the quintessence of the power of receiving, its task is to survive at all costs. You can only survive in a flock, and Stern saves his flock with all his might. Only he knows what is needed to survive, makes lists, falsifies documents, arranges for the disabled and old people to go to the factory. It is interesting to trace how Stern's attitude towards Schindler changes throughout the film from absolute distrust and aloofness to full acceptance of the Oscar as the only possible guarantor of survival.
From the point of view of any other vector, Oskar Schindler is doing the impossible. Through himself - he acts in the only possible way. Here is what he writes: “I did not take all actions as a gambler and not because it was necessary, I acted like a rich man who is obsessed with everything that is worth living for. I tried my best to complete a task before which a skeptic or a lazy person would retreat. Truly, in those conditions absolutely unthinkable for us, only a naturallyted urethral leader, obsessed with giving back to shortages, could do this. With his life, Oscar proved that Nazism could be fought.

After the brutal beating of workers by the camp guards, Oscar promised the people that this would not happen again and made sure that the guards were not allowed to enter the factory. He spent nights at the workplace, because only here he could, if necessary, protect his people. When the company was transferred to the Sudetenland, three hundred women workers of Schindler ended up in Auschwitz. They were doomed to die. Oscar ordered his secretary to go to the camp and bring the women, and if it doesn't work out, then sleep with the camp authorities and bring them anyway.
Perhaps this is a legend, and Schindler had, as on other times, to pay for the lives of his flock members with hard currency. It is important that this could very well be. Schindler's women adored and were ready for anything for him. As forts to the camp authorities, Schindler paid 175,000 marks for his people only to Amon Götu alone, not counting countless gifts from watches to cars. "He was all of us - father, mother, faith," say the survivors, because they still call themselves, their children and grandchildren "Schindler's Jews." Oscar gave life to hundreds of thousands, and his life outside the pack lost all meaning for him.
After the war, Oskar Schindler fled to Argentina, then returned to Germany, but he did not manage to do business as brilliantly as before, no one wanted to deal with him. Then Schindler moved to Switzerland. He could not find himself anywhere. Schindler traveled several times to Israel, where he was awarded the title "Righteous Among the Nations", spoke to young people, and planted a tree on the Avenue of Justice in Jerusalem.
The saved people accepted their savior with great love. However, by and large the pack no longer needed a leader, and Oscar passed. Severe kidney disease struck him. Friends could only guess how serious the situation was. Nobody believed that "daddy Courage" could be sick. Doctors insisted on surgery, but after anesthesia, the urethral leader of the Jewish people, Oskar Schindler, did not wake up. He did everything he could on this earth.

Today in the world 24 thousand people bear the honorary title "Righteous Among the Nations". They all saved people, risking their lives and demanding nothing in return, many have their own list of those saved, albeit not as significant as Oskar Schindler's list. A variety of people, believers and atheists, peasants and townspeople, people of different nationalities and characters, they were able to put the grief of other people above their own well-being. And these are only cases that became known to the commission, and how many rescued will never be able to tell the world about the people who selflessly provided them with shelter, food and safety, despite the threat to their lives and those of their loved ones? How many people still consider their help to Jews during the war years a family matter and do not see the point in talking about it?
280 people, of which 35 are children from two to twelve years old, the rest are old men and women, were gathered in the forests by the commander of the partisan detachment Nikolai Kiselyov and led them beyond the front line. It was necessary to go at night, through German patrols. The detachment overcame several hundred kilometers through forests and swamps, 218 people reached the mainland. Nikolai was 25, next to him was his faithful combat friend Anna, with whom they lived a happy life after the war. They did not like to remember all the horrors of that campaign and did not consider it a feat. The people they saved in the film "Kiselev's List" recall the "Righteous Among the Nations" Nikolai and Anna Kiselyov.
Among the "Righteous", about whom Esquire magazine spoke not so long ago, Isabella Dudina-Obraztsova from Kursk, a beautiful woman, a dashing horsewoman, a laughing woman. During the war, the 11-year-old fearless Belka took 30 wounded from a military hospital, hiding them in the hay. “The Jews were strangers to me, but how could they not have saved them?” Isabella Nikolaevna wonders. Now this beautiful, despite her age, thin woman is not needed by anyone. Only the Jewish committee helps her.
As a boy, the artist Mikhail Zirchenko “straightened out” forged documents for 32 Jewish refugees. He carved two-headed eagle seals from potatoes. Avraamov wrote with Aleksey, Jews as Russians. Perseverance and diligence, keen eyes and golden hands of the boy gave life to people. As a result, all Jews were saved in Mikhail's native village.
The Romanov family hid their daughter's classmates during the entire period of the occupation in their village house, the Lukashenka family hid a Jewish family in a city apartment, fearing not only Germans, but also "good people" who denounce everyone for any suspicious sneeze, children's crying and the sound of water in after hours. People were hidden in toilets, closets, pits, under beds, risking their lives, getting them food, when they themselves had nothing to eat, they risked their lives every minute.
Many people remember the advertisements posted throughout the occupation zone: "Who will save a Jew or a Jew - the shooting of the whole family!" And still they saved. They showed fantastic ingenuity, applied golden hands and bright heads for the sake of saving "strangers". Did these people think about fear? Differently. Someone deliberately overcame fear, and someone, like the peasant woman Anastasia Yakovlevna Ulyanova, quietly sent the fascists to one popular place.
From those events we are separated by some 70 years, one human life. Is it enough to realize your essence and the fact that man was created for the pleasure of bestowal, and not for the scanty pleasure of consuming into oneself? In the modern skin phase of the development of society, we increasingly feel the fetters of selfishness on ourselves: I, me, mine. Dislike eats away at our hearts, cripples our souls. No laws and regulations can force a person to be bestowing, merciful. Each vector in the eight-dimensional matrix of the psychic is intended ultimately to work outward, to the flock, society, “others”. Only a systemic knowledge of the laws of the psychic unconscious will allow us to get out of spiritual collapse. The tool of such knowledge is the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.